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Get to know the main RIVERS of North America

Rivers of North America - with map

Image: Examples

One of the most important elements of our planet is water, which is the main reason why it is interesting to know the places where we can find large bodies of water. To know the rivers of one of the most important regions of our world, in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to talk about rivers of north america with map.

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  1. What is North America?
  2. Rivers of North America: Pacific slope
  3. Arctic Ocean slope
  4. Rivers of North America from the Atlantic Ocean Slope

What is North America?

Before commenting on the different North American rivers, we must talk a little about the region to understand its extensions and the different points where rivers can flow into the area.

Depending on the font we use we can understand North America as two very different things, as some people consider it a continent with its own identity, while others tend to place it as a mere subcontinent, that is, the northern part of the great continent of America.

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North America, also called North America, It is found in the northern hemisphere of our planet, and is also almost completely located in the western hemisphere. Regarding its limitations, we can speak of the Arctic Ocean in the north, in the east by the Atlantic Ocean, in the northwest with the northern part of the Asian continent, to the southwest with the Pacific Ocean, and to the southeast with the small Sea of ​​the Caribbean.

Regarding its extension we can speak of an approximate of 24,323,000 km2, being slightly more than 14% of the total land area of ​​our planet, being greater than many entire continents, such as Europe, with North America being more than twice the size of our continent. On the other hand, in the subcontinent live some 471 million inhabitants, causing a population density of about 21 inhabitants per km2.

In this other lesson we will discover what are the main seas of America so that you know them.

Rivers of North America: Pacific slope.

In general we can talk about three aspects main rivers of North America, one of the three being the Pacific. For this reason, we must now talk about some of the main rivers on this slope.

Colorado River

One of the rivers that passes through both North America and Central America, originating in the Rocky Mountains of the United States, but flowing into the Gulf of California in Mexico. The Colorado has a length of 2333 kilometers, while the extension of its basin is 629. 100 km2.

Sacramento River

The longest river in California, originating in the Cascade Range due to the union of the rivers of Sacramento South and Sacramento North, and flowing into the San Francisco Bay leaving its waters in the Ocean Peaceful. Sacramento has a length of 1123 kilometers, and the extension of its basin is about 70,000 km2.

Columbia river

The Columbia is a river in southwestern Canada and the northwestern United States that has its source in Columbia Lake and flows into the Pacific Ocean. The Columbia has a length of 2,044 kilometers, while the extension of its basin is 668,000 km2.

Rivers of North America - with map - Rivers of North America: Pacific slope

Image: Examples

Slope of the Arctic Ocean.

To continue with this lesson on the rivers of North America with a map we must talk about the rivers that belong to the slope of the Arctic Ocean, being those that flow into the Bering Sea, Beaufor Sea and the Hudson Bays, James Ungava.

Yukon river

One of the rivers that pass through both Canada and the United States, originating in the Rocky Mountains and flowing into the Bering Sea. Its length is about 3187 kilometers, while the extension of its basin is 832,700 km2.

Mackenzie River

This Canadian river originates from the Great Slave Lake and empties a long way into the Beaufor Sea. Its length of 4241 kilometers makes it the second longest river in all of North America, while its basin contains about 1,805,200 km2.

Churchill River

The Churchill is a Canadian river that is born in the lake from which it receives its name, that is to say, in the Churchill Lake, and that empties into the Hudson Bay. The great importance of the Churchill is due to its length of 1,609 kilometers, as well as the great extension of its basin which exceeds the 380,000 km2.

Bravo River

El Bravo is born in the San Juan Mountains in the United States, while it ends in Mexico. It has a length of 3034 kilometers, while the extension of its basin exceeds 600,000 km2.

Rivers of North America - with map - Slope of the Arctic Ocean

Image: Brainly

The rivers of North America from the slopes of the Atlantic Ocean.

To conclude this lesson, we must talk about the rivers that flow into the Atlantic Ocean, either directly or through their deposit in the Gulf of Mexico or the Caribbean Sea.

Mississippi River

The Mississippi is a long American river that passes through up to 10 states, beginning at Lake Itasca and emptying into the Gulf of Mexico. Its length of 6275 kilometers makes it the fourth longest river in the world, while its basin is the fourth largest in the world with 3,238,000 km2.

Missouri River

The largest tributary of the Mississippi, with a length of 4090 kilometers, although many times it is considered that its length is that of the Mississippi, joining the lengths of both rivers. Its basin is the sixth largest in the world, with 1,371,010 km2.

St. Lawrence River

The Saint Lawrence is born in Lake Ontario in Canada, emptying its waters in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, that is to say, in the Atlantic Ocean. Regarding its length exceeds 3000 kilometers, and its basin is 1,344,200 km2.

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