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The 10 best Carnival festivals in Spain

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Spain is a country of great parties, whatever the season, and whatever the region we are in. But if we have to talk about great festivities, some of the most emblematic and international take place during the carnival season.

That's why we bring you this list with the 10 best Carnival festivals in Spain, which stand out for the spectacular nature of their parades or their old and curious traditions.

The best Carnival festivals in Spain

These are the carnivals of our country that you will not want to miss to experience this holiday.

1. Santa Cruz of Tenerife

No one doubts that it is one of the best Carnival festivals in Spain. And even the world, since It is considered one of the most important carnivals, behind the famous carnival in Rio de Janeiro.

It is the only festival in the Canary Islands that has been declared a Festival of International Tourist Interest, and for years it has been waiting to be declared Intangible Heritage of Humanity. And is that its carnival is a display of spectacular parades of costumes and floats.

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The humorous social criticisms of the comparsas and murgas continue for several days until they reach Shrove Tuesday, which culminates in the Gran Coso Apotheosis, an old parade and the most prominent of the festivities.

2. Cadiz

El Cádiz is another of the best Carnival festivals in Spain. Like the Tenerife festival, this festival also bears the title of Festival of International Tourist Interest.

These carnivals stand out for the famous chirigotas, in which the people of Cádiz display all their sense of humor and sharpness expressed through original and funny couplets, all related to current affairs.

One of the famous chirigotas of Cádiz.
One of the famous chirigotas of Cádiz.

3. Badajoz

Another of the best Carnival festivals in Spain is the one held in Badajoz, where the crowds stand out. party in the streets of the city, in which it is estimated that more than 80,000 people will congregate disguised. The troupes and murgas are also part of these festivities., who hold their contest every year.

The festival is so important that it even has the first museum in our country dedicated to these festivals, and it is also one of the most important in the world.

4. Vinarós

The one in Vinarós is another of the best Carnival festivals in Spain, for the spectacularity of their floats and costumes, especially those of queens. Being one of the most important carnivals in the country, it aspires to be declared a Festival of National Tourist Interest.

The confetti battle, the Queens Gala and the parades stand out, which unlike other years this year will be held in an open circuit.

5. Sitges

The Sitges carnival is another of the most emblematic of the Mediterranean coast. Some parties that under the motto For Carnival anything goes!They give their all to offer the greatest spectacle and fun. Their long parades with spectacular costumes stand out, in which glitter and feathers are the protagonists.

For those who prefer something less lavish and are looking for something more original, there is also a fun disguised bed race, in which participants roll down the street on cots as a floats.

6. Pontevedra

In this Galician city one of the most outstanding Entroido festivals is celebrated, one of the best Carnival festivals in Spain. The festivities begin with the arrival of King Urco, a character who is accompanied by a pack of dogs. It is followed by days of parades and costume contests, murgas and pancakes.

Everything culminates in the most representative day of the Pontevedra Carnival, Carnival Friday, in which the emblematic Ravachol parrot is symbolically burned and buried, replacing the classic burial of the sardine.

7. Laza, Xinzo and Verín

And another of the places where the traditional Galician festival of Entroido is best celebrated is in these three cities of Ourense, better known as the Magic Triangle of Entroido. Its authenticity and tradition make it one of the best Carnival festivals in the country.

These rural festivities are far from the parades of elegant costumes and feathers we are used to: masked dances simulating demons, peculiar Peliqueiros or Cigarettes that poke anyone who crosses their path... Without a doubt they are spectacles worth being visited.

Image of a peliqueiro from the Laza Carnival.
Image of a peliqueiro from the Laza Carnival. Fountain:Wikimedia Commons

8. Haro Wine Carnival

The Haro Wine Carnival is another of the best Carnival festivals in Spain, both to keep the tradition of classic period costume parties, as if to add the appeal of a wine festival.

Similar to the carnivals of Venice, this Riojan town dresses in vintage to celebrate its festivities, which become a tribute to Bacchus, the god of Wine.

9. Eagles

This Murcian town is another of the essential visits during the Carnival of our country. In 2015 also It was declared a Festival of International Tourist Interest, for its imposing floats. The Águilas carnival has a lot of history and has such emblematic characters as Don Carnal, Doña Cuaresma, La Mussona or La Musa.

10. The Gran Canarian palms

And you could not miss another of the best Carnival festivals in Spain and one of the most recognized, that of Las Palmas. At the height of Tenerife, this spectacular display of colorful floats and lavish costumes it is one of the most emblematic. Its galas and costume contests are popular, including the choice of the Great Lady, the Queen's Gala or the now mythical Drag Queen Gala.
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