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Cryolipolysis: what is this cold treatment and what is it for?

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Cryolipolysis is a treatment to eliminate body fat. It is an innovative method based on the application of cold, and was developed by doctors and scientists from General Hospital of Massachusetts and Harvard University.

The procedure has become popular because it is a method that has been shown to be efficient in eliminating body fat. It can have the same results as liposuction, but with the advantage of minimizing risks since it is less invasive, which reduces risks.

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What is cryolipolysis and what is it for?

This dermatological procedure has not been used in beauty clinics for a long time.. However, the results to date have made this one of the favorite techniques to eliminate localized body fat in certain areas.

Fat can be easily removed thanks to the way the cold is applied. A special device is used that applies cold very precisely through a plate and then sucks out the cooled area. The cold emitted by this device through the plate aims to cool the adipocytes.

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These adipose tissue cells become so cold that they undergo apoptosis, that is, cell death. It is a very modern procedure, and cryolipolysis is only performed in some professional clinics prepared to apply this treatment.

The device and the materials used must be of good quality and certified for this treatment. Be suspicious of excessively cheap offers and promotions, as they can even put those who undergo the treatment at risk.

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In a clinic specialized in cryolipolysis there is a human and technical team prepared for it. The first thing that is done is to receive an assessment from the specialist about the area where you want to apply this procedure.

Once the measurements and weight are taken, the team determines some technical issues. This is based on the characteristics of the area of ​​the body in which you want to reduce fat. The team studies the case and the person is called to perform the intervention on another day.

When the person is lying down, protective towels are put on them to protect the skin. Subsequently, the device is activated to carry out adipocytosis and suction.

The machine is kept working for around 70 minutes, and the temperature drops to -8º (only in the area where cryolipolysis is being applied). At the end of 70 minutes, the session is terminated. The next session will take place when the skin has recovered, as the suction causes a bruise.

You will hardly be able to perceive a result in the first session. Visible results begin to manifest around the fourth or fifth application of cryolipolysis. For this reason it is important to follow the full treatment.

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What are the advantages of cryolipolysis?

The care in cryolipolysis is less compared to liposuction. Of course, it is important to pay attention to the guidelines on the necessary care. It is important to allow the skin to regenerate between each session. Bruises are not painful, but you have to let the skin heal itself.

Cryolipolysis treatment is a dermatological procedure. So it does not require entry to the operating room, or extreme care before or after its application. There is no global anesthesia as for example happens with liposuction.

It is truly an alternative to liposuction, with the advantage that it is not invasive, painful or dangerous. It does not require rest after its application or care is needed, as there is no wound.

The results begin to be perceived from the third session. If the required continuity is given to the cryolipolysis sessions, the results can be remarkable and lasting.

The results of cryolipolysis can be permanent, as long as it is combined with a balanced diet and exercise. Fortunately, there is no "rebound effect" like many "miracle diets" that are harmful to the body.

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For whom is cryolipolysis recommended?

Cryolipolysis procedure is recommended in extreme cases. It can be used by people who have difficulty eliminating fat from certain areas of the body despite exercise or a good diet.

You have to take into account some important requirements to be able to undergo this treatment so as not to put your health at risk. The characteristics necessary to be a candidate for cryolipolysis are discussed below.

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1. Age

The person must be of legal age, minors cannot undergo this technique under any circumstances. Instead, the maximum age depends on the health status of the person. It is advisable to do an evaluation and a previous medical examination in the case of people over 60 years of age.

2. Physical and health conditions

People with hypertension, diabetes or cardiovascular problems are not candidates These people cannot undergo a cryolipolysis procedure. Neither do people with large accumulations of fat.

3. Special conditions

Pregnant or lactating women should not consider cryolipolysis. It is also discouraged during the menstruation days of all women. It is better to consult with the specialist and carry out the sessions on the days when the rule does not coincide.

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Bibliographic references

  • Derrick, C.D., Shridharani, S.M., Broyles, J. M (2015). The Safety and Efficacy of Cryolipolysis: A Systematic Review of Available Literature. Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 35 (7): 830–836.

  • Krueger, N., Mai, S.V. Luebberding, S. and Sadick, N.S. (2014). Cryolipolysis for noninvasive body contouring: Clinical efficacy and patient satisfaction. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology, 7, 201–205.

  • Preciado, J.A. and Allison, J.W. (2008). The Effect of cold exposure on adipocytes. Examining a novel method for the noninvasive removal of fat. Cryobiology, 57 (3), 327.

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