Education, study and knowledge

The 12 types of intelligence that exist

It is clear that we are all different and unique in our way of being. That what motivates one does not motivate the other; that what some of us are good at doing, on the contrary not for others; or that we are capable of seeing or understanding certain things that others are not, and vice versa. These differences are given by our genetic makeup and the types of intelligence that each one has.

That's how it is, there are 12 different types of intelligence and each of us has some of them to a greater or lesser extent, which debates the preconceived idea that we have about who is or is not an intelligent person. Pay attention!

What do we mean by intelligence?

Usually when we think of an intelligent person The first thing that comes to mind is that he is a genius with mathematics, with physics or that he knows very well political and economic theories; basically the girls who always get the best grades and who do very well in school.

The truth is that intelligence is an abstract construction that is very difficult to define. In principle it is about

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the mental capacity we have to acquire knowledge and the ability we have to solve problems; that is, the ability we have to create something new (information) from what we have in our memory and the new information that comes to us from outside.

Now, there is no single, fully accepted definition of what intelligence is. There are different theories that psychologists, researchers and doctors in other areas have developed to explain what it is about; from the traditional unitary intelligence theory, to many others that speak of the existence of different types of intelligence, such as the acclaimed Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences.

The different theories and forms of intelligence

This last theory, that of Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences, has been widely accepted because it names some of the most recognized types of intelligence. He posits that each of us possesses eight types of innate intelligence or abilities, and says that each of these forms of intelligence are just as important and relevant.

It is very valuable that we know the different types of intelligence, because it totally changes the paradigm that intelligence is only one and is associated with the academic field. As Gardner describes it: “Intelligence, what we consider intelligent actions, changes throughout history. Intelligence is not a substance in the head like oil in an oil tank. It is a collection of potentialities that complement each other ”.

The 12 types of intelligence we can have

Here we explain the 12 types of intelligence that we can possess. You will see that as you read, you will recognize the ones that stand out the most in you. Which are?

1. Linguistic intelligence

Is about the ability to use language; that is, our ability to use words orally, in writing and even gestures. Therefore, this is one of the types of intelligence that has to do largely with the way we communicate.

We can notice linguistic intelligence in those people who have a specific sensitivity to words and speech. communication, such as writers, journalists, speakers, communicators, or those who like to read and write stories. Here we also include the facility to learn other languages.

2. Logical Intelligence - Mathematics

Surely this form of intelligence you know very well because it is the one that, in general, we associate with the most widespread concept of intelligence. Well, it consists of the ability to reason logically and deductive, to connect actions or symbols, to verify hypotheses, to calculate and the ability to solve mathematical problems.

This type of intelligence is very typical of those who solve mathematical problems easily or who can determine patterns, so it is very common among those who are scientists, mathematicians, physicists, engineers, economists and accountants.

3. Spatial intelligence

It is one of the types of intelligence that designers, artists, architects or illustrators have. is defined as the ability of people to think in three dimensions, the ability to observe the world and its objects in different perspectives, create mental images, visualize, manipulate images, imagine and finally, produce or decode all that information that is graphic, visual.

This type of intelligence is not only of the artists, it is also very present in the pilots, sailors and those who create maps.

4. Naturalistic intelligence

It consists of the ability to recognize, classify, organize, distinguish and understand the elements and species of our natural environment, that is to say, of the environment. Those who stand out for this type of intelligence are very sensitive to plants and animals, so we can speak of biologists, botanists, peasants and farmers.

This type of intelligence was very relevant to our ancestors, as it ensured their survival.

5. Bodily and kinesthetic intelligence

This type of intelligence has to do with the ability to use one's own body; This translates into the ability we have to coordinate movements of our body. This kind of intelligence requires a great connection between the mind and the body.

It is very typical of athletes, athletes and dancers, but we also see it in surgeons, actors, artisans, as it also has to do with the ability to express emotions and feelings through Body.

6. Musical intelligence

As the name implies, it is about the ability we have with music. That is, the ability to recognize sounds, rhythms, tones and transform or translate them into musical pieces; so they are spoken of as people who have "good ears."

We are clearly talking about singers, composers, musicians, conductors and those areas related to music creation. But we also see it in those people who generally follow the rhythm of the songs with one foot or one hand and have a good rhythm.

7. Interpersonal intelligence

Do you have a friend who can always relate well with people, who listens and understands perfectly what is said and what is not said in words, and who is very skilled at responding? So surely one of the types of intelligence you have is interpersonal intelligence, and it translates into the ability to understand, empathize and communicate with the people around her correctly.

We see it a lot in those who are innate leaders, teachers, politicians or actresses, as they manage to interpret the words or gestures of others, and discern their emotions and intentions.

8. Intrapersonal intelligence

It is the type of intelligence that people have who have a great ability to understand each other. themselves, to know their emotions, their motives, their thinking and are able to regulate their behaviour.

Intrapersonal intelligence has to do with self-knowledge and self-love but also with an understanding of the human condition, so it is normal for it to stand out in philosophers, psychologists, coaches or sociologists, among others.

9. Emotional intelligence

Quite mentioned lately, we could say that she has a bit of intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence. Is about the ability to know our emotions, those of others and be able to detect and regulate them. This type of intelligence is made up of emotional self-control, emotional self-awareness, self-motivation, empathy, and social skills.

10. Existential intelligence

In the words of Howard Gardner himself, it is “the ability to situate oneself with respect to the cosmos and with respect to the existential features of the condition human, as is the meaning of life and death, the final destiny of the physical and psychological world in deep experiences such as love for another person".

It is one of the types of intelligence of people who like to question themselves about existence, go further philosophizing about events, meditate on issues such as the meaning of life and death, etc. It is seen in people who seek transcendence, they like to meditate, philosophize and dialogue.

11. Collaborative intelligence

It is a new type of intelligence that has become very popular within the organizational environment, since it is about the ability to achieve goals working as a team. It has a lot to do with our ability to be part of a group, in this case, a work team, and to choose the best option together to achieve a goal.

12. Creative intelligence

This is one of the types of intelligence that you can see in that friend who has her mind at a thousand all the time, that she is always proposing new things, that she does different things and that she is in a constant search for novelty. Well, it's about the ability to generate new ideas, the flexibility to see things differently, the ability to flow, imagine and respond in a new way.

Now that you have discovered the different ways in which intelligence is presentedHave you been able to identify which one represents you?

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