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The 11 best exercises and routines to reduce cartridge belts

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The woman's body is designed so that at some point in her life she can become pregnant and that is why when you have a percentage of fat that has not been consumed throughout the day, it tends to be deposited around the hips, thus creating an accumulation of fat in that area, forming what is known as ‘cartridge belts’, ‘revolvers’ or ‘holsters’, depending on the country.

The cartridge belts are not something that women want at all, because they all want to have a good silhouette Defined to show off any form-fitting wardrobe that shows off a beautiful figure or that dreamy swimsuit. But having the ideal body has led many women to undergo invasive techniques such as liposuction or non-invasive aesthetic treatments, which tend to be ineffective if you do not have an exercise routine that will allow the body to avoid the appearance of these accumulations of fat.

Thinking of a functional and effective alternative, we take the time to bring you in this article the best exercises and healthy routines to be able to eliminate those cartridge belts forever.

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Importance of healthy lifestyle

To avoid its appearance, a healthy lifestyle must be maintained that includes a healthy diet and habits that benefit the obtaining of energy as well as adequate rest.

1. Healthy snacks

One of the great temptations that always attack us is when it comes to having a snack or a snack, where We tend to opt for sweets, fried foods or processed foods, which contribute to weight gain and problems with Health.

Instead seek to consume healthier snacks and if possible homemade. Such as granola, whole grain cereal bars, low-fat cereals, yogurts, fruits, nuts, dark chocolate, etc. If you feel somewhat disoriented, then YouTube can be your ally to find the best and most delicious healthy recipes.

2. Low fat foods

And speaking of healthy recipes, your daily diet also has to take an important turn in order to obtain results quickly and permanently. For this you must stay away from fatty foods as much as possible, fried foods and junk food if you want those pencil cases to never appear again.

Look for recipes for grilled, roasted or cooked food, include all the vegetables you can and complement with natural juices.

3. Say yes to protein

Proteins will not only give you the daily energy you need but also will help your body to work in a better way. For this, it is important that you always include protein foods in your meal, in a balanced way of course. Such as eggs, legumes, grains, and even fiber foods. Which will make your metabolism increase.

4. Sleep well

Getting adequate rest is just as important as exercising or eating healthy. Since the work that you get with your physical activity settles and is observed when we are at rest, so we must take care of it. For this, it is ideal that you rest after each exercise routine and do not over-demand your body.

But above all it is important that you get an ideal rest from a good night's sleep and that is achieved when you sleep between 7 and 8 hours a day. For this, it is recommended that you have a relaxing routine before sleeping, such as taking a hot shower, have a hot tea, listen to music, read a chapter of a book and stay away from your cell phone completely or televisions.

5. Get rid of stress

Stress can help you retain fluid and accumulate fat in your body, did you know? This is because stress leads your body to exhaustion and poor functioning of the body, preventing you from having motivation to exercise, but it is precisely through the exercise plus entertaining routines, which you can combat and dispose of stress of your daily life.

Exercises and routines to say goodbye to cartridge belts

If you choose to do a routine from home, the presence of equipment or work items is not necessary, your body will be your ideal tool to train and be in shape, you only need a good training routine and the following recommendations.

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1. Do cardiovascular work

To eliminate localized fat, the whole body needs to be put in motion and a cardiovascular activity is indicated. There is a wide variety of workouts that will depend on your own physical condition and among which we can mention: Walking, jogging, swimming, dance therapy, biking, boxing, running, and jumping rope.

Among the benefits of this training we can say that it increases resistance, raises levels of energy, helps control blood pressure by improving blood circulation and decreasing fat bodily.

2. Incorporate squats

Squats or squats allow you to work the lower part of the body, it can be done only using body weight or using tools such as weights or bars. This exercise targets the thighs and glutes, but also works the muscles in the back and ankles. They also help the joints and muscles stay healthy and mobility improves considerably.

To do good squats you must have an optimal posture, where the feet should be placed at shoulder height and fully supported on the floor, legs apart, the back must be straight at all times, the knees bent and the buttocks back as if you were sitting in a chair.

It can be done from 3 to 4 sets of 12 repetitions each, three times a week for a period of 10 to 15 minutes.


3. Leg raises

To perform this exercise it is recommended to have a mat as it is done on the floor. We stand on our side, resting our elbow on the ground with both legs extended and we will go up and lower the right leg simultaneously, do 20 repetitions and then do it with the leg left. To give resistance, we can use an elastic band.

There are other alternatives such as: lying on the floor and with the elbow supported, raising one leg while the other flexes and then changing legs. Another position is lying on the floor, flex the supported leg and raise the other a little and make small circles, do not forget to work the other leg.

You can do all these exercises in three sets of 20 reps each.

4. Dare with strides

Also known as lunges or lunges, they allow to eliminate the accumulated fat around the hips and, in the same way, that deposited in the buttocks and thighs area. Standing with your back very straight and your hands on your hips, take a step or stride forward, your torso has to remain straight and perpendicular to the ground.

The leg that is left behind bends slightly until it touches the ground and the foot should remain supported on the tips of the fingers, return to the starting position and repeat the movement with the other leg. To avoid unbalance, you have to concentrate your strength in the abdomen.

5. Bend the trunk

This is an ideal exercise to eliminate accumulated fat around the hips. Stand with your feet flat on the floor and slightly apart, your back remains straight all the time and you are going to bend your knees a little, then bend your trunk to the right and return to the position initial. This is done in three sets of 25 movements each, repeat with the left side.

To make the work deeper, we can use weights in both hands while doing the movement.

6. Hip lift

Lying on the floor on your back with arms at your sides and legs bent, feet well planted on the ground, lift your hips, drawing an imaginary line at an angle of 45 degrees. Hold for 1 minute and then go back to the start. do three sets of 25 reps each. This is a great exercise to say goodbye to cartridge belts. In addition, it helps to get rid of that horrible belly and the abdomen is worked.

7. Puppy position

If you have accumulation of fat in the hips and buttocks, this exercise is ideal for you since it allows you to eliminate those cartridge belts. Find a mat and get into a doggy position, rest your knees and forearms on the surface of the floor, make sure your back is in a straight line all the time.

The knees must be bent, raise the right leg laterally up to the height of the chains, forming an angle of 90 degrees, repeat 20 times, return to the starting position and do it with the other leg.

8. Leg raises and curls

This is another exercise to eliminate accumulated fat in the hip area. Stand with your knees flat on the floor, your torso forward supported by your elbows, and your neck and back completely straight. Raise one leg with the knee bent and then fully extended. Do it again with the other leg.

With each leg perform three sets of 20 repetitions, to increase the difficulty we can place a weight on the back side of the knees.

9. Twist crunch

The crunch is a very common abdominal exercise that aims to work the abdominal muscles and the oblique part of the abdomen to eliminate fat deposits. Lie on your back on a smooth surface, either on the floor or on a bench, your legs bent and your feet fixed on the floor. Raise the trunk as if you were going to sit down, when you reach this position, perform alternate turns to the left and to the right.

To achieve a better result you can use weights or dumbbells and thus give an extra touch to strengthen the abdomen and eliminate accumulation of fat in the hips. Do a routine of three sets with 25 repetitions each.


10. Floor Wipers

To perform this movement you do not need weights or dumbbells but the body's own weight. Get on the floor and lie on your back. Keep your legs straight without bending, your feet close together and resting on the floor. The arms on each side of the body with the palms of the hands resting on the floor.

Raise both legs straight up and swing them like a pendulum, to the right, to the left, and to the front. The main thing is not to touch the floor.

11. Touch the knee with the elbow

Also known as alternate crunch, it is a very effective exercise to eliminate cartridge belts. On the floor on your back and with your body extended, place your right hand under your head. Be careful not to cause any kind of injury when lifting your torso and hips. Simultaneously lift your left leg and try to touch your knee with your right elbow. Then do it the other way.

Perform three sets of 20 repetitions each. By following these healthy routines and whole-body exercises, we can not only say goodbye to cartridge belts, but say hello to a healthier body.
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