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33 riddles for children (and the solution to each one)

A riddle consists of a type of riddle - asked in direct question or not - that usually rhymes. Riddles are usually simple, with clues, that is, indirectly, they already solve themselves. For this reason, they are so frequently oriented to children.

Riddles, very much aimed at children, can serve as an educational element, to stimulate some cognitive abilities of the child. child as the development of critical sense or also to represent traditions and basic concepts such as fruits, animals, numbers, etc.

  • It may interest you: "40 Great Questions for Elementary School Kids"

So, in this article We bring you 33 riddles for children, with their respective solutions.

33 great riddles for boys and girls (with solutions)

The first riddles are documented to appear in texts of Indian origin, in some classical legends, and even in the Bible. Riddles are usually raised with more or less constant structures, sometimes in the form of verses.

A specific number of verses - generally eight-syllable verses - with assonance and consonant rhymes are common. There are also often word games. In this article, we list up to 33 riddles for children, of all kinds, along with the solution explained to each of them.

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1. White on the inside, green on the outside. If you don't know, wait.

The first of the riddles for children that we bring you is one of fruits, where the answer is: the pear. The same statement is giving the answer: "wait".

2. What animal has the five vowels?

The bat. The word bat has all the vowels: a-e-i-o-u, disordered.

3. My aunt Cuca has a bad streak, who will this girl be?

Cockroach. The sentence is giving a clue: the last word of the riddle rhymes with cockroach.

4. If three children catch three flies in three minutes. How long will it take thirty children to catch thirty flies?

Another riddle for children. In this case the answer is: three minutes. The hunting speed is constant: one fly per minute per person, since three flies require three minutes for three children. Well, thirty flies for thirty children will be caught in thirty minutes.

5. What is the living being that walks on all fours at dawn, with two at noon and three at sunset?

The man. He is the man throughout his life; when he is born he crawls (four legs), then he walks in two, and finally when he gets old if he needs a cane, he needs three.

6. A plane crashes and everyone dies, right on the border between Spain and Portugal. To which hospital do they have to take the survivors?

There are no survivors. This is a tricky riddle, as if everyone dies, there can be no survivors.

7. In the field I grew up, tied with green ribbons, and he who cries for me is tearing me to pieces.

The onion. The onion, because it is a field vegetable that makes you cry when you cut it.

8. I have two clamps, backwards way, in the living water, in the sea or in the river.

The crab. This is a simpler riddle, as it does not give any hints indirectly, it only describes the behavior of the animal.

9. I sing on the shore, I live in the water, I am not a fish, nor am I a cicada.

More riddles for kids. In this case the answer is: frog. Similar to the previous one; describes the animal.

10. In a lake there is a surface covered with water lilies and every day that area doubles in size. If it takes him 10 days to cover the lake, how long does it take to cover half the lake?

9 days. This riddle is more to think logically; If each day the occupation of water lilies doubles the surface, the penultimate day (9) must have half the total, by day 10 make the total.

11. My father has four children, MARÍA, RAQUEL, MANUEL, who is the fourth?

Me. Riddle that reveals the family structure, with the response self, of self-recognition.

12. She is the queen of the seas, her teeth are very good, and because she never goes empty, they always say that she is full. Whale.

Also here the answer is in the statement: "Goes-full".


13. She is a sister of your uncles, she is the daughter of your grandparents and who else loves you.

Another riddle for children, with the following answer: your mother. Another riddle about the family. It serves for the child to make a mental map of the family and relate.

14. We are green and yellow, we are also red. Our cake is famous and we also eat it without being cooked.

The Apple. Descriptive riddle with rhyme.

15. In a corner of the class where I am placed, you go with the papers that are of no use to you.

In this other riddles for children, the solution is: the trash can. It is a riddle about an everyday object of children at school.

16. She looks like my mother but she is older, she has other children than my uncles are.

The grandmother. Another riddle about the family and its members.

17. What color is Napoleon's white horse?

White. Another riddle for the smartest, where the statement is already giving you the answer.

18. Because I am cold blooded, I appear in spring on stones always perched in the hottest sun.

The lizard. Another descriptive riddle with rhyme.

19. I have needles but I don't know how to sew, I have numbers but I can't read, I give you the hours, do you know who I am?

The watch. Funny riddle trying to roll.

20. I am beautiful from the front and somewhat ugly from the back, I transform myself at every moment as I imitate others. Do you know who I am?

Mirror. Descriptive riddle for the most intuitive. The mirror, in effect, imitates others because it shows its reflection.

21. We are more than one and we go out with the moon; If you start to tell us, you will leave more than one.

The stars. Another rhymed riddle.

Stars and moon

22. How many animals do I have at home knowing that all but two are dogs, all but two are cats, and that all but two are parrots?

A dog, a cat and a parrot. A mathematical and logical riddle: in total you have three animals, and you subtract two of each, finally having one of each.

23. Blue and transparent it is, blue and transparent it will be. It will always be up and will never fall. What is it?

Heaven. Descriptive riddle that talks about a natural element: the sky.

24. At the end of the arms are the hands, at the end of the fingers we are.

The ones. Another descriptive riddle that talks about a part of the body: the nails.

25. I am a lofty man and I walk better than a clock; I get up very early and go to bed to pray.

Sun. Another descriptive riddle that talks about a natural element: the sky.

26. This was a rooster that laid an egg in the Picos de Europa. Where did he go, north or south?

Roosters do not lay eggs. Riddle of logic.

27. This is a strange case, because always being the same, it is worth a lot or nothing, depending on where it goes.

The zero. Well, zero is worth nothing, unless you put it to the right of other numbers.

28. I am small and soft and I carry my house on the tenderloin.

The snail is the answer to the next riddles for children. So, this riddle is about animals; the snail always wears its shell.

29. Thirty little white horses up a red hill, they run, they bite, they stand still, and they get into your mouth!

Teeth. Another riddle for the child to become familiar with the parts of the body.

30. What is that thing that looks from the right and looks backwards, is always a number?

The nine. The nine if turned has the shape of six, therefore, its shape can give rise to two numbers.

31. There is no day of the year that I can rest; always in your chest singing I walk, with my rhythmic tick-tock.

The heart. Riddle about another part of the body. The answer is the heart, because it never rests even for its rhythm.


32. They can be short, they can be long; never in children, yes in boys. If it ends in a point, it is called a mustache!

Mustache. Another riddle about an element of the body part.

33. If you have understanding, being a friend of knowledge, a stone on water, what could it be?

And to finish the riddles for children, we bring you this one with the following answer: the ice. It is a riddle with a rhythmic sense and rhyme, which talks about another element of nature: ice, which is hard on water.

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