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Chlorophyll: what it is, its 6 benefits and what foods contain it

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Chlorophyll is that essential substance for flora, as it is the pigment that gives plants their green color. But it turns out that chlorophyll is not only necessary for plants, but also it is very beneficial for our body.

More than a biology class about chlorophyll and the photosynthesis process, we want you to discover all the benefits of chlorophyll and how it can help you oxygenate the body among other things.

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What is chlorophyll

There are those who say that chlorophyll is the blood of plantsIt is that green pigment that not only gives plants the green color, but is also responsible for transforming light into vital energy. That is, it transforms it into its nutrients, under the process we know as photosynthesis and which is essential for plants and vegetables.

The word chlorophyll means 'green leaf', as it comes from the Greek chlorós 'green' and phyllon 'leaf'. It is found in all those plants that contain plastids in cells, hence its similarity to our blood.

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Its molecular structure is very similar to ours, with the difference that in the blood the central component of hemoglobin is iron and in chlorophyll it is magnesium.

Benefits of chlorophyll for our body

The benefits of chlorophyll are not only for plants, but for us also when we consume it, especially because of its similarity to our blood. Below you have a list with the benefits of chlorophyll for our organismor.

1. Oxygenates and improves blood

Thanks to the similarity between our blood and chlorophyll, when we consume it helps us oxygenate the blood and to increase the quality and quantity of our red blood cells. By improving the condition of our blood, we are immediately improving the function of both our heart, as well as absolutely every organ in the body.

2. Chlorophyll cleanses and detoxifies

Another benefit of chlorophyll is that it helps us make a deep cleansing and detoxification of the blood and our body in general. Chlorophyll helps us eliminate heavy metals such as mercury and waste from the body, because it binds to them to move them and be able to eliminate them. If you have colon problems, chlorophyll is excellent for cleaning the colon and promoting healthy intestinal flora.

3. It is an antioxidant

Antioxidants help us eliminate free radicals and fight aging, in addition to reducing systemic inflammation that is the cause of many diseases. As with all green pigments, one of the benefits of chlorophyll is that it has great antioxidant power.

4. Strengthens our immune system

By keeping our body oxygenated, it is more difficult for viruses and bacteria to enter and thrive. It is due to this supply of oxygen that chlorophyll gives us. our immune system is strengthened and prepared to fight infections and diseases that are produced by bacteria, fungi and viruses that attack our body.

5. Chlorophyll reduces body odor

That's right, daily consumption of chlorophyll helps reduce fecal odor. But not only that, chlorophyll is the perfect ally for people who have bad body odor and even bad breath.

For chlorophyll to help you with body odor, in addition to consuming foods rich in chlorophyll, it is necessary that you reinforce the amount you consume with liquid chlorophyll supplements that you should take daily. You will not be disappointed.

6. Improves the function of the digestive system

One of the benefits of chlorophyll is that it acts mainly in our digestive system, because in addition to cleanse the colon, cleanses and also protects the stomach, liver and gallbladder. For example, chlorophyll breaks down the calcium oxalate stones that are generated when we have excess acid and helps us eliminate them.

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Where do we find it? Chlorophyll foods

If you want to start consuming chlorophyll more consciously, the main indicator that foods have chlorophyll is that they are greenWell, you must remember that chlorophyll is a green pigment. So, all green vegetables like spinach, broccoli, lettuce, lamb's lettuce, arugula, chard, asparagus Greens, basil, coriander, mint, cabbage, artichokes, parsley and many other green vegetables are rich in chlorophyll.

But not only green vegetables provide chlorophyll, you can also find it in vegetables such as cauliflower, carrots or radishes, among others. In addition to these vegetables, there are two foods especially rich in chlorophyll, these are chlorella and spirulina algae, which you can also get in powder to incorporate them into your shakes and meals. Another very fashionable food rich in chlorophyll is matcha, derived from green tea.

In principle you should bear in mind that chlorophyll is a heat labile pigment, this means that it is easily removed when exposed to high temperatures. This is why if you want to get all the benefits of chlorophyll, you must try to eat them raw or undercooked and as fresh as possibles.

You can also buy spirulina chlorophyll powder, for example, or supplements in tablet or liquid form. These are highly recommended so that chlorophyll reaches the blood directly and its benefits are multiplied.

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