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Detox water: 4 recipes for cold infusions with fruits to lose weight

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The time has come to take off the bikini, go to the beach and show off your body, but are you really ready for it? You may need the extra help of some cold infusions, which in addition to slimming are ideal to drink in summer.

If you are one of those who has let time go by and forgot to start your diet on time, take advantage of these 4 recipes for detox water with fruits, which will help you lose weight this summer in the most refreshing way.

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Detox water with fruits: benefits of cold infusions

As we already know, drinking water helps rid the body of toxins, of excess fluids that makes us feel bloated in summer and also helps to lose weight. But many find it bored or difficult to drink the recommended 2 liters of water per day.

An easy, rich and refreshing way to drink the necessary amount of water daily, especially in summer, it is through detox water with fruits, the most fun option to stay hydrated in summer that also helps you lose weight.

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Detox water with fruits, also known as water with fruit or infused waterIt is basically a cold infusion prepared with water and fruit, in which combinations of fresh fruit are infused in ice water, to give the water all the flavor.

Is about a refreshing drink, full of flavor and without calories, which in addition to keeping you hydrated, contains all the detoxifying and slimming benefits of fruit infusions. It also improves digestion and is more satiating than normal water, helping you eat less and lose weight.

4 recipes for detox water with fruits to lose weight

Here are the best recipes for detox water with fruits, which you can prepare this summer to help you stay hydrated in the richest and most refreshing way.

1. Cucumber and lemon water

One of the most popular recipes for detox water ideal for weight loss this summer is the classic combination of cucumber detox water with lemon. To make it even more delicious and refreshing, you can add mint leaves.

In order to prepare this rich cold infusion with fruit you need 1 cucumber, 2 lemons, 2 liters of water and a handful of mint leaves. You may need ice if you want to chill it on the spot. To start, wash the ingredients well. Cut the cucumber into small pieces, and if you prefer, you can peel it, but it can be added with the skin. Squeeze 1 of the lemons and slice the rest.

Add all these ingredients together with the mint leaves in a jar with the 2 liters of water, and reserve in the fridge until cool. If you prefer to have your detox water ready to drink, you can also add ice to it, to make it even more refreshing.

This detox water will keep you hydrated and free of toxins in the most delicious and refreshing way this summer. It will also help you lose weight comfortably.

2. Apple cinnamon water

Although these are the most used ingredients during the winter, the truth is that this is another of the best detox water recipes to help you lose weight this summer. Not only is it a delicious and different combination to take this summer, but it will help you speed up your metabolism and lose weight.

To prepare this recipe, 1 liter of water, 1 apple, 1 lemon and 1 cinnamon stick are enough. Cut the apple into pieces and squeeze the lemon. Add the lemon juice, the cut apple and the cinnamon stick to the water in a pitcher. Reserve in the fridge and serve when your detox water is very cool.

It is a recipe for water with fruits rich in antioxidants and satiating, which also has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and digestive properties. And best of all, super delicious!

3. Tangerine and strawberries

Another of the easiest and most effective detox water recipes is this delicious combination of tangerine and strawberries. They also help speed up the metabolism and will be a refreshing and rich way to help you drink water and lose weight.

You will need ½ cup of strawberries cut into small pieces, the peel of 1 tangerine and 1 liter of water. To infuse the fruit you must boil 3 cups of that water, add the ingredients and let it infuse until it cools. Then strain the contents and get rid of the strawberries and tangerine peel. Just add the rest of the water to the mixture and let it cool in the fridge. You can serve it with ice to make it more refreshing.

4. Mango and ginger

Another of the most delicious and refreshing detox water recipes for this summer It's this one with mango and ginger, another metabolism-boosting ingredient. It will keep you hydrated, refreshed and help you lose weight.

For this detox water recipe you need 1 liter of water, 1 cup of fresh mango cut into small pieces and 3 centimeters of peeled and cut ginger root. You put the mango and ginger in a jar along with ice to taste, and then add 1 liter of water. Let cool and serve when cool.

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