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12 natural remedies for cold sores

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The appearance of herpes on the lips are usually very common and derive for different reasons, although it is not classified as a serious disease, the symptoms are undoubtedly one of the most annoying to bear, in addition it can be seen with the naked eye, causing discomfort in people who suffer.

All people are vulnerable to the spread of a cold sore and therefore it is important to take some precautions to strengthen the immune system and prevent its spread on the face. Since once it comes into contact with the eyes, it can turn into a serious infection.

  • It may interest you: "Genital herpes: causes, symptoms and treatment"

So, at some point you may also get infected or if you now have it and are looking for a solution that helps you reduce the symptoms of cold sores, while you complete your treatment, then do not miss the following article where we will talk about what herpes is and some natural remedies for its elimination mouth.

What is labial herpes?

Also known as ‘feverish herpes’ and popularly as ‘fire’, it is classified as a common infection that develops on the person's lips and which is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). This manifests itself in the form of blisters or fluid-filled mouth ulcers, which must be treated immediately as they can reappear if the infection is not fully treated.

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The latter is due to the fact that, despite the present symptoms being alleviated and its appearance eliminated on the person's face, the virus may remain hidden, latent and asymptomatic within the organism. So any decline in the immune system can reactivate it.

Among the symptoms that a cold sore produces are: constant itching, irritation, swelling of the labial area, redness, burning and tingling sensation (from there deriving the colloquial term 'fire'). The most common contagion of a cold sore is through direct oral contact with a person who has the herpes simplex virus or hidden fever blisters. However, they can also develop with the use of contaminated products (makeup, towels, creams, ointments, etc.) that manage to spread the infection.

Best natural treatments to cure cold sores

With these natural recipes you can help stimulate the medical treatment indicated for the elimination of herpes and alleviate the discomfort caused. In any case, it is always a good idea to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and medical treatment appropriate to our needs.

1. Propolis extract

Also known as synthetic beeswax, which can come in the form of ointment or drops and can be purchased at any pharmacy or natural cosmetic store. Applying it directly to the wound, 3 times a day, you will make the discomfort of redness and irritation disappear, it is also an excellent antifungal. Making the virus disappear and not reproduce again.

2. Garlic

This is one of the simplest and most effective treatments to eliminate herpes infection and at the same time prevent its growth. This is because it has an active ingredient called allicin, which makes it a great antiviral. To use it, you just have to cut a raw garlic clove and apply the internal face against herpes for a minute, throw the tooth away and repeat the process as many times a day as you prefer.

3. Aloe

Aloe vera is a great ally when it comes to treating viral infections and achieving good wound healing on the skin, as it promotes cell regeneration. For this treatment, we recommend using aloe vera juice, that is, the iodine (yellowish liquid) that sprouts when cut and which has the strongest active ingredients.

Very carefully you are going to apply a little iodine on the wound three times a day. Another use you can give aloe vera is to remove its crystals and wash them thoroughly, cut them into thin slices and eat them. This will help heal the infection from inside the body.

Black tea helps reduce swelling and redness in the affected area, while cleansing and refreshing it to promote good healing. You can use them in two ways: one as a common infusion to ingest and the other, placing the tea bag that you have previously boiled on your lips. Wipe off the excess liquid a bit and keep it on the area until it cools.

5. Ice

Ice to treat an infection? That's right, in this case ice is a great ally against itching, redness, pain and irritation caused by herpes, it can also be combined with some other natural treatment mentioned. Use it, wrapping an ice pack in a napkin or a cold compress over the blister for a few minutes and repeat several times a day.

6. Alcohol

The rubbing alcohol used to disinfect wounds can also help disinfect the area of ​​blisters on your lips, drying up accumulated fluid and promoting healing. It is recommended that you use it when you see that the blister begins to appear, for this, just soak a cotton ball in alcohol and keep it on the area for a few minutes.

7. Calendula tea

Calendula is widely recognized when it comes to treating infections, as it has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties and healing that benefit the recovery of cell tissue and the elimination of the virus or bacteria causing the trouble. You can use it making a tea with calendula flowers, once it boils, let it cool down to a temperature that you can bear, wet a cotton ball or gauze and place it on the area for 10 minutes, 3 times a day.

8. Nightshade

This plant (also called devil's tomatillo) has solanine glycoalkaloid, a property that helps dry the blister, reduce irritation and heal the skin, eliminating the virus. For its preparation you can make an infusion with the leaves and when the temperature is a little low, soak a gauze to place it on the wound for 5 minutes.

9. Licorice

The use of licorice compresses is beneficial to inhibit the reproduction of herpes and at the same time alleviate the annoying symptoms that it leaves behind. Its preparation is a bit long but it is well worth the results.

Start by macerating in a liter of cold water, about 50 grams of crushed licorice root, then let it rest overnight and filter the next day. Soak a compress with this juice and apply it to the blister 3 times a day.

10. Green tomato

The green tomato is not only rich in antioxidants that benefit the aesthetic beauty of the skin and the strengthening of cells, but serves as an excellent antiseptic, drying herpes and promoting healing of the skin. To use it, you need to crush a green tomato and mix it with a tablespoon of soda, apply with a cotton ball to the infected area and leave for a few minutes.

11. Lemon

Lemon is one of the most effective treatments against skin infections and fungi of all, but it can also be very aggressive on the skin. so we suggest you do this treatment at night or do not expose yourself to the sun after doing it. The lemon also helps to disinfect the area, dry the herpes and promote the recovery of the damaged skin.

To use it, use the juice extracted from half a lemon and apply a few drops directly to the herpes with the help of a dropper several times. a day, taking the necessary precautions, remember that lemon can stain and irritate the skin when it comes into contact with the sun.

12. Salt

The benefits of salt in terms of treatment against infections is very broad, since it has properties disinfectants and antiseptics that help eliminate the origins of it, as well as reduce the discomfort that cause. To do this, you must take a small spoonful of salt and place it on the affected area for a few minutes, repeat the process 3 times a day.

Extra tips to help eliminate herpes

In addition to the natural treatments that we have described to help herpes disappear from your lips, you can take into account some extra recommendations that we present below.

  • Make sure the herpes does not spread to other parts of your face, for this be careful not to pass your towel over the infected area and avoid using makeup while you are in treatment.

  • Follow the instructions of your doctor, remember that these homemade recipes serve to enhance the effect of the medical treatment indicated for you.

  • Increase your consumption of vitamins, since these are the ones that strengthen your immune system and prevent the development of other diseases, as well as the worsening of herpes.

  • Keep the area of ​​the blister clean so it can dry and heal faster. For this, use unscented disposable wipes and do not rub it on your face, but make small touches.

  • During treatment and for a few weeks after your recovery, avoid consuming foods that contain arginine as much as possible, as this property activates and spreads herpes. Among those foods are: chocolate, beer, gelatin, dried fruits, nuts, and sodas.

  • In case of dryness, you should not remove the scabs from the blisters or the dead skin as you can hurt the skin more and leave an open wound.

With these indications, the recommended treatment and the use of any of the natural recipes exposed, you will see how the cold sore disappears completely from your life.
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