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25 original and funny cat names

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Cats are companion animals that fill us with life. Once your new pet arrives home, you must find the perfect name and familiarize him with it. Soon he will get used to it and will feel identified when you call him!

There are countless names for cats, some of which are very original and funny. It is always recommended that it be short, so in this list you will see names that do not exceed three syllables. There are tender, extravagant, moviegoers,... Find the one you are looking for!

25 original and funny cat names

To choose a name for your cat, it is best to choose one that you simply like.. It may be because of its originality or because it represents some special concept for you. Below you will find many original and fun names for your cat and surely there are many that will not leave you indifferent.

Finding that special name you are looking for is sometimes not easy. You can look at their personality, although remember that cats are famous for their independence. Sometimes they are somewhat indifferent to things, but when you get to know your cat well you realize how they show their affection (sometimes peculiar).

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1. Airing

Oreo is an ideal cat name for felines with black and white spots. If your kitten looks like a two-color cookie, this name can come in handy.

2. Ramses

You can name your cat Ramses after an Egyptian pharaoh. The Egyptians adored cats, and it might be a good idea to give them a name with this origin if you love them too.

3. Tom

If you enjoyed watching Tom and Jerry it might be a great choice to name your cat that way. Tom may be a classic cat name but… classics never die!

4. Delilah

Delilah was Freddy Mercury's favorite cat. The Queen singer was a cat lover, and he even wrote a song for Delilah.

5. Snow

If your cat is white, the name Snow will be perfect. This is one of the most widely used names for cats, but it is still ideal for white cats.

6. Salem

Salem is a city in North America where witch trials were held. Black cats have always been related to them, which is why Salem is perfect for a black cat.

7. Cucho

One member of the Don Gato or Top Cat gang was Cucho. You could name your cat after one of the most famous gang of cats. Plus, it sounds like a lot of fun!

8. Belly

Panza is another member of Don Gato's gang. It is a very funny name, surely every time you call your cat the people around you will smile at such an original name.

9. Kenji

A Japanese name like Kenji is pretty for a cat. In Japan they are great lovers of cats, and one of the cutest names is Kenji which means "healthy".

10. Mau

Mau is the Egyptian word for cat. It is ideal for a majestic cat such as those worshiped by the ancient Egyptians. It is also short and it seems that it is the sound of the cat meowing.

11. Cleo

Cleo is short for Cleopatra, the last queen of Egypt. You could choose to give it the full name, but Cleo looks great for being short and sticking with the Egyptian names.

12. Mustard

If your cat is mustard yellow it can be a great name. Although it is a bit long, it is not difficult to pronounce and it is also a fun name for a playful cat.

13. Ying and yang

If you are, you have a white cat and a black one. Ying and Yang are perfect names. Ying and yang are the symbol of harmony in Chinese philosophy, represented by black and white.

14. Cocoa

Cocoa is the perfect name for a Siamese cat. It is a short name and it suits the color of Siamese cats very well. Although if you like you can use it for a kitten of any color.

15. Fluff

Fluff is a very nice name for any cat. Especially for those with thick and fluffy fur. When they are little it is a name that gives a lot of tenderness.

16. Nugget

In the movie Coco, Pepita was Mamá Imelda's spiritual guide. The character is a cat that is actually a nahual, who are the spirit guides in the world of the dead.

17. Hee

Jiji is a cat from the film The Witch's Apprentice, by Hayao Miyazaki. In the spirit of Japanese cats, this name is short, funny and will always remind you of the cute cat from the movie.

18. Micifuz

You can call your cat Micifuz if you want a classic name. This name comes from the story of Lope de Vega "Gatomaquia" where Micifuz is one of the protagonists.

19. Simba

Simba is the ideal name for a cat who came to be the king of the house. This name is the one of the lion protagonist of The Lion King, and besides being nice he is an endearing character.

20. Meow tse tung

Miau Tse Tung was the name of one of the cats of the writer Carlos Monsiváis. Although it is very long, it is a very original and fun name for any cat with a great personality.

21. Azrael

This name is that of the cat that accompanies the evil Gargamel of the Smurfs. Although it is the name of a "villainous" cat, it can go very well with a mischievous and spoiled cat.

22. Mrs. Norris

Mrs. Norris is the name of the cat of the Harry Potter school janitor. In the movie she is a grumpy cat, but the name is great for any kitten with great class.

23. Horus

If you want a powerful name Horus is the option. Horus is the Egyptian god of the sun, and in addition to the Egyptians worshiping cats, the simple pronunciation sounds strong and great.

24. Yeti

Yeti is a cool name for a fluffy white cat. If you think that your cat has the soul of an imposing animal, you can put him Yeti as he is named the great snowman.

25. Grumpy

The most famous cat on the internet is called Grumpy. Surely you have seen a meme of this dissatisfied and angry cat. It is a cat with a non-existent facial expressiveness.

Bibliographic references

  • Metz, M. (2018). Ask the cat. Madrid: Silk Books.
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