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The 90 best famous phrases about shame

We have all felt shame at some time (or several times) in our life, especially when we do something that ends in a completely opposite result, because we feel that it makes us lose the confidence. However, this is an emotion that shows great humanity and the most sensitive part of people.

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Great quotes and reflections on shame

To reflect on this complex emotion, we have brought in this article a series with the best famous phrases about shame.

1. When a stupid man does something that embarrasses him, he always says that he does his duty. (George Bernard Shaw)

There are embarrassments that are done on purpose.

2. The corruption of the soul is more shameful than that of the body. (José María Vargas Vila)

A corrupted soul is hardly good again.

3. When those who rule lose their shame, those who obey lose respect. (Cardinal de Retz)

When we lose our shame, it also part of our credibility.

4. Man's secret thoughts are about all things, without guilt or shame. (Thomas Hobbes)

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Thoughts can hide many things.

5. Pride is not the opposite of shame, it is the source. Humility is the antidote to shame. (General Iroh)

Feeling sorry for our mistakes helps us make amends.

6. Don't be ashamed. If I could dream, I would dream of you. (Stephenie Meyer)

Never fear who you are.

7. Don't let your tongue proclaim your shame. (William Shakespeare)

Take care of your words, because they can sentence you.

8. To who afraid to ask, ashamed to learn. (Danish proverb)

The only way to know things is to find out.

9. Guilt says: I have done something wrong, shame says: there is something wrong with me. (George Bernanrd Bradshaw)

Shame makes us reflect.

10. To Barba Moza, Little Shame. (Spanish saying)

A very peculiar saying.

11. The sweetest-smelling flower is shy and humble. (William Wordsworth)

Humility and shyness have a certain charm.

12. We must proceed in such a way that we do not blush at ourselves. (Baltasar Gracián)

It means that our actions should make us proud.

13. The one who is in need does not want to be ashamed. (Homer)

It is necessary to ask for help when we need it.

14. I think they are all weird. We should all celebrate our individuality and not be ashamed of it. (Johnny Depp)

A very valuable reflection.

15 There can be only one good in evil: the shame of having done it. (Seneca)

Shame gives way to regret.

16. True madness may be nothing more than wisdom itself, which, tired of discovering the shame of the world, has made the intelligent resolution to go mad. (Heinrich Heine)

About going a little crazy in the face of the atrocities of the world.

17. Be ashamed to die before you have achieved any victory for humanity. (Horace Mann)

Our existence should leave a mark.

18. The difference between guilt and shame is very clear in theory. We feel guilty for what we do. We are ashamed of who we are. (Lewis Smedes)

Why be ashamed of yourself?

19. In poverty, there is no shame. (Spanish saying)

In poverty, people are capable of many things.

20. Don't try to be what you are not. If you are nervous, be nervous. If you are shy, be shy. (Adriana Lima)

There is nothing wrong with accepting our weaknesses.

21. Shame comes to the aid of men or debases them. (Hesiod)

The two faces of shame.

22. The world calls books that explain its own shame immoral. (Oscar Wilde)

Nobody wants to hear the truth about their mistakes.

23. There is no shame in admitting what you don't know. The only shame is pretending you know all the answers. (Neil deGrasse Tyson)

A phrase to think about.

24. Whoever gives is in danger of losing shame. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

We must be careful with our kindness.

25. What begins with anger ends with shame. (Benjamin Franklin)

The danger of getting carried away by emotions.

26. Love banishes shame. (Anonymous)

Love as the definitive cure.

27. We would often be ashamed of our most beautiful actions, if the world knew all the reasons for them. (François de La Rochefoucauld)

Not all good deeds are done with good intentions.

28. I think he is blushing great artist. I can't imagine Monet blushing. (Kate Winslet)

Sometimes we feel sorry in front of a person who intimidates us.

29. Tell the truth and shame the devil. (Francois Rabelais)

The truth is absolute.

30. In front of the scarecrow in old age I am ashamed of myself. (Kobayashi Issa)

Older people always have something to teach us.

31. Those hours of waiting have turned into tension, tension into fear, and fear makes us ashamed to show our affection. (Paulo Coelho)

Bad experiences sow shame in wanting to try again.

32. Shame is like everything else, live with it and it will become part of your home. (Thomas Hobbes)

What happens if we let ourselves be carried away by grief.

33. There is a kind of shame in being happy in the face of certain miseries. (Jean de la Bruyère)

There are times when the misery of some relieves us.

34. Before death than cold shame.

Nobody wants to be sad.

35. Shyness is a great sin against love. (Anatole France)

Sometimes shyness prevents us from showing our feelings.

36. It is not shameful to prefer happiness. (Albert Camus)

Always pursue your happiness.

37. It is more shameful to distrust your friends than to be deceived by them. (François de la Rochefoucauld)

Friends are valuable.

38. The difference between shame and guilt is the difference between "I'm bad" and "I did something wrong." (Brene Brown)

Two opposite poles.

39. Shame, love, pride, everything spoke to me at the same time. (Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky)

When all the emotions (good and bad) accumulate.

40. I never learned hatred or shame at home. I had to go to school to understand it. (Dick Gregory)

There are things that are not learned at home.

41. The shame of confessing the first mistake makes many others commit. (Jean de La Fontaine)

It is necessary to make amends for our mistakes.

42. This is the cheese without rind, like the maiden without shame.

A saying that tells us about losing shame.

43. I was the biggest shy guy ever invented, but I had a lion inside of me that wouldn't shut up. (Ingrid Bergman)

It does not matter to be shy, but to avoid letting ourselves be controlled by it.

44. No one should be ashamed to admit to being wrong, which is the same as saying in other words, that he is wiser than he was yesterday. (Alexander Pope)

It is never bad to acknowledge our faults.

45. Don't be ashamed of any question, if it's honest. The answers are usually the most embarrassing. (Mario Benedetti)

No question is wrong.

46. Shame should be reserved for the things we choose to do, not for the circumstances that life imposes on us. (Ann Patchett)

Be ashamed of your bad deeds, not of others.

47. Before I experienced compassion for men, I experienced shame in myself. (Nikos Kazantzakis)

You always have to get to know each other before inquiring into others.

48. There will be something wrong with wealth when everyone is ashamed to confess that he has it. (Noel Clarasó)

Wealth has the evil of corrupting people.

49. Face to face shame is tasted.

No one can hide their shame when confronted with them.

50. He who asks shyly, invites to deny. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

Shyness, in a way, also speaks about insecurity.

51. There is nothing to be ashamed of in this world... Except for having stolen or dishonored the father or mother. (Antonio Tabucchi)

The real reasons to be ashamed.

52. Not being able to bear poverty is a shame, and not knowing how to reject it through work is even more shameful. (Pericles)

Accepting our condition is the main step to remedy it.

53. What a shame to remain the same. (Jhene aiko)

Monotony wears out.

54. I was ashamed to see the suffering of men and to endeavor to transform all that horror into a fleeting and vain spectacle. (Nikos Kazantzakis)

If you want to make a change, do it honestly.

55. A day will come when our children, full of shame, will remember these strange days when the simplest honesty was described as courage. (Yevgeny Yevtushenko)

Damage to the future generation.

56. Shamefully, you neither eat nor eat lunch.

Letting go of shame leads us nowhere.

57. The first sign of love in a young man is shyness; the first symptom of a woman is boldness. (Victor Hugo)

First love is always painful.

58. Even if you are alone, you must not say or do anything bad. Learn to be more ashamed of yourself than others. (Democritus)

Shame must be at what we are capable of doing.

59. He despises the proud man who is ashamed to shed tears. (Alfred de Musset)

We must never hide our emotions.

60. If you are proud for bad reasons, shame awaits around the corner. (Bangambiki Habyarimana)

Bad deeds may give you short satisfaction, but always expect repentance.

61. There's no shame in changing your mind every day - changing your mind requires spare ideas. (Dino Segré)

Change is never bad.

62. The less you talk about your shame, the more you will have. (Mark Manson John Lewis)

Silence always affects us more than it benefits us.

63. Confession with shame, close to innocence.

Things done innocently can make us feel ashamed.

64. A sense of shame is not a bad moral compass. (Colin Powell)

Shame leads us to reflect on our failures.

65. Modesty is a solid that only dissolves in alcohol or money. (Enrique Jardiel Poncela)

When we do not want to face what causes us shame.

66. We are ashamed when we talk as if we know what we are talking about when we talk about love. (Raymond Carver)

Shame comes when we talk too much.

67. Shame is a soul that eats emotion. (C.G. Jung)

It can also come from penetrating our emotions.

68. Shame and guilt are noble emotions essential to the maintenance of civilized society and vital to the development of some of the most refined and elegant qualities of potential human. (Willard Gaylen)

The beneficial side of shame.

69. The truth of nothing is ashamed but of being hidden. (Lope de Vega)

Why are we ashamed to hide things from ourselves?

70. When pride walks ahead, shame and hurt go behind.

Pride carries with it a long shame.

71. Shyness is a condition alien to the heart, a category, a dimension that leads to loneliness. (Pablo Neruda)

Shyness can be a product of our mind.

72. Modesty hides behind our sex. (Francis Picabia)

Sex is one of the biggest causes of grief in society.

73. Many girls are ashamed of being a virgin. And many guys laugh at the virginity of girls. (Father Jorge Loring)

A sample of the shame towards our sexuality.

74. Guilt is just as powerful, but its influence is positive, while shame is destructive. Shame erodes our courage and fuels disconnection. (Brene Brown)

What happens when we are not able to face our mistakes.

75. If we can share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame cannot survive. (Brene Brown)

We must know with whom to share our sorrows.

76. If we are not ashamed to think it, we should not be ashamed to say it. (Marcus Tullius Cicero)

Shame starts from thought.

77. My feelings are too strong for words and too shy for the world. (Dejan Stojanovic)

Not everyone will accept what you have to say.

78. Shame has a bad memory. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

Not remembering or remembering more.

79. With fears and shame, almost all unexpected and fun things, opportunities and unexpected encounters also escape down the drain. (Elsa Punset)

Bad things prevent you from enjoying good times.

80. I am not ashamed of my grandparents for having been slaves. I'm just ashamed of myself for ever being ashamed. (Ralph Ellison)

We always regret being ashamed of our roots.

81. If the soul is preoccupied with feeling shame and overcoming it, it cannot feel pleasure. (Henri Beyle)

Never focus too much on problems.

82. Leave the shame behind, and you will thrive.

If you put embarrassment aside, you will be able to move forward.

83. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

The comfort zone never lets us look to the future.

84. For lack of old, new shame.

We always tend to regret some painful past act.

85. It is easy to confuse shyness with coldness and silence with indifference. (Lisa Kleypas)

Sometimes grief makes us look indifferent.

86. A gentleman is ashamed that his words are better than his deeds. (Confucius)

Always make your actions speak louder than your words.

87. Asking is a moment's shame; not asking is the shame of a lifetime. (Haruki Murakami)

Never remain in ignorance.

88. Where there is no shame, there is no honor. (Martin Opitz)

Shame is part of our humanity.

89. Shame is the lie you tell when you talk about yourself. (Anaïs Nin)

Every false act should cause us shame.

90. Disconnection triggers shame and our worst fears: the fear of abandonment, of being unworthy, unlovable. Which makes this covert betrayal so much more. (Brené Brown)

When we feel a major lack, we tend to feel sorry for ourselves.

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