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The 10 tallest mountains in America

Tallest Mountains in America

Mountains are one of the most relevant elements of any territory, being geographical areas that stand out in the eyes of anyone for their great size and beauty. Due to their characteristics, we tend to be more interested in the mountains with greater height, being the ones that impress us the most, and therefore in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to talk about the mountains. tallest mountains in America.

Due to the particularities of the American continent, in this lesson we are going to divide the highest mountains into two sections, those that are part of the north and those that form the south. In the case of the northern mountains they are part of the United States, Canada and Mexico.


The highest mountain in North America with 6190 meters above sea level. It is located in the Alaska Range, in the southern part of the US state of Alaska. Its temperatures, due to its proximity to the Arctic Circle, make it one of the highest peaks feared to climb, as this together with its inclination can cause serious problems for climbers. (This mountain was formerly called McKinley.)

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Mount logan

The highest mountain in Canada and the second highest in all of North America, having about 5959 meters above sea level. They are part of the mountainous chain of the San Elías Mountains, being born from them several glaciers of great global relevance. An interesting fact about the mountain is that the non-volcanic mountain with the greatest circumference at its base.


Also called Pico de Orizaba is a volcano that is in activity and with a height of 5636 meters It is the highest volcano in North America and the highest mountain in Mexico. One of the most interesting facts about this mountain is that it is the only volcano in the world that has frozen lava inside. As for its situation, we can find it in the mountain range called the Neovolcanic Axis in Mexico.

Mount Saint Elias

Neighbor of Mount Logan this mountain is the fourth largest in North America with a height of 5488 meters. It receives its name, like the mountain range in which it is located, by the prophet Saint Elias. It is part of both the United States and Canada, since it is located on the border between the Canadian nation and Alaska. Its vertical shape, similar to that of some of the most dangerous mountains in the world, has made it a very interesting destination for the world's bravest climbers.


Located in central Mexico, on the Neovolcanic Axis, this active volcano is the fourth largest mountain in all of North America and the second highest volcano in Mexico, having a height of 5500 meters above sea level. It is considered one of the most active volcanoes in Mexican history, since since measurements have been taken, more than 20 eruptions have arisen from its summit.

Here we discover what are the highest peaks in the world so that you know the most impressive mountains on our planet.

Tallest Mountains in America - The 5 Tallest Mountains in North America

Image: Pinterest

To continue talking about the highest mountains in America we must talk about the highest altitudes in South America, most of these mountains belonging to the Andes, and being part of Argentina and Chile for the most part.


The highest mountain in all of America with a height of 6962 meters altitude, being only surpassed in the world by the mountains of the Himalayan system. It is located in the so-called Cordillera Principal de los Andes, located in western Argentina. Its enormous altitude has brought it adoration by numerous settlers throughout the centuries, the greatest example being the use as a sanctuary such as the Incas, since the South American people as well as many ancient peoples like Rome considered the high altitudes as dwellings of gods and places sacred.

Nevado Ojos del Salado

A volcano in the Andes located on the border between Chile and Argentina, its height of 6891 meters above sea level make it the largest volcano in the world. Although it is thought that in the past it may have had eruptions, there are no records of any since there are sources on the mountain.

Mount Pissis

This volcano located in the Argentinean area of ​​the Andes is the third highest in South America with a height of 6795 meters above sea level. It must be said that the measurement of its height has been the subject of numerous controversies throughout history, but that the data that are currently considered official are these.


With a height of 6757 meters high is the highest mountain in Peru and the fourth highest in South America. It is located in the Cordillera Blanca de los Andes, in the so-called Peruvian Andes. An interesting fact about this mountain is that according to studies carried out by Austrian scientists, it is the moon on the planet with the least force of attraction of gravity.

Cerro Bonete Chico

Another inactive volcano located in the Andes, in this case in an area of ​​Argentina. Your height of 6760 meters They make it the fifth highest mountain in all of South America, although lower than other neighbors in the Andes. Its volcanic movements in recent years have caused numerous lava formations in its interior, although none seems to be dangerous.

Tallest Mountains in America - The 5 tallest mountains in South America
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