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The 85 best famous phrases of Will Smith

When we talk about Will Smith, we also talk about a long and chameleonic career in Hollywood We have grown up with, from his iconic role in 'The Prince of Bel Air', 'Man in black', as a brave soldier in 'Independence day' or as a fighting man in 'In pursuit of happiness'.

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Great Iconic Will Smith Quotes

But this actor and singer not only focuses on his work, but he is also known for his empathy, commitment and values, which you can see throughout this compilation of the 85 best famous quotes by Will Smith about life.

1. When you create art the world has to wait.

Focus on specializing in what you like to do the most.

2. Smiling is the best way you have to face your problems, to squash your fears and hide your pain.

Smiling can be a reflection of both your positive and negative mood.

3. Let your smile change the world. Don't let the world change your smile.

Sometimes you have to turn a deaf ear to hurtful comments.

4. We spend money we don't have, on things we don't need, to impress people that we don't care.

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A reality that many of us fall into.

5. If you are absent during my struggle, don't expect to be present during my success.

True friends are with you during your worst moments.

6. In life, some people will make you angry, fail you about it, and treat you badly. Let God deal with what they do, because the hatred in your heart will consume you too.

We must learn not to not care what others say.

7. Greatness is not that wonderful, esoteric, elusive, divine quality that only "the specials" among us will ever savor. You know, it's something that exists within all of us.

We all have the potential to be great, we just have to exploit it.

8. There is no reason to have a plan B, because it distracts you from plan A.

Would you risk everything to go ahead with your plan A?

9. Money and success don't change people; they only amplify what is already there.

Greed brings out the worst in us.

10. My grandmother always said, "If you're going to be here, you have a responsibility to make a difference." She instilled responsibility, spiritual responsibility, to make all the people who come across me, become better.

Make a difference, especially if you don't like the way things are going.

11. Don't chase people. Be yourself, do your thing and work hard.

There is no need to be someone else and can be the best version of yourself.

12. I know who I am and I know what I believe in and that's all I need to know. So from that you do what you need to do.

To get ahead you have to believe in ourselves and what we can do.

13. Sometimes you will have to forget what is gone, appreciate what you still have, and look forward to what is to come.

Cry over your loss, but don't get stuck in it.

14. People who only show up when you have money or success are not worth it.

They are only interested in what you have and not who you are.

15. I wake up every day believing that today will be a better day than yesterday.

We should all wake up with this attitude.

16. It is very simple: "This is what I believe and I am willing to die for it." Point. As simple as that.

Defend your ideals.

17. Look for those that fan your flame.

Surround yourself with those who encourage you instead of criticizing you.

18. If you are not making someone else's life better, you are wasting your time. Your life improves by making someone else's life better.

Helping someone else brings a very valuable internal reward.

19. God placed the best things on the other side of terror. On the other side of fear are the best things in life.

To appreciate the good we have, it is important to go through dark moments.

20. Whatever your dream is, every extra penny you have should go to this one.

Investing in your dreams will lead you to success.

21. It is very possible that I have reached my peak. I mean, I just can't imagine what else I could do beyond this. It's really a bittersweet feeling.

When you reach your goal and have no more aspirations, you can feel frustrated.

22. The most valuable things in my life I did not learn in school.

The school only educates us in general topics. The rest depends on our account.

23. The first step is to say that you can do it.

To do something you have to believe that you can achieve it.

24. Being realistic is the surest path to mediocrity.

Sometimes being realistic is mixed with being fatalistic.

25. What I think happens is that we make the situation more complicated than it has to be. It can't be that easy!

Not always a problem is as serious as we imagine it in our mind.

26. 99% is the same as zero. If you're going to do 99%, go and stay home.

A tough lesson in giving 100 percent all the time.

27. Being raised with false affection is something that must end now.

Raising without love is the same as contempt.

28. Traditional education is based on facts, figures, and passing tests; not in an understanding of the teachings and their application to life.

Traditional education is not enough to train successful people.

29. In my mind I was always a Hollywood star. You just didn't know it yet.

Always believe that you are what you dream of being in the future.

30. I have trained myself to illuminate the things in my personality that are pleasant and to hide and protect the things that are less pleasant.

Reinforce your strengths and work to eliminate your weaknesses.

31. I am not joking. I just look at the government and report the facts.

Humor is an excellent way to criticize the bad work of a government.

32. To achieve difficult things you have to do them step by step and it is not possible for you to start if you do not believe that it is possible.

Complex goals must be divided into small objectives to achieve.

33. It is not realistic to walk into a room, press a button and have a light. It is not realistic. Fortunately Edison did not think so.

The things you want will not come unless you work for it.

34. The difference between talent and ability is one of the worst understood concepts for people who are trying to excel, who have dreams, who want to do things.

There are people who have natural talents but this does not guarantee success.

35. Living is living to the fullest.

There is no other way to enjoy life.

36. Life is not about the number of times we breathe, but the number of moments that take our breath away.

That ability to surprise us keeps us alive.

37. Never steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must steal, steal time from bad company. If you cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away.

A great way to use these negative qualities.

38. Fear is not real. It is a product of the thoughts that you create.

Many times that which we fear only exists in our mind.

39. Stop allowing people who do so little for you to control your mind, your feelings, and your emotions so much.

It is difficult, but you have to overcome destructive criticism and do not let it affect you.

40. Never let anyone tell you that you can't do something. If you have a dream, you have to protect it.

If you can imagine it and find the way to make it happen, why wouldn't you?

41. If you don't fight for what you want, don't cry for what you lost.

Don't complain about something you never wanted to work towards.

42. The talent you have it naturally. Skill only develops through hours and hours and hours of dedication to your activity.

To make your talent stand out, you need to work on it every day.

43. I hate being afraid to do something and I think what developed in my early days was the attitude that I started attacking the things that I was afraid of.

Fear leads us to do acts that we later regret.

44. Look at your 5 closest friends. Those 5 friends are what you are. If you don't like who you are, then you know what to do.

Your friends are for what you attract.

45. I want the world to be better because I was here.

Everyone can do their bit to help the world.

46. Do not misunderstand. The danger is very real. But fear is an option.

We can fear something but not let fear control us.

47. We all want to be in love and find that person who is going to love us no matter how they smell. our feet, no matter how angry we get some day, no matter the things we say we don't want say.

We all dream of having that special someone by our side.

48. If you really appreciate your dreams go for them regardless of the opinion of others.

To achieve our goals, sometimes we must put aside certain people who only bring negativity.

49. Never underestimate a person's pain, because when push comes to shove, we are all struggling. Some are simply better at hiding it than others.

Everyone has their own internal struggle and you must respect that.

50. While others sleep I am working, while others eat I am working.

Create your own work routine.

51. I have seen myself slightly above average in talent. And where I excel is a disgusting and unhealthy work ethic.

Work ethic is very important, as it speaks well or badly of us and can open or close many doors for us.

52.10 Ways to love: Listen; speak; give; pray; answer; to share; to enjoy; trust; forgive; promise.

Have you loved in any of these ways?

53. You can cry, there is no shame in that.

What's wrong with crying?

54. You may be more talented than me, you may be smarter than me, but if we get on a treadmill together, there are two options: Either you get off first or I'm going to die. It's that easy.

Do not be intimidated by people who have more experience than you, on the contrary, use their wisdom to improve.

55. Don't ever tell me there is something you can't do. You don't try to build a wall, you don't go out to build a wall.

When we say 'I can't do this' we limit ourselves.

56. I have a great time with my life and I want to share it with others.

Sharing your happiness with your loved ones multiplies your well-being.

57. If it was something I was really committed to, I think there is nothing that could stop me from becoming the President of the United States.

Your commitment is everything to move forward.

58. Your talent will fail you if you are not trained, if you do not study, if you do not work really hard and dedicate yourself to being better every day you will never be able to dedicate your art to the people you love.

If you don't work and prepare, it will be useless to have a natural talent that you don't know how to take advantage of.

59. I want my life, my work, my family to mean something.

Make the things you have have great personal meaning.

60. If you are not willing to work hard, let someone else do it.

If you do not intend to collaborate, do not be a hindrance.

61. Everyone needs a partner who is by their side.

We cannot do everything on our own, we will always need support.

62. I love living and I think that can be contagious.

Good energies and thoughts are the best contagions.

63. You don't say "I'm going to build the biggest and most imposing wall that has ever been built", no, you don't start that way. You say "I'm going to lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can get" and you do it every day, soon you have a wall.

Things are not done all at once, but little by little.

64. We must always maintain a positive attitude and good vibes, without the problems of the world affecting us.

Having a positive attitude helps us to better solve problems.

65. I don't know what my calling is in my life, but I want to be here for a bigger purpose.

We all have a reason to exist.

66. I want to represent an idea, I want to represent possibilities, I want to represent the idea that you can really do whatever you want.

Be an example of inspiration to others.

67. I am a student of patterns. At heart, I am a physicist. I see everything in my life trying to find the single equation, the theory of everything.

Study the way the world moves so you can keep up with it.

68. I'd rather be with someone who does a horrible job, but gives 110% than someone who does a good job and gives 60%.

It's not always about results, but about the effort you put into it.

69. We are all ignorant, we just are on different issues.

We can't know everything and that's okay.

70. My talent is that I sacrifice myself.

Make your best feature your effort.

71. In black neighborhoods, everyone appreciated comedy about real life. In the white community, fantasy was more fun.

We all appreciate different things, even if it is the same element.

72. Don't let success go to your head, or let failure go to your heart.

A valuable lesson to ponder.

73. I strive to be like the greatest people who have ever lived.

Find someone to inspire you and take their examples of ups and downs.

74. I think there is a certain quality of "delirium" that all successful people have to have.

To be successful you have to give free rein to your imagination.

75. I realize that to have the level of success that I want, it is difficult to disperse. A desperate and obsessive focus is required.

Find the approach method that suits you best.

76. I am a student of world religion, so for me it is very important to have knowledge and understand what people are doing.

To know something about someone, it is necessary to know him and live with him.

77. The truth is the only thing that is always going to be constant.

The truth sooner or later comes out.

78. I started looking for jokes that were equally hilarious across the board, for totally different reasons.

In every difference there is a point that is similar.

79. You have to be humble when things are going well for you, and strong when you're going through a bad time.

Qualities that we must have in both scenarios.

80. I know how to learn anything I want to learn.

If you want to learn something, then find a way to do it.

81. You have to believe that something different from what has happened in the last 50 million years of history… you have to believe that something different can happen.

Staying with old thoughts will not move us forward.

82. You really have to focus with all your vibration, your heart, and your creativity.

You don't have to be so rigid in achieving your goal, you have to let your creativity flow.

83. Some men laugh at what they put girls through, but they don't laugh when they are wiping tears from their daughters' faces for the same reason.

Do not do to another what you would not like to be done to you or your loved ones.

84. If you stay smart, you don't have to prepare, and that's how I run my life.

Before you do something, prepare yourself for it.

85. Things will get ugly and sometimes you will want to give it all up, but it will make you the person you have to be and the person you want to be.

When we overcome a challenge that we believe is impossible, it makes us better.

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