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CARIBBEAN sea: location and characteristics

Caribbean Sea: location and characteristics

Sometimes some seas are so important that they mark the countries whose coasts are washed for its waters, being an example of this the Mediterranean countries that have a great past in common. In the case of Caribbean countries They are called this way because of their proximity to the important Caribbean Sea and to know this location in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to talk about the Caribbean Sea location and its characteristics.

Before talking about characteristics or setting its position, we are going to talk about the history of the Caribbean to understand the relevance that this sea has had throughout history.

The first inhabitants of Caribbean islands were the tainos in the Antilles, being a tribe descended from South American peoples whose characteristics were very similar to those of the peoples of the American continent. We do not know for sure its evolution but we do know that, years later with the arrival of the European colonizers, the inhabitants of the area were called

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caribs, being a cannibal people that is characterized by its great warrior capacity and with a primitive society.

In the discovery of America Christopher Columbus sailed the waters of the Caribbean, meeting the peoples that inhabited the area and it did not take long for them to be conquered by the Europeans. The Caribbean Sea became a key area for trade but especially important for pirates that began to use its waters as a key point. The Caribbean islands were taken by the Spanish, English and French and many were the men of these three nations who became pirates by those waters.

From the 19th century, the islands taken by Europeans began their independence, with a common feeling that they were all Caribbean, and beginning to use the term Caribbean to refer to the nations of the area and a new stage is being born for all these nations.

Caribbean Sea: location and characteristics - History of the Caribbean

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The Caribbean Sea is an open sea, that is, it has extensive communication with the Ocean and is in the so-called Tropical Atlantic, being located therefore to the east of Central America and to the north of South America, therefore, it is an important part of the majority of Central American states. Sometimes the Caribbean is also called Antillean sea, occupying the area of ​​relevance of the Antilles.

To mark the location of the sea, it is important to place the elements on each side, in order to place it in the simplest way possible. To the north it has the islands that form the Greater Antilles, being Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico, to the east it has the Lesser Antilles, to the south of the Caribbean are the South American nations of Venezuela, Colombia and Panama, and to the west a large number of Central American states such as Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Delicious.

The great importance of the Caribbean is due to the huge number of islands whose coasts are washed by the sea, and therefore we must speak about them. We must bear in mind that all these regions are considered with the term Caribbean, since this word is used to refer to a feeling that only some regions share. Cough them Caribbean countriesare as follows:

  • Belize
  • Dominican Republic
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Cuba
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • Mexico
  • Nicaragua
  • Panama
  • Venezuela
  • Haiti
  • Jamaica
  • Old and bearded
  • Barbados
  • Dominica
  • grenade
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • St. Lucia
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Virgin Islands of the United States
  • Puerto Rico
  • Aruba
  • Bonaire
  • Curacao
  • Eel
  • Cayman Islands
  • Montserrat
Caribbean Sea: location and characteristics - Location of the Caribbean Sea

To conclude this lesson on the location of the Caribbean Sea and its characteristics, we must talk about the numerous characteristics of this body of water, being essential to know these data to know the importance of this sea. The most important characteristics of the Caribbean are as follows:

  • The surface of the Caribbean Sea is 2763,800 km2.
  • It's a sea little deep if we compare it with other similar seas, its deepest areas being those near the Cayman Islands, and the maximum depth of these islands is 7686 meters deep.
  • It is a sea with a lot of salt, being one of the saltiest seas in the world. The data on salinity depends a lot on the data consulted, but we talk about data around 4%.
  • Its age is located more or less 160 million years ago and 180 million years ago.
  • Its surface temperature is 28 ºC while that of its interior reaches up to 4 ºC. After a long period of cooling, Caribbean temperatures are thought to be starting to rise in recent decades.
  • Its hydrographic slope is one of the largest in the world, the part of South America being especially relevant.
  • It is believed that some 13,000 plant speciess, being half endemic.
  • The fauna is characteristic of the subtropical climate, inhabiting 450 species of fish, 600 of birds, 500 of reptiles, the vast majority being endemic, 170 of amphibians and also 90 species of mammals. Mammals are the most endangered species of all of them, having suffered many attacks in recent years.
  • Almost a 10% of the world's reefs They are found in the Caribbean, especially the coral reef of Belize.
Caribbean Sea: location and characteristics - Characteristics of the Caribbean Sea

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