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Dreaming of spiders: what exactly does it mean?

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Many experts in the field believe that every day, we dream. Of these daily dreams, we only remember a few, and not always. There are people who dream a lot and remember it, and others who don't. The dream world is a very interesting field, at the same time complex and skeptical for many.

In this article we will talk about one of these dreams: dreaming of spiders: what does it mean exactly?

Before, but, we will talk about what it means to dream of animals, to later reveal the meanings attributed to dreaming of spiders and their variants, first according to Anna Monteschi, author of books in the dream world, and then according to S. Freud, father of psychoanalysis and very interested in dreams.

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The dream world: dreaming of animals

As we said, the world of dreams is a very curious world, and at the same time mysterious, in which not all people believe. There are those who believe that dreaming always means something, others that only occasionally ...

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On the other hand, there are people who associate dreams with "things that will happen", that is, with the future. (premonitory dreams), others believe that dreams convey things of the present to us, and others, things of the past. Logically, there are people who think that it depends on the dream, and that many times the three times are mixed: past, present and future.

Thus, we see how this field is somewhat controversial, since this field is not considered a science, and within it there is a lot of skepticism. However, many people considered experts on the subject, have given their opinion about the world dreamlike, and have even detailed a list (and even books and dictionaries) of possible dreams and their meaning.

In this article we have selected the contributions of Anna Monteschi, as she is an expert in the field oneiric, author of "The great book of dreams" (Editorial De Vecchi) and other books of the same thematic.

A) Yes, Let's see what this author thinks about dreaming about spiders, and if there are variations and more concrete meanings for this type of dreams. Before, but, we will analyze in a generic way what it means to dream of animals (and some of its variants), according to the author herself, when the spider is an animal.

1. Unknown animals

According to Monteschi, dreaming of unknown animals means “bad luck”. But the author specifies even more, and depending on the dream, the meaning may vary, as we will see.

2. Domestic animals

If the animal is domestic, it means that wealth and satisfaction are about to come into our lives, specifically in the field of business.

3. Fierce animals

In the case of dreaming of ferocious animals, it means that we are worried about fleeing a threat, which is in our life or that will come soon.

4. Animals that speak

If in the dream the animal speaks, according to Monteschi, this is related to a message, and it is not to be impressed by people who are learned and wise.

5. Animals that follow us

If the animal (or animals) follows us in the dream, this dream brings us another different message, and it is the following: "decision and a little aggressiveness, help at work."

6. Transform into an animal

Finally, if in the dream we transform ourselves into an animal (for example a spider), this is related to the value of cunning, that it may be more present than ever in our life, or that it is what we need to face certain situations.

Dreaming of spiders: what exactly does it mean?

We have seen what it means to dream of animals, but what about dreaming of spiders? What does this mean exactly?

According to Anna Monteschi, dreaming of spiders, generically means the arrival of problems and discussions. That is, it attributes a negative meaning to it. However, other authors consider just the opposite, and that dreaming of spiders is the prelude to good news.

According to Monteschi, if the dream becomes even more concrete, we find different meanings for the fact of dreaming about spiders. Let's get to know them.

1. Take it (s) with the hand

If we dream that we get to catch the spider (or spiders) with our hand, Monteschi attributes to this dream the meaning that we bravely face even the most unpleasant situations in the world. lifetime.

2. Kill her (s)

If we dream that we kill the spider (or spiders), according to the same author, this is a prelude to a good omen, good news that will soon come to our lives.

3. Very large spider (s)

If the spider or spiders that appear in our dream are of a considerable size (quite large), this is related With a great discussion that we will have in our lives and that will have many consequences, it is unknown if good or bad.

4. See the spider (s)

The fact of simply dreaming that spiders are seen, according to Monteschi, is related to an unpleasant situation, whether lived or to be lived.

5. See her knit

To dream that we see one or more spiders spinning, means that we will be involved in something soon.

Dream about tarantulas

It may be that the spider in our dream is actually a tarantula. Tarantulas are the largest spiders in a specific family, called "lycosides" (Lycosidae).

Thus, dreaming of tarantulas means that someone will cause us great pain in our life, which will take us away from home for a long period.

Being bitten by a tarantula

If in the dream we not only dream of a tarantula, but we are also bitten by one of them, this is related to anguish and disappointment in our life, whether present or future.

Freud's dream interpretation: dreaming of spiders

To interpret a dream with spiders, we can also go to the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. This neurologist and psychoanalyst believed that all dreams could be interpreted, and therefore, that all dreams have a meaning.

If we analyze a dream where spiders appear in Freud's line, we must consider different points. Thus, we must pay attention to aspects such as: how many spiders appeared in the dream? What color? How? What species? What did you feel in the dream? Did you feel scared, disgusted?

Based on all these answers, you can start to interpret. We must bear in mind that the dream should be analyzed individually, also taking care of another very important element: the different associations that the patient makes as he explains his dream, and how it Explain. There is the key to its meaning.

On the other hand, spiders are known to be a symbol of creation and aggressiveness.

1. Black spiders

The fact that spiders are black is related to emotions. Thus, if we dream of black spiders, the meaning may be that we are creating something purely emotional in our life, that is, guided by emotions.

It can be a wake-up call for us to pay attention to these emotions and try to calibrate and manage them better.

2. White spiders

On the other hand, the color white is a symbol of peace, calm and purity. Thus, dreaming of white spiders can be related to a quiet vital moment, where mental (and / or physical) peace has finally been achieved.

In addition, dreaming of the color white is related to unattainable desires, so dreaming of white spiders is is also related to this: for example with the achievement of the same or with the strong desire to get them.

Bibliographic references

  • Freud, S. (2013). The interpretation of dreams. Editorial Akal.

  • Monteschi, A. (2006). The great book of dreams. The interpretation of more than 10,000 dreams to know everything about love, wealth and success. Editorial De Vecchi, S.A.U. Barcelona.

  • Persian, L. (2013). 5,005 dreams: interpretation and meaning. LIBSA.
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