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How to get rid of a hangover and the urge to vomit (in 7 tips)

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We go out to party and have a good time: we love the music from the bar, we dance, we laugh with our friends and we accompany him with a few drinks, which sometimes more than a few, there are several. But the next day, an annoying hangover leaves us lying on the bed as a memory of the great night we spent.

With a hangover you never know, because what does not give some hangovers, others do. Sometimes a single glass is enough, at other times a few more are needed for those annoying symptoms of the presence of alcohol in our body to appear. In any case the big question we always ask ourselves is How to remove hangover?

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Why do we get hangover?

Curiously, one of the most sought-after questions that still does not have a concrete answer is why do we get hangover after drinking alcohol. We are also concerned about how to remove the hangover or how to remove the hangover, which is what some Central American countries call those annoying symptoms that are headaches, nausea, body aches, appetite or lack of appetite, burning eyes, fatigue, stomach pain and a terrible general malaise, which appear after a night of alcohol and fun.

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The truth is that it is not known for sure why it gives us a hangover and why some of us are subjected to this terrible torment while others do not. Hundreds of studies have been done around the world in this regard, since alcoholic beverages are part of our lifestyle. However, only indications have been reached that are still debated. The most common theory explains that alcoholic beverages dehydrate us and hence the hangover, but recent studies say there is no proof of this.

Other theories complement dehydration with the loss of essential salts and minerals from the body due to alcoholic beverages, concluding in unbearable hangovers for us. The most sarcastic say that the hangover is payment for the fun of the night before.

What makes us hangover and how to prevent it?

Some of the hangover or hangover symptoms They have more specific explanations, which by knowing them allow us to know how to remove the hangover more effectively.

For example, fatigue is caused by low blood sugar, which is caused by alcohol and also causes the liver metabolism to change. To combat it we must consume carbohydrates, to remove the hangover by raising blood sugar levels.

Hangover stomach pain, sometimes even gastritis, is also known to be irritation caused by alcohol that the higher it is, the more irritable it is for the gastrointestinal mucosa. This is why to prevent hangovers, many people recommend eating foods high in fat before starting to drink alcohol, since it allows us to absorb the latter much more slowly.

Lastly, others studies also recommend that we drink more slowly to prevent hangovers, not only so that we ingest less alcohol, but also to give our enzymes (ADH and ALDH) time to transform the ethanol that enters the body into acetate. One of the causes of hangover is that by drinking too fast, we don't give our enzymes time to act and attenuate the effect of ethanol, resulting in a nasty hangover with sweating, nausea, and malaise.

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The dreaded hangover or hangover occurs after an excess in alcohol consumption.

How to get rid of a hangover in 7 tips

Because we know what causes hangover symptoms, we can know how to remove the hangover that those nights of euphoria end with. Try these tricks to remove a hangover and discover which ones work best in your body.

1. Drink a lot of water

One of the best known tricks on how to remove a hangover and one that is still very important, is drink a lot of water. Since alcohol is a substance that drains the body in excess, we need to recover this precious liquid for our organs, because it depends on it that they work well and that they can clean the toxins that make us hurt.

2. B12 vitamin

Vitamin B12 is the best for recovering the body from the effects of alcohol and the much dreaded hangover, because for a reason it is prescribed to patients who arrive at hospitals in an alcoholic coma.

Eggs, milk, yogurt and sausages especially, provide you with a large amount of vitamin B12, so you must make sure you eat these foods to get rid of your hangover. In addition, eggs and milk provide you with cysteine, the amino acid we need to dissolve acetaldehyde.

3. Isotonic drinks

It is believed that a hangover occurs because alcohol not only drains our water, but also salts and minerals that are very important for the body. Therefore, you need to hydrate and provide your body with salts and minerals again. An easy way to do this is by drinking isotonic drinks, better known as Gatorade or Powerade-type sports drinks.

4. Pharmacy rehydration solutions

If you are going through one of the worst hangovers of your life and sports drinks are not enough, then look at the pharmacy for drinks with electrolytes and zinc, such as those used in cases of diarrhea, which provide the rapid replacement of water in the body. Some examples are the Cito-oral in Spain, and in Latin America the cure for hangovers is Pedialyte, a drink full of minerals and essential nutrients that rehydrate you quickly.

5. Sleep more

Many times the solution to get rid of a hangover is simply to sleep more, so our body can focus its effort and energy on recover from the effects of alcohol.

6. Beware of caffeine

For some the best remedy to get rid of a hangover is a good cup of coffee, but for others, caffeine can make the feeling of hangover multiply. That is why you have to be careful with coffee and listen to your body, try and see if this hangover remedy is effective or not for you.

7. Lots of fruits and vegetables: vitamin C

The other vitamin that we need to remove the raw is vitamin C, as this is an antioxidant, just what we need to detoxify the body and eliminate toxins. Therefore, try to pass the craving for pizzas and hamburgers by adding juicy fruits and vegetables to the hangover menu. You can also opt for detox juices.

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