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The 10 best Addiction Treatment Clinics in Valencia

The help of a psychologist can be very useful for us at practically any stage of life. our lives, because no one knows for sure when a possible psychological difficulty can Appear.

Addictions are one of the most difficult cases to overcome without the help of a professional but that is very important, that In case we think that we may be suffering from a possible addiction, do not hesitate to contact a professional skilled.

If you find yourself residing in the city of Valencia and you think you may need help from an expert addiction professional You should know that thanks to the article that you will be able to read below, you will have the opportunity to take your first step in the search for the psychologist you need.

  • We recommend you read: "The 10 best Psychologists who are experts in anxiety in Valencia"

The 10 most valued addiction treatment clinics in Valencia

We are going to review a list of the 10 best clinics specialized in the treatment of addictions that we can currently find in the city ​​of Valencia, so that you can choose the most appropriate team of professionals to be able to effectively treat your possible case in particular.

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1. G.SIN Addictions Psychology Clinic

G.SIN Addictions Psychology Clinic

At the G.SIN Addictions Psychology Clinic They are great experts in the treatment of both known toxicological addictions and behavioral addictions. It is worth mentioning that in this clinic they are also great specialists in the prevention of addictions so they can also help us, in the In the event that we have serious doubts about whether we are really addicted to a specific substance or act or if on the contrary, perhaps we are exaggerating.

We should not hesitate to contact these specialists if we believe that we may be experiencing a possible addiction to cocaine, alcohol, tobacco, gambling or even shopping.

  • You can find your query at Avenida Marqués de Sotelo, 5, Valencia.

2. Llaurant la Llum

Llaurant la Llum addictions

At the Llaurant la Llum center we will be able to treat in a really effective way a great variety of our possible addictions, among which it is worth mentioning that they are experts in the treatment of certain addictions with a marked toxicological origin in addition to other types of difficulties such as gambling, sex addiction or addiction to new technologies.

As potential clients of this center, we all have the opportunity to spend both short-term stays and one longer stay, the latter being obviously much more effective in the short term and with a much higher rate of success definitive.

  • His consultation is in Partida de Terrabona, S / N, Picassent Valencia.

3. Luis Miguel Real Kotbani

Luis Miguel Real

Luis Miguel Real Kotbani has a degree in Psychology from the University of Valencia and is also an expert in the treatment of certain ailments such as addictions, anxiety problems or the well-known depression.

If we wish it in the consultation of this psychologist we can learn to use the interesting technique of Mindfulness, a form of meditation thanks to which we will be able to face in a much more intelligent way our possible addiction problems and will also allow us to become much more efficient people in our day a day.

  • His consultation is located in Carrer del Doctor Vila Barberà, Valencia.

4. Valencia Addictions Detox Center

The Valencia Addictions Detoxification Center is made up of a large multidisciplinary team of expert psychologists in the treatment of any type of addiction, whether it is caused by a specific substance or by a problem at the behavioral.

With the help of these specialists we can obtain great results in the treatment of some of our most unwanted problems such as addiction to cocaine, addiction to gambling or cannabis.

  • Your query is at Calle Pizarro, 12-3, Valencia.

5. NOT

NO-A is a psychology center specialized in the treatment of addictions, but it is also worth mentioning that these specialists They also tend to treat other types of psychological difficulties on a daily basis, such as the well-known anxiety, stress or depression.

If we decide to go to this center we should bear in mind that in it We will have the opportunity to receive therapy on an individual level as well as group therapy, a form of therapy that, as we can discover, can be very effective when applied correctly on certain disorders in particular.

  • Your query is at Calle de Jesús, 31-1, Valencia.

6. Consciousness2s

In Conciencia2s they are experts in the treatment of toxicological addictions and offer their patients the interesting possibility, both of being able to visit the center of him during the day and return home at nightfall as if to be able to reside for a certain period of time in the same center.

As possible future patients we must know that we can count on the help of this team of psychologists if unfortunately we are going through a possible addiction to heroin, alcohol, or any type of designer drug.

  • Your query is at Calle Alvaro de Bazan, 10 Local 23, Valencia.

7. Addictions Alicante

Addictions Alicante is formed by a group of widely experienced psychologists who are specialized in treating all types of addictions. It is worth mentioning that these specialists apart from having their main center in the city of Alicante, They also have a psychological treatment center located in the heart of the city of Valencia.

In the Alicante Addictions Center we can obtain all the tools we need to be able to face in a much more effective way, some of our most persistent addiction problems such as to be alcoholism, sex or cocaine addiction.

  • This center is located on Calle Isabel la Catolica, 8 1ro 6ta, Alicante.

8. Pérez-Vieco Clinic

The Pérez-Vieco Clinic is made up of psychologists Sergio Pérez Serer and Noa Toledo Pardo, who specialize largely in the treatment of difficulties of sexual origin.

Although in this center we can treat a wide variety of disorders such as anxiety, stress or depression, it is worth mentioning that together with This team of psychologists will also be able to carry out a very positive therapy that will allow us to deal effectively with a possible case of sex addiction.

  • Your query is located at Calle Maestro Valls, 28-2, Valencia.

9. Juan J. Montaner

In this psychology center we can be treated by Juan J. Mount who has a degree from the University of Valencia and is also a great expert in the interesting application of the therapy known as clinical hypnosis.

Making a therapeutic use of clinical hypnosis, in the consultation of this psychologist we can obtain great results in the event that unfortunately we are suffering from certain psychological difficulties as can to be an addiction, anxiety problem, or possible eating disorder.

  • His consultation is at Calle Jose Manuel Izquierdo, 2 puerta 5, Valencia.

10. Carlos Collado Clinic

Carlos Collado is an expert psychologist in clinical psychology and is also specialist in the use of interesting cognitive behavioral therapy.

If we wish, in the consultation of this psychologist we will have the opportunity to learn to use the Mindfulness technique, a form of meditation thanks to to which we can obtain a new perspective on ourselves and also on any possible psychological difficulties that we may eventually suffer.

  • His consultation is located at Calle Bailén, 4 Puerta 2, Valencia.

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