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Laura Matamoros, on the results of the DNA test of her brother Diego

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Laura Matamoros' brother, Diego, has suffered a severe blow after a long time fighting in court to be able to have the rights over his daughter Adara. After performing some DNA tests, the results have concluded that Kiko Matamoros' son is not the biological father of the little girl. "I am not the father of my daughter," she confessed in an exclusive interview on 'Semana'.

After this, the reactions of his family and friends have not been long in coming, wrapping the young man in one of the hardest moments of his life. «It was to be expected because it was all so strange and so difficult... it's a very hard stick and a low blow», He confessed Laura exclusively for 'Save me', ensuring that "the sooner it has passed the better" because "even if it's hard, it's a relief."

Laura and Kiko, their great supporters

And is that The former contestant of 'Survivors' has chosen to downplay the matter and focus on supporting her brother: «Telling him that I love him very much and that he is the most important thing I have in my life; that these things do not happen every day, a lot of strength and a lot of encouragement, ”she sentenced.

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However, the daughter of Kiko Matamoros did not want to give her opinion about Tanit Grande, Adara's mother: "My opinion is personal, I keep it, although I think you can read between the lines." By assuring that she was "a relief", Laura hinted that now her brother could rebuild his life and continue away from this ex-partner who has caused so much damage.

On her side, Kiko Matamoros has also become an important support for her son Diego hers, despite the clashes they have had over the years. "I have always supported my children when they needed it", he has sentenced, making it clear that at the moment he is focused on him.

Laura and Diego Matamoros at Madrid Fashion WeekLaura and Diego Matamoros at Madrid Fashion Week |

Tanit Grande assured from the beginning that he was not the father

Adara's mother already said at the time of her before the courts that the youngest of her was not the daughter of Diego, but of someone very famous. However, Matamoros wanted to continue fighting so that he could have the right to be with her, which was denied him by his restraining order and by not of her carrying her surname: "He has never had the freedom to take her and take her home and enjoy her," Kiko commented on one of the TV shows. 'Save me'.
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