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The 85 best phrases of Isaac Newton

Perhaps the most iconic way you've ever met or heard of Isaac Newton is because of his interesting gravity discovery after dropping an apple on his head. Although it is not clear if this is just a legend, what it is is that Newton's three Laws would forever change the history of Physics, which brought him problems with the Church.

However, he was one of the most respected men and scholars in English society and despite unleashing the fury of the church, he remained a religious devotee, as well as a character who has inspired many scientists even to this day. today.

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Best Isaac Newton Quotes

Here we bring the most famous phrases of Sir Isaac Newton.

1. What we know is a drop of water; what we ignore is the ocean.

We always do not know something, since knowledge is infinite.

2. Everything that goes up has to go down.

One of the laws of gravity.

3. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

A fact that occurs both in physics and in everyday life.

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4. A man can imagine things that are false, but he can only understand things that are true.

Imagination does not prevent finding true facts.

5. Men build too many walls and not enough bridges.

There is a strange preference for dividing people rather than creating methods of joining forces.

6. Kepler's laws, while not rigidly true, are close enough to the truth that they led to the discovery of the law of attraction for bodies in the solar system.

Every study starts from a simple idea.

7. If you can keep reason above passion, that and vigilance will be your best advocates.

We can be more accurate if we control our emotions.

8. Gravity explains the movements of the planets, but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion.

The physicist explains that, although there are things explained by science, there will always be a divine origin.

9. If I have seen further than others, it is because I was on the shoulders of giants.

Surround yourself with people who know more than you and learn everything you can to find your own way.

10. If I have made invaluable discoveries, it has been more by being patient than any other talent.

Patience brings favorable results all the time.

11. The best and safest way to philosophize seems to be, first, to inquire diligently into the properties of things, and establish those properties through experiences (experiments) and then proceed slowly to hypotheses for explanation of these.

Not only is it enough to know the theory of things, but also to put them into practice.

12. I can calculate the movement of celestial bodies, but not the madness of people.

We can never know what people are capable of.

13. You have to make the rules, not follow them.

We cannot be so rigid in life, because that brings more negative than positive consequences.

14. There has never been a greater source of earthly honor for me than the distinction connected with advancements in science.

Advances in science represent the growth of society.

15. I do not know how others see me, but to me I am nothing more than a small child who wanders the vast shores of knowledge, from time to time when I find a bright little pebble to content myself with while the vast ocean of undiscovered truth lies before my.

Isaac Newton shows us that we must never stop seeing ourselves as curious children and explorers of the world.

16. Touch is the art of making something see without making an enemy.

We don't need to be cruel to defend a position.

17. Unity is variety, and variety in unity is the supreme law of the universe.

Everything is made up of little parts that make it work.

18. Nature delights in simplicity. And nature is no fool.

Nature knows her work very well.

19. Plato is my friend, Aristotle is my friend, but my best friend is the truth.

True friends are those who are always willing to tell us the truth.

20. It is the weight, not the number of experiments, that must be considered.

Never stop trying something until you get it right.

21. The errors are not in the art, but in the makers.

Mistakes come from not taking lessons learned seriously.

22. Getting to the simplest truth requires years of contemplation.

The truth is always more complex than meets the eye.

23. If I have rendered any service to the public, it is because of my patient thought.

Every goal came before from a simple thought that has been thoroughly worked out.

24. I have been a small child who, playing on the beach, occasionally found a finer pebble or a more beautiful shell than usual. The ocean of truth stretched, unexplored, before me.

Talking about his passion for discovering new things.

25. If I have made invaluable discoveries, it has been more by being patient than any other talent.

Again it reminds us that patience is our best tool to succeed.

26. As I see it, there is nothing desirable in public esteem or fame, if I were able to acquire and maintain it. Perhaps it would be to increase my relationship with which my ability to study would decline.

Sometimes fame completely disengages people from their interest in getting an education.

27. Live your life as an exclamation rather than an explanation.

Do what makes you happy and don't explain yourself.

28. A body in motion tends to keep moving unless an external force acts on it.

Never stop moving forward, because everything in life is about moving forward.

29. The best way to understand is with some good examples.

Examples are used to compare a concept with something practical from reality.

30. Any force exerted on a body is directly proportional to the acceleration it will experience.

Everything we do is the result of lived experiences.

31. The truth is always found in the simplicity and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.

Real things don't need to be adorned.

32. Explaining all of nature is too difficult a task for any man or even for any age.

Nature is too complex to fully understand.

33. Sir Isaac Newton was questioned about how he discovered gravity. I replied: thinking, thinking about it all the time.

Never underestimate the forces of your thoughts. Instead, do your best to shape them.

34. All my discoveries have been answers to my prayers.

Here he shows us his gratitude to God for his work.

35. The best thing is that the man looks for a bit of truth and certainty, leaving the rest for others, for those who will come, with conjectures and without taking anything for granted.

It is not necessary to ambition all knowledge, but to work on what we know and leave necessary contributions for others.

36. Nature is truly coherent and comfortable with herself.

A great admiration for nature.

37. If I am something, which I doubt very much, it has been with a lot of effort.

Our effort is what brings results, not talent without working.

38. No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess.

All discovery started from a revolutionary idea.

39. In the absence of any other proof, the thumb would convince me of the existence of a God.

Showing your absolute faith in the presence of God.

40. Where does all this order and all the beauty that we see in the world come from?

Isaac Newton affirmed that the origin of the Universe could not be anything other than the work of God.

41. I take my telescope and see space, which is millions of miles away. However, he entered my room and through prayer I can get closer to God and heaven, which will have all the telescopes on earth.

Talking about the power of prayer that connects people with their spiritual selves.

42. The acquired force is the action exerted on a body to change its state of rest or of uniformly straight motion.

To change something, you need to take the necessary actions.

43. If others thought as hard as I do, they would get similar results.

We all have the same potential to be successful.

44. If I had expected other people to make my tools and my things, I would never have done anything.

We must never depend on others to take charge of our future.

45. It is the perfection of God's works, that all of them are done with the greatest simplicity. He is the God of order and not of confusion.

God is synonymous with perfection for Newton.

46. The one who no one likes, usually no one likes.

In order to have a good social interaction, it is necessary to open ourselves to the affection of others.

47. My skills are ordinary. Only my dedication gives me success.

It is useless to have natural talent if we do not work to perfect it.

48. It is enough for me to examine a blade of grass, or a handful of dirt, to confirm the existence of God.

Every part of nature is a divine work.

49. As the framework of the world is understood, one must endeavor to reduce knowledge to as simple as possible. This is how the search for these visions should be treated.

The only way that people are interested in knowing things is to make them simple to understand.

50. There is no philosophy more sublime than that known by the name of sacred writing.

The bible is the guide to life for many people.

51. If you are offended, it is better to pass it in silence, or with a joke, although with some dishonor, than to try to get revenge.

Revenge only breeds more resentment and a vicious cycle of bitterness.

52. Those who undertake to search for the philosopher's stone by its same standards will be bound to a strict and religious life.

The famous philosopher's stone, the subject of thousands of experiments and legends.

53. This beautiful system composed of the sun, the planets, and the comets could not have less than been created by the advice and control of a Powerful and Intelligent entity.

For the physicist, there can be no other explanation than the intervention of a supreme being for the existence of the universe.

54. The more time and dedication one spends worshiping false gods, the less time one has to think about the true one.

Here is his contempt for blasphemies.

55. Truth is the offspring of silence and meditation.

The truth takes time to be exposed, but only to show that it is true.

56. There are more sure indications of validity in the Bible than in any profane history.

For believers, everything you need to know about religion is in the bible.

57. The Supreme God is an Eternal, Infinite, absolutely Perfect being.

Again, the physique reminds us of his devotion to God.

58. Hypotheses should not be considered in experimental philosophy.

Hypotheses are just theorems that need to be studied in depth before being exposed.

59. I will not mix guesswork with certainties.

You should never mix myths with real facts.

60. The absolute, true and mathematical time, in itself and by its very nature, flows in a uniform way without relation to anything external.

There are those who affirm that time is the only real measure since it is unalterable.

61. Piety consists of knowledge, love and worship of God, humanity in love, justice and good offices towards man.

Mercy does not make us weak, but empathic beings capable of understanding the mistakes of others.

62. God is everywhere, the thoughts of minds are somewhere, and all bodies occupy a space.

This is reflected in the saying "God is within each one of us."

63. I constantly keep the subject of my research before me, and wait until the first dawn gradually, little by little, a clear and full light opens for me.

Do not give up on an idea even if you can't find a way to move forward, let it rest and check again from time to time until you can continue.

64. No older person loves math.

Sometimes math is too complicated to enjoy.

65. When I wrote my treatise on our system, I had an eye on how such principles might work when they were considered by man for belief in a Deity, and nothing rejoices me more than to find that I have been useful for this purpose.

One of Newton's great goals was to combine science and religion as one enormous force.

66. You cannot exist without being related to space in some way.

We are all part of space, because it is where we exist.

67. Nature does nothing in vain when it will least serve, because nature delights in simplicity and does not affect the pomp of superfluous causes.

Nature is wise as to what it can give and when to refrain from doing so.

68. Atheism is so meaningless and hateful to humanity that it never had many teachers.

Speaking of his rejection of the conception of atheism.

69. Abel was righteous and Noah was a preacher of righteousness and by his righteousness, he was saved from the flood.

These teachings teach us that acting with good intentions will always pay off.

70. God gave the Old Testament prophecies, not to satisfy the curiosity of the people, but so that later they can be interpreted according to the way they were fulfilled.

Newton saw the Old Testament as a theory to develop further.

71. Each particle of matter is attracted by or gravitates towards any other particle of matter with a force inversely proportional to the squares of their distances.

Fragment of the law of universal gravitation.

72. God created everything with his rules, he included number, weight and measure in all things.

In his perception, God was the greatest of physicists.

73. Christ is called the righteous and by his righteousness we are saved, and unless our righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, we will not enter the Kingdom of heaven.

The teachings that the characters of the bible left us are to know that we must act well at all times.

74. When the two forces come together, their efficiency is twofold.

By joining forces with someone we are increasing the chances of being victorious.

75. Physics, be careful with metaphysics.

Metaphysics is a field where reality is studied from a more existential point of view.

76. This is but an insignificant imitation of a much larger system whose laws you know, and I cannot convince you that this simple toy It has no designer or maker, however you affirm that the great original from which this design was taken has come into existence without a designer or maker.

Explaining the necessity of the belief of a God in spite of not being able to prove the existence of him.

77. Justice and love are inseparable because he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.

Those who act for themselves without affecting others is both fair and loving.

78. To make way for the regular and enduring motions of the planets and comets, it is necessary to empty the heavens of all matter, except perhaps some very thin vapors, vapors or effluvia, arising from the atmospheres of the earth, planets and comets, and from an ethereal medium extremely rare.

To truly appreciate outer space it would be necessary to remove everything in between.

79. Modern authors, like the oldest ones, endeavored to subordinate the phenomena of nature to the laws of mathematics.

Is nature a part of mathematics or is mathematics the result of nature?

80. God is able to create particles of matter of different sizes and shapes, and perhaps of different densities and forces, and in this way he can vary the laws of nature, and make worlds of different kinds in different parts of the world. universe. I at least do not see anything contradictory in this.

Referring to the infinite power of God, but not as a work of self-centeredness, but as a scientist who knows what he is doing.

81. Justice is the religion of the kingdom of heaven and in fact the property of God himself towards man.

Justice is just one display of God's divine goodness.

82. Although the particles remain whole, they can compose bodies of the same nature and texture in all ages: but if they wear out or break into pieces, the nature of the things that depend on them would change.

We are made of the moments that we live and therefore we mold ourselves as we experience it.

83. Let me think... I wonder if an anvil will fall like an apple.

Each object is affected differently by gravity depending on its mass and acceleration.

84. If two angels were sent from heaven, one to lead an empire, and the other to sweep the streets, they would feel no need to change their employment because an angel would know that no matter what we do, it is an opportunity to bring joy, deepen our understanding, and expand our life.

Here the importance of appreciating our work and that of others is reflected, because each one gives their contribution to the world.

85. Ah!!! Diamond, Diamond, you will never truly realize the wrong you have done !!!

Jewelry can bring more misfortune than satisfaction.

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