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Envious people What are the 9 traits that define them?

The starting point of envious people is their constant effort to compare yourself with others. Perhaps they have not even considered that this can lead them to create an exhausting lifestyle and to feel a continuous unhappiness that they only know how to overcome with the enjoyment of the misery of others. That said, who would want to have them around?

We ourselves are the ones who choose with whom we share our personal space and time, but there are situations in which we cannot choose, such as at work or in collaborative projects. Although we always have a resource at our fingertips: to be able to detect the envious people that may be in our environment.

If you would like to know what are the main peculiarities that characterize them, we will tell you in this article.

Envious people: The 9 traits that define them

So that you are not caught off guard if you come across these types of people, we help you identify them:

1. They disqualify those they consider superior

Perhaps they resort to insults or it could be that it is some kind of mockery or disqualification about something that in principle should not be insulting. The fact is that when envious people consider that someone else is better than them in some way,

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its automatic mechanism is to criticize them behind their back in an offensive way.

So if you discover that you are one of those people who is bothered to disqualify, be very clear that what frustrates him is that he would like to be like you in some way.

2. They are constantly on the defensive

And as one of the peculiarities that characterizes envious people is that they disqualify others from systematically, in their understanding of how people work, they hope that they too will be derision.

And what does that belief lead to? To be continually believing themselves to be criticized and, therefore, systematically protect themselves without the need to do so. With that said, remember that if you meet someone who is continually taking everything as a personal attack, it can be an indicator that envy hides behind

3. They display their power

As little as they can, they try to show off how much they are, how much they have, or how much they have achieved. This habit of wavering is still a display of his power. to try to mark his supposed superiority with respect to the rest of the people.

4. Their self-esteem depends on the perception they have of others

Something very typical of envious people is to take a reading or X-ray of everyone they know, with the aim of evaluating, based on their appearance, if they are someone better or worse than them.

As if that were not enough, the most unfortunate thing is that depending on the perception you have of that other person, your own self-esteem will be affected.

That is, far from being clear about his own self-concept, in reality how you see and value yourself depends on the result of comparing yourself with someone else.

5. They boycott the progress of their rivals

Let's not forget the starting point of envious people: they are in constant comparison with everyone. But what happens when they discover that those they consider their rivals are making progress toward their goals?

Well, as far as possible, they boycott them so that they cannot achieve their goals. For these types of individuals,the success of others is like a personal failure. Let's not forget that your self-esteem depends on how good or bad who you consider your opponent is.

6. They are very controlling

Within the same vicious circle in which they turn their own life, control is one of the mechanisms of operation of the envious people, since it is part of their dynamics of comparison with others to judge where they are with respect to they.

Without that control they do not find a way to measure themselves with the rest, and without being able to measure themselves, they do not know how to see themselves independently. Therefore, without control, they find no reason to exist and feel lost. That is why they never let their guard down wherever they go.

7. They overreact when others are happy for someone

In the way of understanding happiness and even joy and their motives, we cannot expect a normal way of proceeding in envious people.

For them there is no reason to celebrate if another person manages to achieve some achievement, but rather the opposite; feel automatically outraged and inferior, thereby can't authentically show joy.

One of the situations in which envious people are quite portrayed is when they receive the news that someone is doing very well or that something has happened to them that makes them feel very delusion. In those cases, one of two; Either you see clearly in their expression the anger that they really produce or you see a totally feigned and over-acted joy force themselves.

8. Discourage others

Another distinctive feature of these individuals is their eagerness to discourage people who are pursuing a dream or that they fight every day to achieve a goal, because… lest they achieve it!

Although they may also do it in a more subtle way, resorting to belittling every little achievement they achieve on the way to their goal. Downplaying or discrediting what someone has struggled to achieve is one more way to undermine their self-esteem and make them give up.

9. Use your social circle as part of your personal image

With the importance that they give to the image (and not only to the physical, but rather to the idea that also transmit the way of being, the social position or the popularity), envious people they try to build their social environment in a way that also contributes positively to their image.

That is, for them, their circle of friends also talks about how they are and, put to build that image carefully for their own benefit, they are interested in them being people with a certain prestige and charisma. Although yes, never better than them; never anyone who can overshadow them.

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