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Spirulina: what is it and 10 benefits of this superfood

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One of the superfoods that has been gaining the most popularity in recent years is spirulina, a type of algae converted into a nutritional supplement for its incredible properties.

We tell you where spirulina comes from, what are its health benefits and how you can take this food to take advantage of its nutritional contributions.

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What is spirulina?

Spirulina has become popular as a type of algae, but the truth is that it really comes from a type of cyanobacteria known as "blue algae".

Although its consumption has not become popular until recently in modern societies, this food was already used in the Mesoamerican cultures such as that of the Aztecs, as well as in some regions near Lake Chad in Africa, where this product.

As of 1965 its properties began to be studied, and upon discovering its multiple nutritional benefits, the exploitation of the product was systematized, which currently sold as a dietary supplement.

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Spirulina for consumption can be found mainly in the form of tablets or capsules, being used as nutritional supplement, but its powdered form is also popular, which can easily be included in juices and smoothies.

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10 properties and benefits of spirulina

Spirulina is a food with many nutritional contributions and health benefits, being an ideal product to use as a supplement. We will tell you about them below.

1. Contains all kinds of nutrients

Spirulina contains a large dose of all kinds of nutrients, being very rich in protein (4 grams for every 7 grams of product), vitamins B1, B2 and B3, iron, magnesium, potassium, omega 3 and omega 6, in addition to containing small amounts of almost all the nutrients necessary for our Body. In addition, these are more easily absorbed than other types of food.

2. Regulates bad cholesterol

Another benefit of spirulina is that helps reduce bad cholesterol and the presence of triglycerides, while helping to increase the presence of good cholesterol. This makes it an ideal food to prevent related diseases, such as heart attacks,

3. Antioxidant

Spirulina is also a great source of antioxidants, such as chlorophyll or carotenoids. Another of its antioxidants is phycocyanin, which helps fight the presence of free radicals and helps eliminate dangerous cells, which helps prevent certain types of cancer. This substance is what provides the bluish-green color of this alga.

4. Anti-inflammatory

This same substance, phycocyanin, also gives spirulina its natural anti-inflammatory effects, helping to reduce damage to inflamed tissues.

5. Rich in iron

Spirulina is one of the foods richest in iron, one of the reasons why it is highly recommended by the WHO. In addition, the type of iron it presents, being of vegetable organic origin, is easy for the body to absorb.

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6. Reduces blood pressure and sugar levels

Spirulina is also rich in nitric oxide, which promotes relaxation and dilation of blood vessels, promoting circulation and helping to reduce blood pressure.

The same happens with the sugar levels in the body, being beneficial as a supplement in cases of diabetes.

7. Strengthens defenses

The main antioxidant component present in spirulina, phycocyanin, helps increase the level of T lymphocytes in the body, an important part of the immune system. These lymphocytes help protect us from cellular abnormalities that can cause infections or diseases such as cancer, so they play an important part in fighting it.

8. Improves muscular endurance

The antioxidant properties of this type of blue-green algae help minimize muscle damage that can occur from oxidative damage after intense exercise. Spirulina helps improve muscular endurance and even muscle strength.

9. Improves allergies

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, this superfood is also beneficial in treating the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, or any other allergy characterized by inflammation of the nasal passages.

10. Helps to lose weight

Another benefit that has made spirulina popular is its effect in weight loss diets. This food contains a type of amino acid, phenylalanine, which has a satiating effect and helps reduce appetite. That is why it can be a good ally when it comes to losing weight. In addition, it contains many nutrients in few calories, which makes it an ideal supplement.

How to take spirulina algae

As we mentioned, spirulina It is mainly marketed in capsule, pill or powder format, although you can also find fresh spirulina or included in other types of food.

It can be consumed in pills or capsules as a nutritional supplement and according to the directions on the package. If consumed in powder form, can be mixed with water alone or accompany in shakes and preparations.

It is recommended start consuming 1 to 3 grams a day, and increase the daily dose once it is verified that the body's reaction is good, since not everyone tolerates it in the same way. If you notice adverse side effects, stop using immediately.

If you want to take this food as an aid to lose weight, it is recommended to take it before meals, so that you can benefit from its satiating effect.

Spirulina contraindications

Despite being a food of plant origin, with great nutritional and beneficial properties for health, it should be consumed with caution.

First of all, it is necessary make sure it is of good quality and reliable origin, because there are crops that do not pass any type of control and may present contamination.

Taking this type of contaminated seaweed could lead to stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, or even liver damage.

This contraindicated in case of kidney problems or hyperthyroidism. In cases of other diseases, in case of pregnancy or during lactation, it is recommended to consult health professionals before starting its consumption.

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