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How to lose weight (healthy and common sense)

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"Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar": this could be the motto (and the secret) of those who have managed to achieve their ideal weight while feeding sufficiently and completely, something very important to avoid creating problems for the body due to lack of nutrients.

So if what you are looking for is how to lose weight in a healthy way, act like the people who have already achieved it and stop looking for miracles; the key is to change your habits.

  • Related article: "10 foods that speed up metabolism and help you lose weight"

If you want to know how to lose weight, banish the false myths

Let's start at the beginning: suppose you want to take off some extra kilos that have been staying in your body (against your will) over time. The first thing you have to be is realistic and sensible; You cannot lose in a few days what you have been gaining over the months or years.

For those who are looking to lose weight accumulated in such a short time, we are sorry, because there are no magic formulas to make our fat reserves disappear in a very short time, so

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forget about the myths of losing many kilos in just a few days. Ask your common sense a question and answer yourself, do you think that if miracle diets worked there would be so many women dissatisfied with their weight trying a new one after another? No. That is the reality.

But do not be discouraged, because there is a way to lose weight, and we will explain it to you.

Slim People's Secret To Maintaining Their Weight

The key to people who are thin or within a normal BMI (body mass index), are not diets to lose weight quickly, actually, but a way of eating in which it is not necessary to live worrying about weight, calories and with 0% anxiety about any food.

And it is that the ideal if you are looking for how to lose weight is to choose a way of eating that allows you to enjoy while taking care of your body. If you succeed, think that your weight will also normalize without realizing it.

Without movement there is no diet to lose weight that works

Another thing that usually occurs among those who are thinner is physical activity; perhaps some of them will confess that they never step into a gym or practice any sport on a regular basis. But perhaps, if you could observe them during each passing moment of the day, you would discover that they are always very active. That is, they tend to move more than sedentary lifestyle, a fundamental point if you are looking for how to lose weight.

No need to go out for a half hour run every day to be able to start your engine burns fat, because it is enough that you incorporate regular and frequent movement into your way of facing each day. How? If you find it tedious to join a gym or take a daily walk after work, try to intersperse walking trips throughout the day. You can make journeys on foot taking advantage of the fact that you have to run an errand, get off one stop before the bus and continue to your destination on foot.

  • Related article: "5 ways to motivate yourself to exercise"

Also, break the habit of leverage when sitting at home (or elsewhere) and get up every now and then. Breaking that inertia activates your body and little by little you are incorporating that tendency to movement that we are talking about and with that your body will gradually change from being a sedentary person to that of a more active person (and yes, you notice the difference).

Staying active is essential to be in shape and at our ideal weight.
Staying active is essential to be in shape and at our ideal weight. Fountain:Unsplash

Our proposal of habits to lose weight

If you are convinced that you really want to get rid of the extra kilos, you have already taken from your ideas the possibility of wasting your time and effort trying a miracle diet and you are aware that the more you move the more you will burn, it is time to give you the guidelines that will make your idea of ​​how to lose weight a life plan with which you will stop starving, gaining weight and giving up your flavors favorites.

1. Avoid carbohydrates with a higher glycemic load until you reach your desired weight

And with that peculiar name we refer mainly to the group of complex carbohydrates, such as cereals (wheat, oats, corn ...) and all its derivatives (bread, couscous, flour, pasta ...), as well as legumes (chickpeas, lentils, bean…). Also in this group are potatoes, sweet potatoes, cooked carrots, peas, beets and some very sweet fruits such as grapes, bananas, melons and tropical fruits.

Needless to say, sweets (cakes, sugars ...) are not a good idea if what you are looking for is how to lose weight.

And because avoid consuming these foods until you reach your ideal weight? The reason is the following: when you want to start losing weight, to promote the consumption of fat stores that we have stored in the body, we must avoid giving large doses of the "fuel" that our body loves: glucose.

This sugar is found in a high concentration in this type of food. Therefore, if we restrict the entry of these products into our body, we will force it to draw on our reserves to obtain the energy it needs.

Does this mean that I will not have carbohydrates during this time? No, yes you will take them, but it will be resorting to those with the lowest glycemic load. So you have most of the leafy vegetables (lettuce, cabbage, broccoli), vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, tomato, asparagus), apples and red fruits (cherries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries).

2. Don't skip meals: eat, enjoy and lose weight

Many people try to skip meals as if by doing so they could compensate for the excesses of a previous one, and it is a big mistake. Why? Because prolonged fasts (that is, when we go too many hours without eating anything between meals) end up destabilizing our blood glucose levels, and those ups and downs are the ones that greatly promote storing more fat than if we didn't skip none.

Plan each meal of the day as something complete and that can provide you with the energy and nutrients you need (vitamins and minerals). Sit down to eat and do it calmly, chewing well and without haste. Savor every bite and enjoy the flavors of healthy food without wondering how many calories there are on each plate; Doing so denatures our sense of intuition and our ability to eat normally.

So if you're looking to really lose weight, feed yourself by rediscovering the pleasure of guilt-free eating, and fill up on normal amounts of healthy food.

3. Don't demonize fats. If they are healthy, consume them: you need them.

Nothing forbidding olive oil or counting teaspoon by teaspoon. Do you really think that they do people who are of normal weight? No way. You need to consume certain fats to lose yours, and olive oil is an excellent source.

Did you know that including a certain amount of fat in your meals would help your weight loss goal? So that's it. When you incorporate a little oil with other foods, digestion takes a little longer, and that makes the glucose from the food enter the body more slowly. And that is what we are looking for to achieve the right weight.

Oil yes, but like everything, in normal quantities. Common sense above all.

It is important not to skip any meals and to eat wisely.
It is important not to skip any meals and to eat wisely. Fountain:Unsplash

4. See every meal as an opportunity to get it right

If instead of looking for how to lose weight following Spartan diets (which make them difficult to maintain) you consider each meal as an opportunity to eat well, you will gradually reach your goal with the motivation to achieve it by reaching your small goals food by food.

When you look at it this way, because you take it as an eating plan for your life, not as a transitional diet, when a day, at a certain meal, you indulge yourself, you take it as something less dramatic and think that the next meal you will best. Take the test and you will see how by putting less pressure on yourself while you eat well and enough, it will be easier to maintain a healthy diet to lose weight over time.

And that is precisely the key to reaching your goal; do it slowly but surely.

5. Nothing to weigh food, use the eye meter

If you are looking to lose weight, it will be important to regain your ability to discern between what will help you stay at your weight and what will not. Therefore, consider a life in which you have to constantly weighing food is not going to help you to get it.

The difference is not going to eat a serving of meat of 150 or 200 grams. In fact, when you eat at a leisurely pace and in the context of a diet that is not restricted to a number of calories, it is your own body that alerts you when it is satiated. It is a problem when we fail to perceive the signals that our own body sends us, because it is the one that really knows when it is well.

Do not leave out meat and fish, great sources of protein.
Do not leave out meat and fish, great sources of protein. Fountain:Unsplash

6. You need to consume proteins of high biological value

And by that we mean those foods so high in protein that our body has the ability to take advantage of with great ease. The best sources in this sense are white and red meats (if they are from organic livestock, much better), eggs and white and blue fish.

We remind you to consume them because it is usual for diets to be relegated to a lesser place, when our protein intake depends on whether we can keep our muscles healthy (including the heart, don't forget) while we are losing weight.

Well, here is the proposal that we offer you on how to lose weight and be able to reach your ideal weight. There are few guidelines that you need to follow and these are easy habits to maintain. And that is the idea, that you can keep them without having a bad time for long enough, until you are happy. with your weight and to maintain it you can gradually reincorporate the rest of the foods that in principle we restricted.

Persevere and you will get it for sure. Remember, "who resists... wins." Courage, you can!

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