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How to remove dark circles with 6 effective home remedies

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We have all had days when when we woke up, it seemed that a storm of tears had moved the mascara around our eye, leaving us with the appearance of a raccoon. And unfortunately we will discover that it is not about makeup, but that we have woke up with dark circles! Then The question that arises is how can you remove dark circles?

The first thing to know is that dark circles are part of our body, so removing dark circles completely as such, let's say it is almost impossible. What we can do is reduce their dark color so that they are almost imperceptible. If that small visible amount bothers you, you can always hide it with a little makeup and that's it! Show off a renewed and fatigue-free look.

In the article that concerns us, we will teach you 6 natural recipes to make at home to reduce and remove the color of dark circles. We will start by explaining what may be causing us dark circles.

Why do we get dark circles?

Dark circles are alterations that occur in the lower eye contour, that is, the skin just below the eyes. This skin is much more sensitive and delicate than the rest of our face, as it is five times thinner. In general, what happens is that, as the skin in this area is much thinner, the vascularization that occurs under this skin becomes much more visible.

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But dark circles are negative only in aesthetic terms, since in terms of health, they help us as a symptom to discover possible diseases, poor circulation or fluid retention problems, which in turn can be some of the Causes. Before knowing how to remove dark circles, you should know when we can get dark circles:

1. Lack of sleep

We get dark circles when we have few hours of sleep and you need rest, being a symptom of exhaustion; in this case what happens is that the oxygenation of the skin decreases. Remember that your body needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep a day.

2. Due to stress

In the same way as the dream, stress affects the oxygenation of the skin and produces a greater vascularization. If you're going through a lot of stress, try activities like exercise or meditation to improve your mood and relax.

3. Fluid retention

We get dark circles and bags under our eyes due to fluid retention. If you are already prone to retaining fluids, you should control the amount of salt and alcohol you consume as they are contraindicated for the elimination of water from the body. Excess water accumulates on the eyelids and under the eyes while you sleep.

4. Sun exposure

Sun exposure over time can also make you more prone to have darker pigmentation and dark circles due to the damage caused in this area of ​​so delicate skin. It also ages it much faster.

5. Allergies

Some occasional diseases such as allergies can also cause us to get dark circles since dilate the blood vessels just under the thin skin of the eye. The same is true for some temporary hormonal and metabolic changes.

6. Natural

There are those who have dark circles due to genetic predisposition and they present them naturally throughout life. In these cases they can also be concealed or softened.

6 home treatments to remove dark circles

Now that you know the causes of dark circles, here are these tricks for you to use when that annoying dark coloration appears on your face. In any case, you should know that a cleansing routine that includes hydration with an eye contour cream is essential.

1. Tea bags

A super simple way to eliminate dark circles is by using tea bags, since the tannins in tea are very useful in reducing dark circles.

How? Boil two tea bags in water and chill in the fridge. Then put a bag in each eye and let them act for 15 to 20 minutes. When finished, clean your face again.

Tip: You can also use chamomile tea bags instead of tea. Chamomile is a natural remedy for inflammation.

2. Small humid towel

A damp washcloth or washcloth is also very helpful in reducing inflammation. and eliminate dark circles.

How? At night, before going to sleep, leave a wet washcloth in the freezer. The next morning, put the wet towel on your eyes and forehead and remove it after 5 minutes.

Tip: If you prefer, you can also moisten the towel with chamomile infusion. You can also buy a gel mask to replace the towel.

3. Freeze two spoons

Another very simple and effective remedy to reduce dark circles is that of metal spoons; the classic of the grandmothers. Metal and cold help activate circulation in the eye area, reducing puffiness and discoloration of dark circles.

How? Leave two metal spoons in the freezer until very cold. Then put each one in the lower area of ​​the eye where the dark circles are seen. Let them act until the spoon returns to room temperature.

Tip: Be careful not to burn and irritate your skin with the spoons. If you see that they are too cold, wait a bit.

4. Cucumber slices

If you want to know how to remove dark circles in a very easy and natural way, then turn to cucumber. With it, in addition to reducing dark circles, you will hydrate the area and restore luminosity to the skin of the eyes.

How? Very simple, cut two cucumber slices and place each one over one eye. Leave it on the eyes for 10 to 15 minutes. You can also grate the cucumber, mix it with a little water and apply it with the help of a cotton ball.

Tip: You can use the cucumber slices to soften the skin after having made any of the other recipes that we leave you.

5. Potatoes

With this fruit of mother nature you can create another very easy recipe to make that will help reduce dark circles and hide its dark color.

How? Cut a potato into slices or in the shape of a half moon and put them over the eyes. After 15 minutes you can remove them. If you prefer a mask, grate the potato and mix with a little water; apply with a cotton ball, remove and clean after 15 minutes.

6. Aloe vera

Aloe vera or aloe is an ideal plant to hydrate and tone the skin, especially the finest, so it is excellent for removing dark circles.

How? Extract the aloe vera gel by separating the leaf in half. Massage the area with the dark circles very gently with the gel.

Tip: You can use aloe vera to prevent dark circles. Before putting on makeup, massage the lower part of your eye with the gel from the plant until it is completely absorbed. Remember to do it very gently with your ring finger.

We hope that with these 6 recipes you have learned how to remove dark circles naturally. But remember, nothing better than preventing them before they appear. Do not forget to do your 7 or 8 hours of rest and, if you retain fluids, to reduce the amounts of salt and alcohol you eat. Now, say goodbye to your dark circles and to show off a face full of life!
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