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Dreaming of a dead person: what does it mean?

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Have you ever dreamed of a dead person? Know that means? The interpretation of dreams is a mystical and unknown world for many. In this article we will know what it can mean to dream of a dead person.

We will analyze different dream possibilities, always according to one of the best known authors of dream interpretation books: Anna Monteschi. Finally, we will provide the interpretation of dreams, from the point of view of psychology.

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Dreaming of a dead person: what can it mean?

Anna Monteschi, author of "The Great Book of Dreams" and "10,000 Dreams", suggests that Dreaming of a dead person means that good news will come soon.

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There are, but, many variants of the dream, and depending on the characteristics of it, the meaning varies. Thus, Monteschi speaks of the following possibilities (and meanings). We meet them below.

1. Coffin

If the dead man or woman we dream of is already in the coffin, it means the end of a danger in our life.

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2. Bed

If, on the other hand, the dead man or woman is in bed, it means that the person who has dreamed it is insecure and impressionable.

3. Walk

If in addition to dreaming of a dead person, said person walks in the dream, it means that a great financial crisis is coming.

4. Speaks

If the dead person speaks during the dream, Monteschi suggests that we listen to her words, because he may want to convey an important message to us.

5. Risen

If we dream that the dead person is resurrected during sleep, according to Monteschi, an event that will make people talk a lot is yet to come.

6. Hostility

Always according to Anna Monteschi, if we dream of a dead person who is hostile towards us, it means that someone in our life has discovered our “double game”.

7. Watch a dead

If, in addition to dreaming of a dead person, we watch over them, it means that we are having a useless sense of guilt in our lives, which does not benefit us at all.

8. Many dead

If we dream not only of one dead, but of many, we are facing a message of luck.

Dream of a deceased

We have talked about the different meanings that dreaming of a dead person can have (that is, of a person who is dead in the dream but is alive in real life). However, What does it mean to dream of a deceased person (that is, of someone who has already died in life)?

As in the previous case, there are some variants (with their respective meanings). Once again, we will include Anna Monteschi's explanations in her books. Let's get to know them.

1. Deceased friend

When the deceased person was a friend of ours, it means that we are frustrated and insecure in our current life (for “X” reasons).

2. Speaking deceased

When the deceased speaks to us during sleep, it means that, in life (that is, in waking state), our conscience gives us good advice.

3. Deceased who cries

When the deceased or deceased cries during sleep, it means that we have serious emotional disturbances in our life.

4. Deceased relative

When the deceased person in the dream was a relative of ours, it means that we have a feeling of guilt in our life.

5. See a deceased

When in the dream, we simply “see” a deceased, it means that we should listen to the advice that some people in our life are giving us.

6. See a sad deceased

If in the dream, in addition to seeing a deceased, his face is sad, it means that in the vigil (in our life) we thought that a rudeness had been forgotten but that nevertheless, perhaps it is not like that.

Other meanings of dreams with death

Death is a recurring theme in our lives, since all of us, at some point or another, experience the death of a loved one, or of an acquaintance, etc. But it is not only an issue present in life (or in wakefulness), but also during sleep.

It is because of that dreaming about death can have different meanings, in addition to variations in its presentation (that is, we can dream many scenes and actions related to death).

Thus, as in the case of dreaming of a dead person, let's see what it means to dream of different death scenes, also according to Anna Monteschi (in her book: "The great book of dreams"):

1. Seek death

If in the dream we are looking for death, or looking to die, it means that we are going through a serious inner crisis in our life.

2. Talk to death

If instead of looking for death, we talk to her, it means that we have overcome our fears.

3. Dreaming of one's own death

If we directly dream that we die, according to Monteschi, it means that something good has to happen, related to marriage and health.

4. See death

Similarly, if we dream that we "see" death, it means that great luck is about to come in our life.

5. Be saved

If we dream that we are saved from dying, it means that we are exaggerating a little help that we are receiving.

Depending on the dreamer or dreamer

According to Anna Monteschi, the author of several books on dreams that we are mentioning, It is not the same to dream of death for one person than for another. Thus, she specifies four groups of people:

  • For those who have children: it means that we are concerned about the health of our children.
  • For those who are married: it means that we will leave the family soon for some reason or another.
  • For artists: for them, dreaming of death means success and notoriety.
  • For those who are sick: it means a speedy recovery.

Dreams: the point of view of psychology

We have seen what it means to dream of a dead person (as well as its variants), to dream of the deceased, to dream of the death, etc., according to an expert on this subject, author of several books on the interpretation of sleep (Anna Monteschi).

However, there are still many people who do not believe in all these mystical "sciences". That is why we are going to include, in a very generic and summarized way, how is the interpretation of dreams from the point of view of psychology.

From psychology the subject of dreams and their interpretation has been a subject of interest, especially from the psychoanalytic orientation. It can be said that it was the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud who began to address this question, especially from his work "The Interpretation of Dreams."

To interpret the dreams of your patients, Freud asked them to explain the dream as they remembered it, and that they were the ones who established their own associations, connections between elements, interpretations... From all this information, the psychoanalyst could obtain a lot of information (and perform interpretations).

What do our dreams mean?

Broadly speaking, what the psychology of dream interpretation says is that dreams do have meaning. This does not mean that everything we dream of has it, but most of our dreams do.

From psychoanalysis (and psychology in general), dreams have a lot to do with unfulfilled desires (repressed), with expectations, day-to-day thoughts, illusions, hopes, worries, fears, etc. That is, many things that we dream of have something to do with our current situation.

On the other hand, it will be the patient himself who will be able to make his interpretations and through them, the therapist will be able to understand many things (for example dreaming of death and relating it to "X" ideas, behaviors, people, emotions, etc., says a lot about us: the therapist can help us understand why we make these associations or connections).

Bibliographic references

  • Freud, S. (2013). The interpretation of dreams. Editorial Akal.

  • Monteschi, A. (2006). The great book of dreams. The interpretation of more than 10,000 dreams to know everything about love, wealth and success. Editorial De Vecchi, S.A.U. Barcelona.

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