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The 10 countries with the most attractive men

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They say that beauty is in who looks more than in what looks. We couldn't agree more with that, especially when it comes to determining which are the countries with the most attractive men.

Everyone has an idea of ​​beauty and who for some it represents the most handsome man, for others it may be the opposite. The thing about attractiveness is that it doesn't always depend on physical appearance, but charisma and attitude can greatly increase whether a guy looks more handsome.

However, in La Guía Femenina we encourage ourselves to do the list of countries with the most attractive men, highlighting diversity to satisfy all tastes.

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The 10 countries with the most attractive men

We women have already suffered enough because of the beauty stereotypes that are established for us, making us think that only seeing ourselves in a certain way we are beautiful, when on the contrary, it is diversity and authenticity that gives us beauty people.

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We will not do the same with the men in this list of the countries with the most attractive men, in which we want more good highlight the different types of beauty that our diverse planet has to offer. In no particular order, we present you the 10 countries with the most handsome men and we hope that you will be encouraged to visit them so that you can admire the beauty that each of them has to offer.

1. England

The English always appear when we talk about the countries with the most attractive men, and that is how just by naming David Beckham, Charlie Hunnam or Tom Hardy, we realize that England is the cradle of some of the most handsome men. The truth is that the English have the charm of the gentlemen of the time and that bearing and style that, be it blonde or brown, makes them look extremely handsome and stand out from the rest.

2. South Korea

From the Asian continent, Koreans make more than one sigh, not only for its unique beauty that Asian features bring and for their perfect skin, but for the attitude with which they walk and the good taste and style when dressing. This and much more, makes them a set of virtues worthy of being among the countries with the most attractive men.

3. Denmark

When we talk about the beauty of Scandinavian men we think first of Sweden, but the truth is that Danish men are something much more special (and more scarce, since it is a very small country). His blue and gray eyes and blond hair will not be the predilection of many, but if you mix it with his height, his shoulders wide and that Viking virility that runs through their veins, Denmark becomes one of the countries with men more attractive.

If we add to this the culture they have and the beauty of their country, surely your next vacation you will want to spend in Denmark.

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4. Brazil

Brazil is one of the richest countries in terms of types of beauty is concerned; blondes, brunettes, mestizos and much more is what we can find in Brazil, both in men and in women, so it is not uncommon for them to always appear within the countries with the most handsome men in the world. world.

But in addition to those physical features that make them incredibly sexy, Brazilians have that fieryness that comes from their Afro roots and that joyful spirit so characteristic of Latin American countries, which increases their attractive.

5. Germany

Returning to the land of tall blondes we arrive in Germany, another of the countries with the most attractive men in Europe and the world. Germans in general are stocky, tall men with strong-featured faces, which makes them look much more masculine.

Sometimes that serious and remote look of some is which makes us see them much more attractiveWell, they have that “bad boy” aspect that attracts us so much. In any case, always with a bearing and a way of walking that will leave you breathless. Have you noticed Max Riemelt or Johannes Huebl?

6. Lebanon

Arab men also have their place on this list, for it is impossible to deny that the strong chins, marked and bushy eyebrows and the looks of those deep eyes are to delight. It is enough to walk through the streets of Beirut to leave your heart in every corner, because Lebanon is one of the countries with the most attractive men in the world.

7. South Africa

In Africa there is also one of the countries with the most handsome men, this is South Africa. There are those who consider that South Africans have the "perfect" male genes due to the great mix of cultures that this country has lived through. The truth is, South Africans are not only attractive but feel sensual mostly 78% say the polls. A fact that shows that it is not only the physical but the attitude that counts in beauty.

8. Australia

There is a scientific study that states that male beauty is determined by some traits, such as the marked jaw, height, well-groomed facial hair, symmetry in the features and eyes that have the ring that surrounds the iris well marked.

According to this data, Australians are one of the men who most possess these traits and, therefore, they are one of the most handsome. Fortunately Australia is a country as large as it is diverse and you can find blond, brown and many more men there suitable for all tastes.

9. Venezuela

Another Latin country that is the cradle of very handsome men is Venezuela. The men's competition awards they have won proves it. Venezuelans are very attractive and seductive, not only because of their physical beauty, but because of their masculinity, spark and Latin charisma that attracts us so much.

10. Italy

Without a doubt, these guys are still one of the most handsome. Italy is one of the countries with the most attractive men par excellence, and not only because they are handsome, but because they are tremendously flirtatious and seductive.

Italians know how to dress, how to eat and how to speak so that women are attracted to them. Their unique style and bearing also make them one of the most elegant men, just walk through Milan or the center of Rome to realize it.

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