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Spanish names by communities

Spanish names by communities

Image: Gentile of Spain

The gentilices are those adjectives that are used to show a relationship with a geographical place, serving to call the original people of a place in a certain way. The names can be used to, among other things, refer to the people of a certain Autonomous Community, and that is why in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to talk about the Spanish names by communities.

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  1. The people of Andalusia
  2. People of Aragon
  3. Castilla La Mancha and its names
  4. Castile and Leon
  5. People of Catalonia
  6. Extremadura and its people
  7. Galicia and its people
  8. The people of the Basque Country
  9. Valencian Community and the names
  10. The names of the Spanish islands
  11. The names of the smallest autonomous communities
  12. List of inhabitants of Spain by communities

The people of Andalusia.

Andalusia is an autonomous community located in the south of Spain, being the community with the largest population of the country and the second most extensive. It is made up of 8

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provincesSeville being its capital and its most inhabited province. The gentilicio of the inhabitants of Andalusia is Andalusian or Andalusian.

On the other hand, the names of the provinces that make up Andalusia are the following:

  • Seville: Sevillian or Sevillian.
  • Malaga: malagueño or malagueña.
  • Cadiz: gaditano or gaditana.
  • grenade: grenadian or grenadine.
  • Cordova: Cordovan or Cordovan.
  • Almeria: Almeriense.
  • Jaen: jienense, jaenero or jaenes.
  • Huelva: Huelva.
Names of Spain by communities - The names of Andalusia


People of Aragon.

Aragon arises from historical kingdom with the same name, being one of the great crowns of medieval times. Currently, it is an autonomous community in the north of the country made up of three provinces. Inhabitant of Aragon city is called Aragonese or Aragonese, although it is also used colloquially maño or maña. On the other hand, the names of the provinces that make up Aragon are the following:

  • Saragossa: Zaragoza or Zaragoza.
  • Teruel: Teruel.
  • Huesca: Huesca.

Castilla La Mancha and its names.

It is an autonomous community located in the central part of Spain. It is made up of five provinces, being the third largest community in the country. The name of the inhabitants of Castilla-La Mancha is castellanomanchego or castellanomanchega.

On the other hand, the names of the provinces that make up Castilla-La Mancha are the following:

  • Toledo: toledano or toledana.
  • Albacete: Albacete or Albacete.
  • Real city: ciudadrealeño or ciudadrealeña.
  • Basin: Cuenca.
  • Guadalajara: guadalajareño or guadalajareña.

Castile and Leon.

This autonomous community is located in the northern part of the plateau, in the Duero basin. It is the largest community in Spain, being made up of nine provinces. The name of the inhabitants of this community is Castilian-Leonese / Castilian-Leonese or Leonese / Leonese.

On the other hand, the names of the provinces that make up Castilla y León are the following:

  • Zamora: zamorano or zamorana
  • Valladolid: pucelano / pucelana or vallisoletano or vallisoletana
  • Soria: Soriano or Soriana
  • Segovia: Segovian or Segovian
  • Salamanca: Salamanca or Salamanca
  • Palencia: Palencia or Palencia
  • Lion: Leonese or Leonese
  • Burgos: Burgos or Burgos
  • Avila: aviles
Spanish names by communities - Castilla y León

Image: Destination Castilla y León

People of Catalonia.

This autonomous community is located in the northeast of the Peninsula. It is made up of 4 provinces, its capital being Barcelona. The gentilicio of the inhabitants of Catalonia is Catalan or Catalan. On the other hand, the names of the provinces that make up Catalonia are the following:

  • Barcelona: Barcelona or Barcelona.
  • Tarragona: Tarragona.
  • Gerona: Girona.
  • Lleida: Lleida or Lleida.
Spanish names by communities - Catalan names

Extremadura and its names.

It is a community located in the southwest of Spain, being made up of the two largest provinces in the country. Its capital is Mérida, which does not share a name with either of the two provinces, and belongs to Badajoz. The gentilicio of the inhabitants of Extremadura is Extremadura or Extremadura.

On the other hand, the names of the provinces that make up Extremadura are the following:

  • Badajoz: pacense
  • Cáceres: Cacereño or Cacereña

Galicia and its names.

It is a community located in the northwest of Spain, consisting of four provinces. Its capital is Santiago de Compostela, a city located in the province of La Coruña. The gentilicio of the inhabitants of Galicia is Galician or Galician.

On the other hand, the names of the provinces that make up Galicia are the following:

  • Pontevedra: pontevedrés or pontevedresa
  • Corunna: coruñés or coruñesa
  • Lugo: lucense
  • Pray: orensano or orensana
Spanish names by communities - Galicia and its names

Image: Slideshare

The people of the Basque Country.

The Basque Country or Euskadi is an autonomous community located in the north of Spain that is made up of three provinces. Its capital is Bilbao, a city located in the province of Vizcaya. The name of the inhabitants of the Basque Country is Basque or Basque.

On the other hand, the names of the provinces that make up the Basque Country are the following:

  • Alava: Alava or Alavesa.
  • Biscay: Biscayan or Biscayan.
  • Guipúzcoa: Guipuzcoano or Guipuzcoana.
Spanish names by communities - The Basque Country names

Image: Slideshare

Valencian Community and the names.

It is a community located in the east of Spain that receives its name from the old Kingdom of Valencia. Inhabitant of Valencia city is called Valencian or Valencian. On the other hand, the names of the provinces that make up the Valencian Community are the following:

  • Castellon: Castellonense.
  • Valencia: Valencian or Valencian.
  • Alicante: Alicante or Alicante.

The names of the Spanish islands.

Spain has two island autonomous communities, which are the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands. The Balearic Islands are a single-province community, whose inhabitants receive the name of Balearics. But they have different islands and, depending on the origin, the inhabitants know each other by some names or others:

  • Minorca: Menorcan, Menorcan
  • Ibiza: Ibizan or Ibizan
  • Majorca: Majorcan or Majorcan

On the other hand, Canary Islands It is an archipelago formed by two provinces, and whose inhabitants receive the name of canaries or canaries. The names of the two provinces that make up the Canary Islands are the following:

  • Santa Cruz of Tenerife: Tenerife or Tenerife.
  • Las Palmas: palmense.

The names of the smaller autonomous communities.

Unlike other communities, in Spain there are also areas that are smaller and that, for Therefore, they only have a single name to refer to the people who live in said territory. Here we discover them:

Gentilicio of Madrid

It is a single-province community located in the center of Spain, where the capital of the Spanish state is located, the town of Madrid. The gentilicio of the inhabitants of Madrid is Madrilenian or Madrilenian.

Asturias and its people

Asturias is a single-province community located in the north of Spain, It receives the name of Principality, since the successor of the king is named Prince / Princess of Asturias for various historical reasons. The name of Asturias is Asturian / Asturian or Asturian.


Cantabria is also a single-province community located in the north of Spain. Its capital and most populated city is Santander. The name of the inhabitants of Cantabria is Cantabrian / Cantabrian and Highlander / Highlander.

The Rioja

It is a single-province community located in the north of Spain. Its capital and most populated city is Logroño. The name of the inhabitants of La Rioja is Riojan or Riojan.


It is a provincial and single-province community located in the north of Spain, which receives its name from the old Kingdom of Navarra. The majority of the population of Navarra lives in the capital, Pamplona. Inhabitant of Navarra city is called Navarrese or Navarrese.


It is a single-province community located in the southeast of Spain. Its capital and most populated city is Murcia. Inhabitant of Murcia city is called Murcian or Murcian.

Autonomous cities

The Spanish territorial organization means that there are administrative divisions called autonomous cities, being a middle ground between the communities and the municipalities. To conclude with this lesson on the names of Spain by communities, we must talk about the names of the two Spanish autonomous cities, Ceuta and Melilla. The inhabitants of Ceuta receive the name of ceutí and those of Melilla receive the one of Melilla.

List of the names of Spain by communities.

  • Andalusia: Andalusian.
  • Aragon: Aragonese.
  • Asturias: Asturian.
  • Cantabria: Cantabrian.
  • Castilla y León: Castilian-Leonese.
  • Castilla-La Mancha: Castilian-Manchego / a.
  • Catalonia: Catalan.
  • Community of Madrid: Madrilenian
  • Valencian Community: Valencian / a.
  • Extremadura: Extremadura / a.
  • Galicia: Galician.
  • Balearic Islands: Balearic.
  • Canary Islands: Canary.
  • La Rioja: Rioja / a.
  • Navarra: Navarrese.
  • Basque Country: Basque.
  • Murcia region: Murcian.
  • Ceuta: ceutí.
  • Melilla: Melilla.
Spanish names by communities - List of Spanish names by communities

Image: Educastur Blog

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