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Top 20 Ways to Get Your Photos Right and Succeed on Social Media

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It has always been said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but this phrase makes more sense today in which a good image on social media it can mean everything.

Looking good in photos has gone from being a mere whim to being a necessity for many people. People make themselves known on Facebook or Instagram. We get jobs thanks to apps like Linkedin or JobToday. We meet our potential future partners by swiping a single photo from our smartphone with Tinder.

Not everyone is lucky enough to be photogenic, but there are ways to show our best face in photos. In this article we explain the best ways to achieve it.

How to look good in photos

Follow the tips below to get your best out in photos and stop envying photogenic people.

1. The posture

Adopting a good posture is essential if you want to look good in photos. Avoid keeping your body too stiff or too relaxed, and especially look for a natural pose. To do this, try to arch your arms a little, for example, placing a hand on your waist. And of course

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don't go out front. A trick to appear more stylized in photos is to twist your body slightly, directing one shoulder towards the camera and the other away from it.

2. Hold an object

It is totally forbidden to keep your arms down! One way to avoid this is to hold something naturally. This will allow you to raise them without looking forced and will help you relax your posture.

3. Bow your head

Also try stretching your head slightly. In this way you will highlight the cheekbones and avoid the dreaded double chin. Head tilting also helps… But without going overboard! Always look for a natural posture, nothing to force.

4. Find your best angle

You can follow all kinds of advice to pose, but the truth is that we all have a side from which we come out better in the photos. It is said that in most people it is the left side, but find out which one is yours and take advantage of it. Try looking at photos of yourself to detect patterns and see what gestures suit you.

Reviewing old photos will help you avoid repeating mistakes.
Reviewing old photos will help you avoid repeating mistakes. Fountain:Unsplash

5. Look Away

Another way to look good in photos is to avoid looking directly at the camera lens. Direct your gaze to the top of the target or to some other point on the horizon. By raising your gaze you will make your eyes look large and radiant.

6. Say it all with your eyes

Wherever you look, make sure your gaze is intense and relaxed. Get this effect by squinting your eyes a little. And if you are one of those who have trouble not coming out with your eyes closed, a trick that helps is to open them shortly before the photo is shot.

7. Relaxed mouth

You can follow the same advice as that of the look with your lips. It is best to have it slightly ajar and relaxed. One way to make your smile always look natural is by placing your tongue on the back of your incisors or by pressing on the roof of your mouth.

Laughing is better than forcing a smile and helps make the photo look natural, so think of something funny or ask to be made to laugh.

8. Be spontaneous

None of the above tips will do any good if you don't try appear natural and spontaneous. Forcing a pose or gaze too hard will backfire. Avoid holding your breath and relax your body.

A spontaneous smile will be your best ally.
A spontaneous smile will be your best ally. Fountain:Unsplash

9. No weird faces

You have to look for spontaneity, yes, but without going overboard. Making faces or pouting is not very flattering, so avoid it if you want a good portrait.

10. Take care of the hair

Looking good in photos does not depend only on gestures. A good hairstyle can also become your ally. A few strands of hair on the face or shoulders can help break up the uniformity. If you wear your hair up, try not to leave your face too clear.

11. Be careful with makeup

Makeup will make you look better, as long as you don't wear too much. You will also have to keep an eye on the base tone, as the flash will more easily highlight the differences in tone between your face and the rest of the body.

To avoid too many highlights, use matte powders. Another trick that will help you look better will be to mark your eyebrows well. In this way you will be able to give expression to the face.

12. Clothes also count

Avoid wearing clothes with too flashy motifs if you don't want them to take all the attention from the photo. Instead, opt for dark-toned clothing, which will stylize you and help hide flaws.

13. Keep an eye on the background

The same goes for the background. Look for one that is not distracting, but is also not flat and one color. The one that looks blurry will help highlight your face. If it is a group photo, try to put yourself at the same height as the others, to avoid being disproportionate.

14. The lighting

Lighting will be one of the most important aspects to look good in photos. Avoid the lights or spotlights on your face, as they will mark strange shadows on your face. Try instead to be in front of natural light sources, directing the face towards these.

15. Take advantage of the golden hours

Expert photographers know that the best time to shoot portraits is the so-called golden hour. This is the name of the moment between sunset and nightfall. At that moment the light is reflected indirectly and acquires tones that add warmth to the photograph, leaving spectacular snapshots.

Lighting is decisive when photographing.
Lighting is decisive when photographing. Fountain:Unsplash

16. Timer before selfie

If you do the photography yourself, try using the timer or even to help you with a tripod or support. Selfies are trendy and spontaneous, but they won't allow you to pose naturally. In addition, you run the risk that the photo will be blurred or out of frame.

17. No flash

Also avoid using flash. It is not at all flattering and can create annoying reflections. Always try to photograph yourself in soft, natural light.

18. Camera at eye level

A widely used trick is to photograph yourself from a higher angle, but the truth is that the best thing is that the camera is at eye level. In this way you will get a natural and flattering portrait.

19. Potato?

We do not know who invented the custom of saying "potato" to look good in photos, but it is a terrible idea. Avoid it if you don't want to come out with your mouth too open and misshapen.

20. Practice in front of a mirror

Put all these tips into practice in front of a mirror without fear of making a fool of yourself. This way you can get used to the best postures and gestures, and you will make sure that the next time they go to take your portrait they will come out naturally.

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