The 75 best phrases of Greta Thunberg
Youth have a powerful voice and there is no better example of this than to see the unstoppable activities of Greta Thunberg, a teenage environmental rights activist, whose main goal is to create not just a final consciousness, but certain acts that once and for all are done in order to combat change climate. Through her Fridays For Future movement, she not only voices the needs of the environment, but also provides a space for young people to be heard.
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Great quotes from Greta Thunberg
Let's know next, the best and crudest phrases of this adolescent activist that she is not afraid to say what she thinks.
1. We have been talking for thirty years and selling positive ideas. And I'm sorry, but it doesn't work. Because if it had been like that, emissions would have gone down, but they haven't.
A harsh criticism of the work against climate change that has not brought obvious improvements.
2. They are not mature enough to tell it like it is. Even that burden is left to us children.
Politicians are not always willing to admit their mistakes.
3. How dare they?
One of the most courageous and controversial questions of her directed towards world politicians.
4. I have Asperger syndrome and that means that I am a little different from the norm at times. And, given the right circumstances, being different is a super power.
What some call limitations are the strengths of others.
5. In Sweden, we have had a climate strike and we are building on the momentum, we are getting bigger.
This activist made a big move with little actions.
6. If we have a 67% chance to limit the temperature rise to 1.5 ºC, we have 420 left of gigatons of CO2 to emit in our carbon budget as of January 1, 2018.
We can see how she was prepared to argue and defend her point of view.
7. My Asperger makes me different and being different is a gift.
A great way to appreciate that feature of yours.
8. If your house were on fire, you would not say that you have the situation under control and you would leave the future living conditions of all species in the hands of inventions that have yet to be invented. You wouldn't waste your time arguing about taxes or Brexit. You would put your differences aside and begin to cooperate.
Phrase specifically directed as a criticism of MEPs.
9. Everything is wrong. How dare they come to us young people for hope?
Greta's biggest annoyance is that world leaders are not responsible for their acts against the environment.
10. Solving climate change is the greatest and most complex challenge homo sapiens has ever faced.
However, this is not impossible, it just takes teamwork.
11. I don't mind being popular, I care about climate justice and the living planet.
A young woman who does not seek attention, but to call for green life.
12. Our civilization is being sacrificed so that others have the opportunity to make large sums of money.
Without a doubt, the greatest damage to the environment is that from which industries profit.
13. I see things as white or black and crises too: so we stop emissions or we don't stop them.
The only way to help the planet is by taking radical action.
14. Unfortunately this does not translate into political action, but we continue to fight for this to change.
Although she is a great example of activism, it is politicians who have to take the first step to improve climate change.
15. How can you react to these figures without feeling at least some level of panic?
Many people underestimate the power of climate change.
16. It makes me think and see things outside the traditional framework. And I don't believe lies easily, I can see through those lies.
Referring to herself as a rational person.
17. You only talk about eternal green economic growth because you are too afraid of being unpopular.
Not all ecological actions are really pro-green, but rather an excuse to improve popularity.
18. I don't want you to have hope, I want you to panic.
Climate change who will eventually affect the most is humans.
19. The solution, however, is very simple, that even a young child could understand. We have to stop our greenhouse gas emissions.
This is the action that would start a real positive change for the environment.
20. Our house is on fire. I'm here to tell you that our home is on fire.
Greta has only one message to give: worry about her home.
21. I find it incredible that the people who are here to talk about climate change are arriving in private jets.
A great hypocrisy.
22. We are facing the sixth mass extinction and the rate of extinction is 10,000 times faster than normal.
Unfortunately, this is the fate that awaits us if we continue to do nothing.
23. I promised myself that I would do everything possible to change things.
With that promise in mind he managed to create the Fridays For Future movement.
24. Climate movements started in Uganda, but many do not join out of fear.
Stopping climate change represents losses for large industries.
25. How do you respond to the fact that basically nothing is being done without feeling some outrage? And how do you communicate this without sounding alarmist?
A question that no one knew or dared to answer.
26. If it had been like others, the school strike would not have started, I don't think I would have been so concerned about climate change.
A sign of how proud she is of her actions.
27. They just talk about going forward with the same bad ideas that got us into this mess, even when the only sensible thing to do is pull the emergency brake.
To save the environment you have to have novel actions.
28. I want you to feel the fear that I feel from day to day and then take action.
It's not just about being alarmed, but about using that as motivation to make a change.
29. If we have not completed the necessary changes by around 2030, we will likely unleash an irreversible chain reaction beyond human control.
The risk of not making drastic changes is that we will no longer be able to save our planet.
30. Erosion of fertile soil, deforestation of large forests, air pollution, loss of wildlife and insects, acidification of the oceans, are problems accelerated by a way of life that, in the richest part of the world, we see as a right.
We must be aware of the damage to the planet due to our modern life.
31. My asperger helps me not to believe lies.
One of the benefits of her Asperger's according to Greta.
32. I learned that we are never too young to make a difference.
Age is not an impediment to making a beneficial change.
33. We have a large number of activists and I believe that at the end of this fight we will have many more.
The more people join the change, the more chance the planet has to be saved.
34. This is not leadership. The policy that is needed does not exist today. Leaders don't behave like it's an emergency.
A harsh criticism that has managed to awaken the representatives to the reality that we are living.
35. We can't wait for people like me to grow up and be the ones in charge of everything; act now.
It is not about leaving everything in the hands of young people, but about including them in the change.
36. In the year 2078 I will celebrate my 75th birthday. If I have children, maybe they will spend that day with me. They may ask me about you. They may ask why you did nothing when there was still time to act.
The blame will only be on those in charge now.
37. They have stolen my childhood and my dreams with their empty words, but still I am one of the luckiest.
Talking about being a teenager who had to create a move that an adult should have made.
38. We will move to a point of no return that will be catastrophic.
In this case, there is no 'better late than never'.
39. Some people, some companies, know exactly what non-transferable securities they have sacrificed to continue producing unimaginable amounts of money. And I think many of you belong to that group.
Referring to the pollution acts of large companies.
40. When I can be a politician, it will be too late to act.
That is why we must begin to act now, so young people will not have that burden in the future.
41. It was hard for me to believe that human beings were capable of changing the Earth's climate.
An impossible action that became a terrible reality.
42. We know that many politicians don't want to talk to us, well, we don't want to talk to them either. We just want them to listen to the scientists, because we only repeat what they have been advocating for years.
It is in the hands of scientists that real change falls.
43. We've decided to clean up your trash, and we won't stop until we get it done.
A task that we must all focus on now.
44. You say that you love your children above all else, and yet you are stealing their future from them in front of your very eyes.
The only gifts that little ones really need and deserve is a world where they can live.
45. Today children and adolescents are fighting for ourselves.
It is an era where young people have a strong voice.
46. Until they start to focus on what really needs to be done, rather than what they think is politically possible, there will be no hope.
A great reality.
47. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing.
If the ecosystem dies, eventually we will too.
48. They are failing us, but young people are beginning to understand their betrayal.
Young people no longer buy that idea of green promise that does not bring good results.
49. There are many things that I want to dedicate myself to when I grow up.
We can almost guess that it will be a very promising future for this activist.
50. Politics seems very interesting to me and it is a way of making a difference, apart from this (acts of protest). But I insist: when I am old enough to become a politician, it will be too late.
Talking about her interest in becoming a politician.
51. Some may let things go, I can't.
What do you do to contribute to the environment?
52. They should not listen to me before someone else, I am a mere activist, I am part of a great movement.
She has a message to give, but she cannot change everything on her own.
53. I am just a small piece, we need more references in climate activism.
Greta knows that she alone will not make the necessary change, because she does not have the scientific tools to do so.
54. Many of our parents are busy discussing whether we have good grades, a new diet, or the end of Game of Thrones, while the planet burns.
Showing the disinterest of many adults in climate change.
55. We cannot solve a crisis without treating it as a crisis.
You have to give things the importance they deserve.
56. They say they listen to us and understand the urgency of the problem, but no matter how angry or sad I am, no I want to believe it because understanding the problem and not taking action on it would turn them into bad people of truth.
What's the use of listening if they won't do anything about it later?
57. There were people who told me that I should go to school to become a scientist capable of fighting climate change. But we already know the solutions. What we have to do is wake up and change.
That's the solution: take action.
58. Politicians have known about climate change for decades, but deliberately passed on the responsibility of our future at the hands of speculators whose quest for quick profits threatens none other than our existence.
Do you think this is totally true?
59. We have learned that if we do not act for our future, no one will take the first step. We are the ones we have been waiting for.
We must all be proactive with respect to caring for the environment.
60. If a few kids were able to get headlines around the world for not going to school, imagine what we could all do together if we really wanted to.
If nations put their personal interests aside, they could make a big positive change.
61. Do not ask questions only to me, also to my colleagues who are here.
Greta does not seek to be the center of attention. The responsibility is not only hers.
62. I really hope that COP25 is an occasion for politicians to do something in the face of the emergency, and that this is something that they cannot hide anymore.
A promise that we hope will be kept.
63. This is all wrong. I shouldn't be up here. I should be back at school, on the other side of the ocean.
It was amazing that a teenage girl was braver than everyone at that convention.
64. We need to keep fossil fuels underground, and we have to focus on equity.
If we take away nature, we must give it something in return.
65. The current statistics are simply not acceptable to us who have to live with their consequences.
Those who will be affected most severely by the change are the future generation.
66. I want you to listen to the scientists. And I want you to unite behind science. And then I want them to act.
It is not enough just to leave the burden to the scientists, it is about uniting all of us for the same cause.
67. Humans have a great capacity for adaptation (...). When we become aware (of danger), we act, we change.
We all have the ability to make a positive difference.
68. They've swept their mess under the rug for us to clean up.
A clear criticism of the little importance they have had for this problem.
69. I hope with all my heart that the Climate Summit will come to something concrete and that policy makers will realize the climate crisis.
Hopefully we can see effective solutions in the near future.
70. Change is what we young people ask for, and our voice is finally being heard. Therefore, they are desperate to try to silence us.
Once the change has started, it cannot be stopped.
71. And if it is so impossible to find solutions within the system, then maybe we should change the system.
Perhaps that is the definitive step to need.
72. If we continue like this, in eight and a half years, with today's emissions levels, the CO2 cushion that we have will disappear completely.
Speaking of the risk that we have close to our backs.
73. Please save the praise from her. We don't want them.
Greta does not seek to be applauded, but to be heard and taken into account.
74. I know they are trying, but not hard enough. I am sorry.
You have to try more and better.
75. Millions of people around the world marched and demanded real action against climate change. We show that we are united and that young people are unstoppable.
Thanks to Greta and her Fridays for Future movement, young people discovered their potential for change.