Dreaming of snakes: what is its meaning?
Are you one of those who dreams every day and runs to find the meaning of your dreams? Do you believe in it or are you rather skeptical about it?
Be that as it may, the reality is that the dream world has awakened many interests, and various authors have opinions regarding the meaning of dreams.
In this article we will address the following topic: dreaming of snakes: what is its meaning? In addition, we will explain what it means to dream of different types of snakes and of different situations that involve this animal. Before, but, we will make a brief introduction about the meaning of dreams.
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Psychology in the dream world
Dreams are those stories that we live while we sleep, where images, sensations, colors, shapes, noises, known and unknown people, mixed memories, thoughts, wishes repressed ...
It is a very curious field where research tries to reveal its mysteries and shed some light on its unknowns, although the meaning attributed to each dream is not universal.
However, beyond the dream itself, it is important to pay attention to how we have felt during sleep (and also when waking up). It is in these emotions where the key to its meaning is found, as well as in the interpretations and associations that the person himself makes as he explains and recounts her dreams.
In fact, it is on this approach that she relies Sigmund Freud to develop his theory on the interpretation of dreams, which we find for example in his book "The Interpretation of Dreams."
What else does psychology say about the dream realm? According to the clinical psychologist Linda Blair, we find two types of dreams: in the first, daily contents appear, "remains" of the day (they are not very important); in the second, on the other hand, important emotions and reactions of the person appear while dreaming. According to Blair, the latter, unlike the former, do have meaning, and they are the ones that are interesting to interpret.
Dreaming of snakes: what is its meaning?
Entering the matter at hand... dreaming of snakes: what is its interpretation and possible meanings? According to Anna Monteschi, author of different books of the dream world, such as: "The great book of dreams" (2006) or "10,000 dreams" (2012), dreaming of snakes is related to betrayal.
That is, a priori attributes a negative meaning to the fact of dreaming about this animal. But Monteschi specifies even more the different dreams that can be had with snakes, and in his book "The Great Book of Dreams" he exposes the following meanings for each type of dream:
1. Crush a snake
According to the author, dreaming that we crush a snake brings the message that contradicting our enemies can be dangerous, and it can bring us negative consequences. It is, therefore, a kind of "advice" or "warning".
2. Catch a snake
The fact of holding one or more snakes in the dream means that we are not afraid of deception and betrayal. So in this case, in a way it tells us how we are or what stage we are in our life.
3. Kill a snake
If in the dream we kill the snake, the meaning that Monteschi attributes to such a dream is that of a good omen, the arrival of good news. He also relates it to the possibility of defeating our envious friends.
4. Bite a snake
Dreaming that we bite a snake is related to revenge. Thus, according to the author, it means that we will take revenge on our false friends.
5. Hear a snake
Dreaming that we hear a snake (for example the sound it makes with its mouth, or the noise it makes when moving around the ground) is related to the fact that we have (or will have) in our life an enemy who hides his intentions; Monteschi specifies even more and specifies that this fact "will not surprise us."
6. Being coiled by a snake
The fact of dreaming that we are wound / as by a snake literally means, according to the author, that “the adversaries will neutralize us”. So, let each one interpret it as they consider ...
7. Being bitten by a snake
Being bitten by a snake is related to a bad meaning, specifically: illness and bad luck (according to Monteschi). Other authors relate the fact of dreaming of snakes that attack us with a conflict that is about to come into our lives, which we must face and which we fear.
8. See a snake
Finally, simply dreaming that we see a snake means that we are flattering people, that is, that we praise others in an interested way (that is, to achieve something).
9. Small snakes
What does it mean to dream of small snakes? Beyond Monteschi, other authors of the dream world relate the fact of dreaming of small snakes with a small threat in our life, or with the presence of a certain discomfort in our life that prevents us from reaching the wellness.
10. Black snakes
Logically, the color of the snakes (as well as their shape, size…) in each one's dream can vary.
In the world of the unconscious and psychology, colors often express feelings that we have repressed in our conscious and lucid life. Each color symbolizes something. Thus, dreaming of black snakes has a very specific meaning.
Starting at the beginning, we know that the color black, in the dream world, is related to emotions. In this way, dreaming of black spiders could mean that we want to maintain an emotional relationship that we would rationally avoid.
11. Green snakes
If the snakes in the dream are green instead of being black, this has another meaning. The green color, in the dream world, symbolizes "change, good fortune and personal maturity." So dreaming of green snakes can be related to any of these three elements or aspects.
12. Snakes at home
According to different myths and legends, the fact of dreaming that we are in our house (or another) full of snakes, can mean that a relative is betraying us. This dream is also related to another meaning, and it is the arrival of some kind of physical discomfort or ailment.
13. Dream about vipers
Vipers are a subfamily of snakes. Dreaming about snakes in particular has a negative meaning, and is related to two elements: deception and disappointment.
14. Dream of snakes
Snakes are another family of snakes. The meaning of dreams where snakes appear changes according to their attitude during sleep. Thus, if snakes are aggressive, this is related to sexuality; if instead they are quiet, their meaning is related to wisdom and knowledge.
Dream about reptiles
Now that we have seen what it means to dream of snakes (a very recurring dream), let's see what does it mean to dream of reptiles in a more general way, since, remember that snakes are reptiles.
Thus, dreaming of reptiles in general (not just snakes) has another meaning. Specifically, dreaming that a reptile attacks us means that we fear attacks from deceptive people.
Simply dreaming that we see a reptile relates to insincere people, and it can mean that we are in a stage of our life where we are not being sincere. Finally, dreaming that we see many reptiles together, means that in our life we are surrounded by people who deceive us.
Bibliographic references
Blair, L. (2014). The Key to Calm: Your Path to Mindfulness and Beyond. Hodder Yellow Kite.
Freud, S. (2013). The interpretation of dreams. Editorial Akal.
Monteschi, A. (2006). The great book of dreams. The interpretation of more than 10,000 dreams to know everything about love, wealth and success. Editorial De Vecchi, S.A.U. Barcelona.
Moss, R. (2010). The Secret History of Dreaming. New World Library.