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The 90 best phrases for February 14 (Valentine's Day)

February 14, or Valentine's Day, is known to be internationally the Valentine's Day.

On this special day, couples by habit tend to give each other gifts or exchange messages of affection and love, finding the exact words to show your partner the love you feel for him or her can be something complicated.

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Phrases for Valentine's Day (romantic)

So we have seen fit to make a compilation of the best 90 phrases to dedicate to your love on this special day that is undoubtedly Valentine's, we hope they will be of help to you.

1. What would my life be if I did not have your love, only your presence makes my heart happy. I love you!

The person we love is the most important in our life, we must let them know.

2. To love is to learn to read the thoughts of the other without saying a word, only to understand what they need and be happy.

Understanding our partner in a relationship is something of vital importance, knowing what their needs are and between the two of us, being able to solve them.

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3. My infinite love and will always be yours forever love! I love you for life.

The love that we can feel for our partner can be wonderful and have no limits, a love for life.

4. If time allowed me to go back to the past, I would never change anything for fear of losing you, love.

Those moments that we live with the person we love are undoubtedly the most beautiful we can remember.

5. Happy day of love and friendship. I love you.

A simple but effective phrase to give to your love on this precious Valentine's Day.

6. Heaven is not far if you are by my side, nothing is impossible when we are together. All the love in the world to my beloved flower!

When we are with our partner, everything can seem rosy to us and we can see the world from a much kinder prism.

7. Today I especially want you to feel very loved and that we celebrate Valentine's Day together always loving each other.

Celebrating every Valentine's Day with our beloved is what we all wish for.

8. One more year together celebrating this special day, and we will only think of our love and we will toast our happiness forever.

This special day can be an ideal time to celebrate our love with our partner.

9. Happy Valentine's Day to you my eternal love! Forever together and loving us!

A nice message to congratulate our couple on this fabulous day that you will undoubtedly like.

10. Someone someday spoke to me about love, but I only understood its meaning when I met you, my love.

Until we find true love we can never feel what it really feels like, an indescribable sensation.

11. Loving you is my most valuable treasure. I thank God for having you.

Giving thanks to the Lord for having been lucky enough to find our loved one is something that we must certainly do every day.

12. From my heart only beautiful phrases come out to tell you today and always. I love you to madness, my love.

Valentine's Day can be one of the best of the year when we enjoy it close to our partner.

13. My heart beats stronger since the day I met you. Together forever.

When we are with our partner, our hearts can be accelerated by the love we feel towards him or her.

14. You will always be my favorite person in the world there will never be someone who can generate so much love in me.

That person we love so much should be rewarded on this day for always being by our side.

15. I always thank life for the beautiful and valuable gift of putting such a beautiful person in my path, I love you and there are no phrases to explain this love.

Many times our partner comes into our life in the most unlikely ways, we should be grateful that this happens.

16. When something is worth it, you just have to live it and wait for good things to happen, only with your love did I understand it. I love you, honey.

Finding love is something to celebrate on precious Valentine's Day.

17. Something new in this path of love is thinking of phrases that I never thought I could write, but because of you, I am capable of everything.

When we find the right person, the inspiration to talk about them does not come instantly.

18. I never get tired of saying that I love you, it is you who I love and want to be by your side. I want to wake up every day with you.

Spending every day of our life with our loved one is something we all want but we don't communicate as often as we should.

19. Love doesn't need to be explained, just lived!

Love is something that cannot be expressed in words, we simply feel it within ourselves.

20. Keep in mind that great love, as well as great achievements, require great risks. (Dalai Lama)

Our love deserves that we strive for him or her, just as it should happen the other way around.

21. Because I love you…? Because without trying to change anything in me, you just came and changed everything.

We must accept our partners as they are, love them with their strengths and weaknesses.

22. We both share: our dreams, our laughs, our tears… My love for you is special, bigger and deeper every year. I love you! Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day is the time when we celebrate everything that unites us with our partners.

23. You created magic in my mind and in my heart, without needing any tricks.

Nice very poetic phrase to tell our loved one how much we love him / her.

24. I love you because: everything I need, everything I need, everything I like, everything I long for the most, I find everything in you.

Our beloved is the one who has all the qualities that we have always wanted to find.

25. Love is an act of courage. (Paulo Freire)

We must be brave to love without measure that person we want so much, because love can also be painful.

26. You are my dream, my love and my life. Happy Valentine's Day!

Our partner is what we love the most in our life, enjoying this day with her can be wonderful.

27. Love is easy, the difficult thing is admitting that you love.

Sometimes we don't want to accept that we are simply in love with that person.

28. I love you more than anything in this life. Happy Valentine's Day!

A good phrase that says directly what our partner wants to hear the most.

29. You are the most beautiful page that destiny has written in my life. Happy Valentine's Day!

A good phrase that says directly what our partner wants to hear the most.

30. Only those who have lived it know that there is love at first sight.

Love at first sight is something that can happen to us but not all people get to experience.

31. We all need someone who needs us ...

We all need our loved one, we want to be with him or her forever.

32. Love is a word that means a lot, but not half of what I feel for you. Happy Valentine's Day!

A very sincere phrase that can convey to our partner how much we care and how much we love him.

33. Faith is like love, nothing is achieved by force. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

Loving only depends on our feelings, no matter how hard we try to love someone we do not love, we will not succeed.

34. Love, passion, friendship, complicity, affection, loyalty, fidelity, respect… I found it all in one person, you!

Finding everything we want in the same person can be very difficult but when we find it it is the best thing that could have happened to us.

35. Love builds bridges where there are none. (RH Delaney)

Love is something that unites us between people and makes it possible to create prosperous communities.

36. Yesterday you were part of my best dreams. Today you are part of my best reality I love you!

We usually dream of finding our ideal partner and when we find them, our dreams come true.

37. You do not know the disorder of emotions that your smile causes me.

The smile of our partner may be the most beautiful thing we have ever seen.

38. Everyone should have a true love that will last at least until the end of one's life. (John Green)

A beautiful quote that tells us about the importance of love in the life of all human beings.

39. When you love, it is not necessary to understand what is happening, because everything begins to happen within us. (Paulo Coelho)

Many times we are not aware of the processes our mind goes through, it can take time to understand the emotions we feel towards a person.

40. Valentine's Day for me is every day. I have all the days marked to love you, night and day.

We must love our partner every day regardless of what is marked on the calendar.

41. In school I learned grammar, but outside I learned the meaning of the verb to love.

It may take time to find our true love, but we must not stop insisting until we find it.

42. Love is beautiful only when we meet someone who makes us the best that we can be. (Mario Quintana)

Our partner must strengthen our virtues and make us a better person than we were.

43. Before the restlessness of a love than the peace of an empty heart. (Caio Fernando Abreu)

The human being always seeks to love and be loved, we need to feel that someone cares about us.

44. Because there is nothing better for your health than a love match. (Vinícius de Moraes)

In ancient times men and women married many times for convenience, but this can only lead to an unhappy and loveless marriage.

45. Tell that special someone that you love her and that you love her in every way. (George Carlin)

Telling our partner that we love them is something we don't say every time we should.

46. Love is when you fall in love with the same person every day, as if it were the first time.

When we are in love, the love we feel towards our loved one never wanes in us.

47. The greatest of all arts is the art of living together.

Living as a couple is something we all dream of, being with our partner for as long as possible.

48. Sometimes all we need is tea, a caress, and a big hug.

The simplest things are those that can fill us the most, such as a sincere hug from someone we love.

49. If it makes you smile, it is because it does you good. If so, don't let it go.

Making our partner laugh is for us something that can fill us with pride, make our loved one / someone happier.

50. It is love, not time, it heals all wounds.

Love makes us feel that the things that worried us no longer matter.

51. The kiss is the shortest distance between two lovers. (Amy Banglin)

Showing our partner the love we have for him or her is something we should definitely do on February 14.

52. My dreams are not anything, they have your look, they have your smile, they have hopes, promises and illusion ...

Dreaming of the person we love is something that often happens to many of us, our thoughts are always with the person we love.

53. The best thing in my life is being in yours.

Being part of the life of the person who matters most to us is priceless.

54. To love is to feel your happiness and the happiness of the other person.

When we love someone their happiness is felt as our own and we will always seek it.

55. I would like to be what you think about, when you say you don't think about anything.

We want to be as important to our loved one as he or she is to us.

56. Loving is learned by loving. (Renato Russo)

Discovering how much we can love someone we will only do by experiencing it in the first person.

57. You are not Google, but you have everything I am looking for.

A funny phrase that also tells the truth about our feelings towards our partner.

58. Love cannot be heard, it is felt, that is why it must not be said, it must be demonstrated.

The best way we can make known how much we love our partner is without a doubt demonstrating it with deeds, not with words.

59. Being in love is wanting to share the day to day, even if it is common things, since if it is done with a loved one, they become something special.

The best moments with our partner are those that seem mundane, but that hold a great emotional charge for us.

60. Who said that to be together we must be close?

A relationship can support that our loved one is not close to us 24 hours a day, we can also be quite independent.

61. When I caressed you I realized that I had lived my whole life empty-handed.

The touch of our partner can be an explosion of emotions for us, an emotional roller coaster.

62. The best proof of love is trust. (Joyce Brothers)

Having trust in our partner is essential, because if it is lost we can never recover it.

63. The best place in the world is always next to those who make you happy.

What would become of us without the people we love the most?

64. Love makes us give the best we have and gives us what we lack.

Love can be the greatest force that life can transmit to us, we can be capable of everything for those we love.

65. By your side, no matter what happens, I am able to find the reasons to feel happy.

Being with our partner can boost us on a day-to-day basis and make us the happiest person in the world.

66. Love is a verb that works best in the plural.

Nice phrase that tells us about the value of love in people, we must love and be loved.

67. In this life there is time for everything, except to stop thinking about you.

Getting the person we love out of our minds can be very difficult on many occasions.

68. If you want to be loved, be lovable.

In order for them to love us, we must show that we have the qualities to do so and show that we are worthy.

69. Love is not seen with the eyes, but with the heart. (William Shakespeare)

Who better than Shakespeare to talk about love, a real reference on the subject.

70. I love my life, because my life is you.

The person we love is the most important thing in our life, we live for him or her.

71. Loving a person means wanting to grow old with them. (Albert Camus)

The best thing that can happen to us in life is to be able to live it with the person we love.

72. Even infinity is small when it comes to how I feel about you. I love you!

The love for the person we love can be as great as we can imagine, even without limits.

73. If the first and last thought of your day is for that person and your willingness to reunite is enough to shake your heart, that is love! (Carlos Drummond de Andrade)

A very beautiful quote that perfectly describes what it can feel like to be in love.

74. The ultimate happiness in life is having the conviction that we are loved. (Victor Hugo)

Knowing that there are people who do not love who we are can fill us with a pleasant feeling of peace.

75. To love is to change the seat of the soul. (Renato Russo)

When we love someone our soul begins to live in two different bodies.

76. Loving is not looking at each other, it is looking in the same direction. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

When you love someone your thoughts and actions are directed towards the same goals as that other person.

77. My love, my life... I cry out to the world the real reason why you make me happy. You are the reason for my satisfaction and fulfillment in my day to day. I want you by my side forever. I love you!

Celebrating the love we feel for our partner can be a wonderful thing that we should be able to enjoy.

78. Man loves because love is the essence of his soul and therefore he cannot stop loving. (Liev Tolstoy)

Being able to feel love towards someone is something intrinsic in the human being, we all have that quality.

79. Space is infinite, but it is not greater than our feelings, because the two of us together are love.

A poetic phrase to tell our partner that our love for him or her has no limits.

80. I love you. With all the words, letters and pronunciations. In all languages ​​and accents. In all directions and shapes. With all the circumstances and reasons. I just love you.

When we truly love someone we do so without regard, with all our heart.

81. You are worth it, the joy, the distance, the moments, the tears, the days and the nights, you are worth everything to me.

Our life without our loved one would have no meaning because he or she gives meaning to it with her presence.

82. Not all the words that exist are capable of expressing what I feel for you; Not every second of countless hours will be enough to be by your side.

Showing our love and expressing ourselves clearly can be difficult, but this phrase can summarize very well what we feel.

83. This is my life, but my heart is yours. Happy Valentine's Day!

Our heart will always belong to the one we truly love.

84. May love, complicity, peace and happiness be the main ingredients of this journey has just begun. Happy Valentine's Day!

A relationship is a journey that two people live together and you never know where it will end.

85. If I spoke the most beautiful words in the world, I could never express all that I feel for you. It is something that is beyond imagination and that only a passionate heart can feel. I love you!

Perfect phrase to dedicate to the person we love and who will surely like it.

86. One of the most beautiful things in the world is finding someone who just with a little bit of her time improves your entire day.

The one we love can change our day just by the mere presence of him.

87. On your lips I found the most beautiful words that I always wanted to hear. In your heart I found the highest flames, with which I always dreamed of warming myself. May our relationship be eternal. I love you!

Beautiful phrase that describes the love we feel for our loved one.

88. One day they told me that smiling is a way to show how much we love someone. If you ask me how much I like you… I just smiled.

When someone makes us happy, we cannot remove the smile from our face, because we are simply happy.

89. I never imagined that someone would make me so happy... You are special, you fill me and you give meaning to my life. I love you! Happy Valentine's Day!

We must remember our loved one on this special day and do something nice to tell him how much we care.

90. I have so much to tell you, but words are not enough, that's how great my love is for you!

Words may seem insufficient to show our love but with this phrase it may be a little easier for us.

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