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The 90 best phrases about compassion

Have you ever put yourself in someone else's position? Being in 'the shoes of the other' to understand their particular situation may seem difficult, but it is not impossible. We all have the ability to understand almost any situation, even if we have not experienced it. This causes us to develop that motivation to help or comfort, regardless of whether it is someone we know or even if it is an animal.

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Great quotes and reflections on compassion

Compassion is, perhaps, the emotion that we most need to develop and encourage today, to try to make a better world. Here is a list of the best phrases about compassion that will make you reflect.

1. Understanding who you are without deception or compassion is a discovery that no one leaves intact. (Christopher Paolini)

We must know ourselves before judging others.

2. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is lost. (Aesop)

Any good deed is appreciated.

3. All genuine love is compassion, and all love that is not compassion is selfishness. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

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Compassion is part of any relationship.

4. Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet spills on the heel that crushed it. (Mark Twain)

Sometimes it is necessary to understand the situation that led a person to commit her actions.

5. It is a human thing to have compassion on the afflicted. (Giovanni Boccaccio)

Have compassion on those who need it.

6. Patience is the companion of wisdom. (San Agustin)

Being compassionate is also about understanding the other.

7. A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. (Steve Maraboli)

A good deed makes you compassionate.

8. If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. (Dalai Lama)

It is also necessary to be compassionate with ourselves.

9. True compassion does not consist in wanting to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves, but in realizing our kinship with all beings. (Pema Chödron)

We are all brothers. Regardless of our differences.

10. Flying alone is not a singular event, but a plural one. (Ruth Baza)

Thank those who helped you.

11. Here are the values ​​I stand for: honesty, equality, kindness, compassion, treating people the way you want to be treated and helping those in need. For me, those are traditional values. (Ellen Degeneres)

Compassion is a necessary value to cultivate.

12. As long as his circle of compassion does not encompass all living beings, man will not find peace for himself. (Albert Schweitzer)

Animals need compassion too.

13. You can give someone advice, but you can't force them to follow it. (Saying)

Help as far as you can.

14. Compassion, always good, is in many cases the heavenly precursor of justice. (Concepción Arenal)

The positivity of compassion.

15. A little mercy changes the world, makes it less cold and more just. (Pope Francisco)

Compassion can guide us towards a better relationship with each other.

16. If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete. (Jack Kornfield)

It is useless to be good to others, if you are unfair to yourself.

17. I have never seen any wild animal feel sorry for itself. A bird will fall frozen from a branch without feeling sorry for itself. (Viggo Mortensen)

Compassion should not be confused with pity.

18. I'd rather make mistakes of kindness and compassion than do miracles of cruelty and harshness. (Mother Teresa)

A great phrase to ponder.

19. I will never have compassion for those who did not know how to die in time. (Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar)

We can interpret this phrase as, not having compassion for those who do not recognize their mistakes.

20. That's what I consider true generosity: you give it your all, and yet you always feel like it won't cost you anything. (Simone de Beauvoir)

It is about giving without the need to ask for something in return.

21. When I fell you gave me all your love, when I let go you had no compassion on me, don't do it, don't do it. (Fito Páez)

There are times when compassion is the worst answer.

22. Perhaps, like many people in our society, you have grown up with the idea that it is wrong to love yourself. Think of others, society tells us. Love your neighbor, the church preaches to us. What no one seems to remember is loving yourself, and yet that is precisely what you are going to have to learn to achieve your happiness in the present moment. (Wayne Dyer)

The importance of working on our self-esteem.

23. Compassion is the virtue of kings. (William Shakespeare)

A virtue that we must all practice.

24. Mercy shines brighter than justice. (Miguel de Cervantes)

Human acts are worth more than accolades.

25. There is no small act of kindness. Every compassionate act makes the world great. (Mary Anne Radmacher)

If you can do something good, do it.

26. Compassion for others begins with kindness for ourselves. (Pema Chödron)

We cannot do anything for others without first doing it for ourselves.

27. Be nice, because everyone you meet is fighting a tougher battle. (Plato)

Never be too quick to judge someone.

28. It is compassion, the funniest of virtues, that moves the world. (Thiruvalluvar Kural)

Having compassion for the other allows us to empathize with his situation.

29. If a person seems wicked, don't reject them. Awaken him with your words, lift him up with your works, pay for his wound with your kindness. Do not reject it. (Lao Tzu)

There are people who act badly because they are very hurt inside.

30. Man can drive compassion out of his heart, but God never will. (William Cowper)

For many, God is the most compassionate figure.

31. There is nothing heavier than compassion. (Milan Kundera)

This occurs when compassion is used the wrong way.

32. When I found no reason to feel sorry for myself, I did so out of respect for myself. (Seneca)

It's always a good idea to take a moment for ourselves.

33. Understanding is the liberating factor, it is what frees us and allows transformation to occur. This is the practice of caring for anger. (Thich Nhat Hanh)

If we all practice compassion, many conflicts will cease.

34. More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. More blessed, less stressed. More love less hate. (Roy T. Bennett)

Mantra that are excellent to practice.

35. To love is to suffer because the heart is love, compassion, sensitivity, respect, conscience and hope. (Emili Spain)

Loving represents experiencing good and difficult things.

36. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich. (John F. Kennedy)

Compassion leads us to justice.

37. Compassion is the desire that moves the free individual to expand his scope of self-concern to encompass the whole of the universal self. (Arnold J. Toynbee)

Listen to that compassionate feeling within you.

38. Whatever we decide to call that mysterious "something", we all have it; and ours intermingles with everyone else's as part of the energy field that permeates all things. (Gregg Braden)

It doesn't matter what name you give it, but how you use it.

39. There are two kinds of compassion. One, the weak and sentimental [...] that is not exactly compassion, but an instinctive defense of the soul against the pain of others. And the other, the only one that counts, is the one devoid of the sentimental [...] willing to endure with patience and resignation until her last strength and even beyond. (Stefan Zweig)

Two ways of looking at compassion.

40. There is nothing wrong in our homes and country that a little more compassion, care and love cannot heal. We are all brothers and sisters and we must help each other when necessary. (Roberto Clemente)

With good actions and more humanism, everything can be better.

41. Because there is nothing heavier than compassion. Even the pain itself does not weigh as much as the pain one feels with someone, for someone, a pain intensified by imagination and prolonged by a hundred echoes. (Milan Kundera)

When compassion turns to grief.

42. Because I feel compassion for the oppressed, I cannot feel it for the oppressors. (Maximilien Robespierre)

We must be careful who we help.

43. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and all nature in its beauty. (Albert Einstein)

Nature and animals also deserve our compassion.

44. The more we genuinely care about others, the greater our own happiness and inner peace. (Allan Lokos)

Caring for others should not be a burden, but something that fills us with wisdom.

45. Achieving the Great Work is not the task of a few, but of all human beings on the face of the Earth. (Paulo Coelho)

We must all work on our virtues.

46. The elements that contribute the most to happiness continue to be those that have been on the lips of the wise for centuries: gratitude, forgiveness, compassion, knowing how to enjoy the little things that accompany us every day and having a network of affections not necessarily wide but yes solid. (Elsa Punset)

Happiness comes from the most humanistic acts.

47. Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquility and happiness that we all seek. (Dalai Lama)

Another phrase that invites us to get involved in the common welfare.

48. Compassion wasn't love, Barbie thought… but if you're a kid, giving clothes to someone who's naked had to be a step in the right direction. (Stephen King)

It's about offering the solutions we can.

49. Compassion is the main law of human existence. (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)

Without it, we are just empty beings.

50. I have the impression that literature expanded my capacity for compassion. (Susan Sontag)

The more knowledge we acquire of the world, the more we will be able to understand everything and everyone around us.

51. Time heals all wounds. (Spanish saying)

Patience is fundamental to compassion.

52. What gets you help is not pity, but admiration when you refuse to give up. (Suzanne Collins)

Remember that compassion should not be mixed with pity.

53. And whoever walks without mercy, without mercy walks towards his own funeral in his shroud. (Walt Whitman)

Remember that you reap what you sow.

54. We don't need any kind of religious guidance to lead a life that is ethical, compassionate, and kind. (Sharon Salzberg)

Good customs are not tied to religion.

55. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Compassion is very rare in the world and it is a pity to waste it. (Amos Oz)

Don't use compassion as an excuse to hurt yourself.

56. Compassion is a verb. (Thich Nhat Hanh)

And the verbs represent some action that we do.

57. The basic human problem is lack of compassion. While this problem persists, other problems will persist. If it is resolved, we can look forward to happier days. (Dalai Lama)

By cultivating kindness and understanding, we can find solutions to many conflicts.

58. Through the "positive" experiences of love, compassion, and forgiveness, and the "negative" emotions of hate, the judgment and envy, each of us possesses the power to affirm or deny our existence at every moment of the day. (Gregg Braden)

Life depends on the way you look at it.

59. Yoga is fundamentally an attitude of life. This vital attitude is based on attention, self-control, lucid reflection, equanimity, calm and compassion. (Ramiro A. Street)

Taking care of our health is an act of compassion.

60. Compassion asks us to go where it hurts, to enter places of pain, to share brokenness, fear, confusion, and anguish. (Henri JM Nouwen)

To understand, you have to experience both the good and the bad.

61. Compassion is the key to the ultimate survival of our species. (Doug Dillon)

What future holds for us if we lose our humanity?

62. My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to prosper; And do it with a certain passion, compassion, humor and some flair. (Maya Angelou)

Moving forward is a show of respect for what we are capable of achieving.

63. The true poor who deserve compassion and help are only those who, due to their age or health, are unable to earn their bread with the sweat of their faces. Everyone else is forced to work one way or another, and if they are not working and are hungry, it is their fault. (Carlo Collodi)

A hard truth, but necessary to understand.

64. Loving someone out of compassion means not really loving them. (Milan Kundera)

When compassion hurts.

65. Love pities, and it pities more the more it loves. (Miguel de Unamuno)

It can be in a good way or in a bad way.

66. Wisdom, compassion, and courage are the three universally recognized moral qualities of man. (Confucius)

The best moral examples we can follow.

67. Compassion is a practically acquired knowledge, like dancing. You must do it and practice diligently day by day. (Karen Armstrong)

If you don't have your children practice compassion, how will they know it exists?

68. Compassion is a business for life. You cannot say something like: I will have compassion only on Monday, Thursday and Friday. But otherwise, I'll be cruel. That is hypocrisy. (Israelmore Ayivor)

In a way, it becomes a lifestyle.

69. God enters each person through a private door. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Each one seeks wisdom in his own way.

70. I ask the moralistic and impeccable if they have calculated the number of innocent people that it is necessary to condemn the suffering, to produce a single compassionate man, who he understands and who in the absence of judgment does not throw stones with the herd. (Claudia Bürk)

I don't know how to demand compassion in an unjust society.

71. Compassion means total immersion in the condition of being human. (Henri JM Nouwen)

Compassion is the greatest exponent of human capacity.

72. Human beings are more compassionate. In the case of the chimpanzee you can see compassion between the mother and her calf, but it is rarely found in any other aspect. Compassion is a very human characteristic. (Jane Goodall)

All human beings have the capacity for goodness.

73. Compassion is loving others enough to say or do what is appropriate without looking at the outcome. (Gary Zukav)

Constant support, for better or for worse.

74. True compassion is true sympathy. We must forget ourselves and become the other. But compassion must always be accompanied by wisdom. Wisdom must be in unity with compassion. (Taisen Deshimaru)

The way compassion should work.

75. Self-denial seems to give us the right to be harsh and ruthless with others. (Eric Hoffer)

You have to be careful with those who use the virtues to seize an end.

76. Lack of compassion makes criminal martyrs. (Henri Maret)

An interesting reflection.

77. True compassion is more than tossing a coin at a beggar; he comes to see that a building that produces beggars needs a makeover. (Martin Luther King)

You have to get to the root of a problem to fix it completely.

78. Someone who has suffered trauma also has gifts to offer us in their depth, their knowledge of our universal vulnerability, and their experience of the power of compassion. (Sharon Salzberg)

Even the most vulnerable people can offer compassion.

79. Who needs mercy but those who have no compassion on anyone? (Albert Camus)

For whatever reason, these people are not able to accept good feelings.

80. Now that I understand that I am an addict, I definitely have compassion for my mother. I understand. (Eminem)

Sometimes, it is in the worst moments when we realize the nature of things.

81. Intelligence goes along with love and compassion, and as an individual, you cannot attain that intelligence. Compassion is not yours or mine, contrary to thinking that it is yours and mine. (Jiddu Krishnamurti)

Intelligence cannot prevail on its own.

82. Compassion is the antidote to suicide, as it is a feeling that provides pleasure and that gives us, in small doses, the enjoyment of superiority. (Camilo José Cela)

Many people just want to be heard.

83. Anger, whether in reaction to social injustice, to the madness of our leaders, or to those who threaten us or harm us, it is a powerful energy that, with diligent practice, can be transformed into a fierce compassion. (Bonnie Myotai Treace)

By working on negative emotions, they can become a source of inspiration.

84. If I can turn the most powerful part of the world into a land of wisdom and compassion, it will change the rest of the world. (Chade-Meng Tan)

The example of good behavior should come from the great nations.

85. The happiest are those who do the most for others. (Booker T. Washington)

A statement that cannot be a coincidence.

86. Compassion is the sometimes fatal ability to feel what it's like to live inside someone else's skin. (Frederick Buechner)

It is not only sympathizing with them, but understanding their struggle.

87. In the stories there was no hunger or pain, but freedom and hope. It was through these stories that she learned compassion and tenderness. Honor and integrity. (Sherrilyn Kenyon)

History has a lot to teach us.

88. The purpose of human life is to serve and show compassion and a willingness to help others. (Albert Schweitzer)

By helping others, we can see the value of what we own.

89. To be calm and compassionate, it takes courage and conviction. (Solange Nicole)

It is impossible to show compassion, if we do not believe in its power.

90. Beautify your internal dialogue. Beautify your inner world with light of love and compassion. Life will be beautiful. (Amit Ray)

Change so that you can be an example of change.

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