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Skin types: find out which is yours and how to care for it

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Our face, a part of the body so typical of each one of us, is full of small details that make it specific, unique and particular; And if you are thinking only about the color of the eyes, the shape of the lips or the nose, you are leaving out something very important: your skin.

Our skin communicates and feels as much as any other part of us And that is why it is essential to care for and protect it, but did you know that there are different types of skin? Below we explain the characteristics of the 5 types of skin that exist so that you can define which is yours.

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All about the 5 types of facial skin that we can have

Beyond the tone of our skin or some spots or freckles that we may have from the sun, we can classify skin types into 4 groups, depending on the level of dryness or how oily be.

You should know that the type of skin that each one has, whether normal, dry, oily, mixed or sensitive, is genetically determined in us. However, the state in which our skin is currently can also be a consequence of external environmental factors or internal hormonal and metabolic changes. That is why sometimes it is not so easy for us to identify.

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In any case, learning to recognize your skin type is essential So that you can take care of it correctly, choose products that work well and that will not harm it, especially if you are already around 30 years old. Here we tell you everything.

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1. Dry Skin

It is the type of skin that can have a scaly and rough appearance, and that at times you feel that it pulls at you while you speak or while you smile, as if it does not move easily; You may also feel a little itchy.

Dry skins are those that produce less sebum than normal, so your skin lacks lipids (fats) that are responsible for retaining moisture so that your skin is hydrated and to form a protective barrier against substances in between environment. They are types of skin that lack elasticity, feel tight and are easily irritated.

If this is your skin type, you need to choose products for "dry skin" that provide the hydration it needs and restore its elasticity. In your case, the serum can be of great help applying it before the moisturizer.

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You should also make sure that you choose a cream with sun protection or always use one of these additionally, since your skin is easily irritated by weather changes and you need to keep it protected. Finally, do not forget to drink your 2 liters of water daily and consume plenty of fruits and vegetables.

2. Oily skin

In contrast to dry skin, this is one of the types of skin that is characterized by producing a little more sebum than is considered normal. Either due to hormonal fluctuations, stress or genetic predisposition, oily skin has a higher sebum production than it needs.

Check if you have shiny skin, if your pores look large and if you usually have a pimple, blackhead and impurities. If so, then your skin type is oily and you should choose specific products that are antibacterial and help improve the appearance of your skin.

Make sure to cleanse your face every day in the morning and at night, especially if you wear makeup, so that your pores don't get clogged. You can also give yourself a little extra help and pampering with an exfoliating mask once a week. By last, choose light creams that are mattifyingThis way you hydrate your skin while getting rid of shine.

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3. Mixed skin

Combination skin is one that mixes a little of the two previous skin types: dry skin and oily skin. This means that if you have a somewhat greasy shine and impurities or pimples in the T zone (front, nose and chin), but instead the skin on your cheeks looks dry or normal, then your skin type is mixed.

What you need to restore your skin's natural balance is choose products that are specifically for combination skin, as they have a special formulation to achieve this balance, especially the moisturizer. Do not forget to remove makeup and cleanse your face every day in the morning and at night and try to use warm water instead of cold or hot water.

4. Sensitive skin

This is the type of skin that is supremely sensitive to external factors such as dry air, heating, pollution, UV light or stress. The way to know if this is your skin type is by checking if when you are facing these factors your skin becomes red easily, loses elasticity quickly, feel tight or itchy because you have lost your balance.

If so, you need to give your skin special care that is soothing and that reinforces its protective barrier so that it can be more resistant to external factors.

What you should do is choose special products for sensitive skin, as a moisturizer that protects from external factors, and it will be essential for you to use sun protection every day whether there is sun or not.

For your cleansing routine, choose soft, fragrance-free products, such as micellar water, and when finished, dry your face with small touches and without much force. Avoid masks or products that are exfoliating, as these can do more damage to your skin.

5. Normal skin

The last of the skin types is normal skin and refers to the skin that are in balance: it is elastic, hydrated, soft, with small pores and with a slightly pinkish and luminous tone.

If this is your case, you are lucky, because the care is much simpler than that of other types of skin. In any case you should also care and hydrate your face to keep the skin always in balance. Make sure to cleanse your skin and remove make-up every day in the morning and at night, use sun protection and use moisturizer. You can include masks once a week or peels to give your skin extra care.

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