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8 dumbbell exercises to tone your arms at home

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The flaccidity in the arms is accentuated over the years. The good news is that, with the indicated routine, this problem disappears, leading to toned, slim and well-shaped arms.

To do it dumbbell exercises can be done without leaving home at any time of day. As long as there is perseverance and discipline, the results will be seen in a few months. In this way you can wear sleeveless clothes, it will not be a problem.

  • Attention! More exercises, but without dumbbells: "6 Arm Exercises: Tone Flabby Arms at Home"

Dumbbell exercises to tone your arms at home

The dumbbells should not be excessively heavy. At least at the beginning, it is not necessary that the weight be a lot to have better results, it is the repetition and accuracy of the movements that will help to reduce fat and tone the arms.

If you don't have dumbbells, that's no excuse. You can make some out of plastic bottles and fill them with enough water or soil to weigh one to two kilos each. To perform these exercises with dumbbells you only need will and discipline.

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1. Lateral shoulder raise

The lateral shoulder lift is a good start to tone your arms.. To perform this exercise you have to start standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your legs also slightly bent. It is important to keep your back straight and your abdomen contracted.

With a dumbbell in each hand and the arms at the sides of the body, making a slight flexion, rise until the elbows are at shoulder height while maintaining a 45º angle. Then you have to go down slowly and repeat. You have to repeat the movement 12 times and perform 3 series. It is important that a proper posture is maintained at all times.

2. Triceps

Triceps repetitions will end sagging. Start with your feet slightly apart and your knees slightly bent. The head should be straight, like the back, and facing forward. The abdomen must be firm and it is crucial to maintain adequate breathing throughout the routine.

The dumbbells must be held at shoulder height on each side of the body, forming a 90º angle. Later you have to fully extend your arms, bringing the dumbbells up. You have to go down and repeat everything at a smooth and slow pace. These dumbbell exercises should be performed 10-15 times in 3 sets.

3. Triceps extension

The triceps extension is a very efficient dumbbell exercise. For this routine it is required to start with a squat position, which requires more strength in the leg and abdomen, but if this is not possible or still involves too much effort, it can be done in a chair keeping your back straight and your legs at 90º.

A single dumbbell is held with both hands bringing it behind the head and the arms are fully extended upwards, held for two seconds and returned to the original position. This exercise must be repeated 10 times in series of 3. Ideally, as you gain more strength, switch the chair to the squat position.

4. Alternate biceps

Alternating biceps will allow you to have toned arms in no time. This exercise should also be done standing up. You have to keep your head steady and straight looking straight ahead. Your back should also be straight and straight, your feet slightly apart, your knees slightly bent, and your abdomen contracted.

With a dumbbell in each hand, start with your arms extended. One arm is raised in front of the body to bring the dumbbell toward the shoulder and lowered. The same is repeated with the other arm and each one alternates. It is recommended to perform three series of between 10 to 15 repetitions with a maximum weight of 2 kilograms.

5. Alternate front raises

Alternate front raises are a simple but very effective exercise. To begin with this exercise you have to stand with legs extended and feet at shoulder height. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, support yourself looking down and your arms extended in front of your body.

Alternately, each arm is brought up, leaving it parallel to the ground. It is lowered and the movement is repeated with the other arm. You have to perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions each. This exercise with dumbbells can also be done with an elastic band, applying the movements in the same way.

6. Pair of scissors

The repetitions in scissors in addition to toning the arms are a coordination exercise. Standing with your back straight as well as your head, keep your feet at shoulder height. You have to keep your arms extended to each side of the body with a dumbbell in each hand.

The exercise begins by bringing both arms to the front placing one above the other slightly crossed. Then they return to the original position and the routine is repeated, leaving the upper arm down, and so on until 15 repetitions are completed and 3 series are performed.

7. Triceps kick

The tricep kick is very effective for toning the arms. This routine of exercises with dumbbells to tone the arms, begins by positioning the legs slightly open and straight and leaning the trunk forward, the back should be almost parallel to the ground and completely straight like the head.

With the arms close to the body and making a 90º angle, a dumbbell is held in each hand. You have to bring both arms back fully extending and you have to hold that posture for about 2 seconds. It is then brought to the starting position and repeated 10 times in 3 series.

8. Lying biceps

A complementary exercise to tone the arms is the lying biceps. This is a simple but highly recommended exercise to complement your dumbbell workout routine. To do this, you must lie down on a firm and flat surface fully extended, with your feet together.

You have to take the dumbbells with each hand and raise the arms extending upwards from the body and then slowly lower to the sides but keeping each arm at a 45º angle. It is recommended to perform 15 repetitions in 3 series. Although this exercise is usual in dumbbells with a lot of weight, it is also effective with weights of up to 2 kg.

Bibliographic references

  • Blair SN. (1993). "1993 C.H. McCloy Research Lecture: physical activity, physical fitness, and health". Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 64 (4).
  • Colfer GR. (2004). "Skill-related physical fitness essential for sports success".

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