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The 90 best phrases about evolution

When we speak of evolution we refer to any transformation that occurs gradually of something, be it of a situation, circumstance, state and ideas. The human being is always in constant change from birth to deathLife itself also has its evolution, which leads us to adapt to different environments to survive the different stages that we encounter along the way.

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The most powerful reflections on evolution

Do you want to know a little more about this topic? Then we leave you these phrases about human evolution, look for the one that most identifies with you.

1. To this day, the theory of evolution is as open to doubt as the theory that the Earth revolves around the sun. (Richard Dawkins)

Evolution is a subject that is still subject to doubt.

2. The life of man is interesting mainly if he has failed. That indicates that he tried to outdo himself. (George Benjamin Clemenceau)

This phrase shows us that man is constantly changing.

3. Growth is never by chance; it is the result of forces working together. (James Cash Penney)

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Growth is our personal evolution.

4. Man begins, in reality, to be old when he ceases to be educable. (Arturo Graf)

Man evolves through knowledge.

5. I realized that I had to revolutionize; learn new things so as not to be left behind. I realized it and I rebelled. (Jaime Sabine Gutiérrez)

We never move forward if we stay in the same place.

6. Every success story is a story of constant adaptation, revision and change. (Richard Branson)

We can see evolution through our personal achievements.

7. If you don't change, you don't evolve and you end up stopping thinking. (Rem Koolhaas)

We must change to evolve.

8. What makes you uncomfortable is your greatest opportunity for growth. (Bryant McGill)

Change can be scary, but it is necessary.

9. Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth happens while you are climbing it. (Andy Rooney)

We all want to be successful, but many people don't want to evolve or grow.

10. I get up, you fall. (Anonymous)

Personal evolution consists of falling down and getting up as many times as necessary.

11. Change is inevitable. Growth is optional. (John Maxwell)

We all find some changes along the way that allow us to evolve.

12. Just because something didn't turn out the way you wanted it doesn't mean it's useless. (Thomas Edison)

A good solution is better than none.

13. If your business is not on the Internet, your business does not exist. (Bill Gates)

Reference to the influence of the internet on business.

14. Try and fail, but don't fail to try. (Stephen Kaggwa)

Don't stop trying, always focus on growing.

15. An important factor for happiness is constant change, constant evolution is the basis for being happy. (Salma Hayek)

Without change there is no evolution and without evolution there is no possibility of being happy.

16. The genius of evolution lies in the dynamic tension between optimism and pessimism that is continually corrected. (Martin Seligman)

Being positive allows you to obtain a better quality of life.

17. My father was a mestizo, his father was a black and his grandfather a monkey; It seems that my family started at the same point as yours. (Alexander Dumas)

Human evolution has allowed the emergence of various races.

18. The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership. (Harvey S. Firestone)

A leading person is one who has already undergone a change.

19. Normality is the antithesis of evolution. (Siddhartha Mukherjee)

If we don't move, we don't grow.

20. Technology is something that was not there when you were born. (Alan Kay)

It refers to the advancement that technology has had throughout history.

21. It is moral evolution that must give a considerable acceleration, it is it that must urgently place itself at the the same level as our technological evolution, and that requires a real revolution in behaviors. (Amin Maalouf)

The norms of courtesy and values ​​are what allow us to evolve within society.

22. Don't just sit around waiting for things to come to you. Fight for what you want, take responsibility for yourself. (Michel Tanus)

If you don't work for what you want, you will never grow.

23. Little by little, day by day, we can achieve whatever goal we set for ourselves. (Karen Casey)

Advancing on the road is not an easy task, you just have to keep going.

24. Religious faith is impossible to eradicate precisely because we are creatures that are still evolving. It will never succumb; Or, at least, it won't succumb until we overcome the fear of death, darkness, the unknown, and others. (Christopher Eric Hitchens)

Even religion is part of our personal evolution.

25. As the river makes its own banks, so every legitimate idea makes its own paths and conduits. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Ideas arise, grow and evolve, allowing man to improve his life.

26. Available energy is the main object at stake in the struggle for the existence and evolution of the world. (Ludwig Boltzmann)

The strength we put into what we do is what allows us to grow.

27. Nonviolence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of evolution. Until we stop harming other living beings, we are still wild. (Thomas Alva Edison)

When we are able to put violence aside, then we can say that we have already evolved.

28. Alone or not, you have to move on. (Unknown author)

Growing and evolving will depend on each one of us.

29. Look around. Everything changes. Everything on this earth is in a continuous state of evolution, refining, improving, adapting, improving. (Steve Maraboli)

The world never stays static.

30. Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic. (Arthur C. Clarke)

Life is not made by magic, but is a product of human evolution.

31. If you want to change the world, change yourself. (Mahatma Gandhi)

If we don't change and improve, how can we expect to do so in the world?

32. Every success story is a story of constant adaptation, revision and change. (Richard Branson)

Adapting to change is the most functional tool for growth.

33. Deep within there is something that is hidden and that boycotts the evolution of man. (Cristian Cano)

The human being has not fully evolved because there is something that prevents it.

34. Without ideals, human evolution would be inexplicable. (José Ingenieros)

The human being requires motivation to advance.

35. On some occasions, clinging to a known area can prevent us from entering other spaces of discovery and evolution. (Mario Alonso Puig)

It is common for us to like being in the comfort zone, but if we want to move forward, we must discover other paths.

36. In life everything is continually evolving. (Ludwig Heinrich Edler Von Mises)

Look around you, everything is evolving.

37. All looks are historical. There is no way to see anything without History. Even the field has a history. And if you don't understand the evolution of things, you don't understand anything. (Rafael Chirbes)

Through history we can know the evolution of things.

38. What the evolution of a human being indicates to us is the consciousness that he possesses of belonging to a much more whole whole. vast than he, striving not to disharmonize with his activity, his thoughts, his feelings and his noise inside. (Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov)

Man does not evolve alone, he belongs to a society that grows alongside him.

39. Reform is generally only possible once a sense of crisis occurs. (Charles Duhigg)

Generally in times of crisis, growth increases.

40. Evolution is the infinite movement of all that exists, the incessant transformation of the universe and all its parts from the eternal origins and during the infinity of time. (Élisée Reclus)

A spiritual reference on evolution and change.

41. Our science of evolution achieved its greatest triumph when, at the beginning of the 20th century, its most powerful adversaries, the Churches, reconciled with her, and endeavored so that her dogmas were online. (Ernst Haeckel)

It refers to the recognition of the theory of evolution by religions.

42. Evolution is so creative. This is how we have giraffes. (Kurt Vonnegut)

Funny phrase to explain evolution.

43. As the river makes its own banks, so every legitimate idea makes its own paths and conduits. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Each idea must follow its own journey to evolve.

44. Compassion greatly hinders the law of evolution. (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)

Even evolution had its setbacks.

45. Biological continuity is not everything, it is enough for the human mind to create and recreate what it obscurely professes. (José Saramago)

Man through his mind can develop great ideas.

46. I don't believe in censorship, I believe in discussion and debate. Without controversy, there is no evolution, but it is about having arguments and not just pointing. (Maria Luisa Fernandez)

The changes cause controversies that must be faced.

47. Life must have its current; the water that does not flow becomes corrupted: (Alphonse Marie Louis De Lamartine)

When we don't move, we stagnate and make no progress.

48. There is no point in cultural evolution before which fighting does not occur. (Thorstein Veblen)

Discussions allow us to grow.

49. Successful and unsuccessful people don't vary much in their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potential. (John Maxwell)

What differentiates people is their desire to grow.

50. It matures and evolves when self-criticism is made and constructive criticism is accepted. (Jorge González Moore)

If you are self-critical and accept criticism, then you have already evolved.

51. The whole secret of a successful life is figuring out what destiny you have to do and then doing it. (Henry Ford)

Find a passion that satisfies you and work on it.

52. The man is biologically and mentally incapable of properly choosing the future partner. Men are attracted to all women. It is only the woman who must choose. Also, in the choice she makes are the secrets of human evolution. (Horst Mattahai Quelle)

The female figure is responsible for the evolution in the couple.

53. The history of evolution is that life escapes all barriers. Life evades confinements. Life expands to new territories. Painfully, perhaps even dangerous, but life finds a way. I don't mean to philosophize, but that's the way it is. (Michael Crihton)

Nature always finds its way to emerge.

54. Darwin's findings, summarized, come to say that, after five billion years of evolution, and leaving behind the chimpanzee by a hair, the man has come to give a shoe store clerk, windshield wiper or official. (Francisco Umbral)

The man has not ceased to resemble his ancestors.

55. Evolution totally denies the idea of ​​man in society. (Horst Mattahai Quelle)

Evolution focuses on the growth of man individually and not collectively.

56. It is one of my most important and best verified maxims that nature does not jump. I have called this the law of continuity. (Leibniz)

Evolution does not happen overnight, it is a slow process.

57. It is not reason, more or less furnished, but will that makes the world go. (Rafael Barrett)

If we are risky, then the evolution is simpler.

58. If we continue to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence, our servant will become our executioner. (Omar Bradley)

Misused technology puts the evolution of life at risk.

59. Although no one can go back and start over, anyone can start from now and make a new ending. (Carl Bard)

Even though the past cannot be reversed, we can start a new life from the present.

60. The common animals evolve according to their needs, some men according to their ambitions, on the contrary, the rest evolve according to their fears. (Nelson Damian Cabral)

Fears and needs can become motivations for getting ahead.

61. Don't be afraid to give up the good to go big. (John D. Rockefeller)

Focus on going forward, don't be afraid.

62. Success consists of going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm (Winston Churchill)

If you want to grow, you must persevere.

63. Life gives us the experiences we need most for the evolution of our consciousness. How do you know if this is the experience you need? Because it is the experience you are living at this moment. (Eckhart Tolle)

Live each experience, as this helps you grow.

64. Word drags word, one idea brings another, and thus a book, a government, or a revolution is made, some say in effect that this is how nature composed its species. (Joaquim Machado de Assis)

Every action has its consequences.

65. If you want something you never had, you must do something you never did (Anonymous)

Think out of the box.

66. Only those who dare to have great failures end up achieving great successes (Robert F. Kennedy)

Failure does not determine your growth.

67. If you can imagine it you can achieve it, if you can dream it you can become it (William Arthur Ward)

If you have the time and energy to dream, you can use that same energy to make it happen.

68. Growth means change and change implies risk, going from the known to the unknown. (George Shinn)

Risk is part of growth.

69. Why resist change when it is the main source of your growth? (Robin Sharma)

Look at changes as an opportunity to evolve.

70. We should use the past as a springboard and not as a sofa (Harold Macmillan)

Don't let fear overwhelm your desire to grow.

71. All we have to decide is what to do with the time we have been given. (J.R.R. Tolkien)

Time is something that does not return. Don't waste it, make it your ally to get ahead.

72. The greatest danger the future holds is apathy. (Jane Goodall)

Do not let laziness prevent you from taking the first steps for your evolution.

73. Stumbling is not bad... become fond of the stone, yes (Paulo Coelho)

Falling down is fine, but don't make the same mistake over and over again.

74. We have reached a stage in the evolution of our species where the next adaptive breakthrough must be either the elimination of nuclear weapons or the elimination of war itself. (Marvin Harris)

Wars and nuclear weapons are tools that help prevent the evolution of all species.

75. We have to evolve if we want to continue at the top. (Peter Ferdinando)

Evolving will allow you to grow, staying in your comfort zone will stagnate you.

76. History is the evolution of collective thought, from the rude form of necessity to the highest ideal of a code of mankind. (Giovanni Bovio)

A reference to human evolution.

77. They taught me that the human brain is the glory of evolution thus far, but I think it is a very poor system for survival. (Kurt Vonnegut Jr.)

It has always been believed that the human brain is the center of man's evolution.

78. The fact of evolution is as well established as any other in science. (Stephen Jay Gould)

Even human evolution has become a science.

79. If you want to travel far, there is no better ship than a book. (Emily Dickinson)

Books have a lot to teach us.

80. Without problems, man would not have evolved and the key tool has been creativity. (Antonio Páez Pinzón)

Throughout history, the human being has evolved by putting his imagination into practice.

81. Life is growth. If we stop growing, we are technically and spiritually dead. (Morihei Ueshiba)

You only stop growing when death comes.

82. All the evolutions that we know start from the vague to arrive at the defined. (Charles Sanders Peirce)

Having ambitions and goals are the keys that drive growth.

83. The main force that is used in the world of the evolution of mankind is so far in the form of war. (Sir Arthur Keith)

A phrase that shows us the danger of wars.

84. I don't think evolution designed us to reproduce but to enjoy sex and love our children. (Steven Pinker)

Sexual evolution leads us to maximum enjoyment.

85. Growing up can be painful, changing can be painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck in a place where you don't belong. (Charles H. Spurgeon)

Evolution can also cause pain.

86. Ignorance does not doubt. (Charles Darwin)

Lack of knowledge encourages progress.

87. In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins, not through force, but through perseverance. (H. Jackson Brown)

Perseverance is a gift that must be acquired if you want to succeed.

88. Humanity tends to increase at a rate greater than its means of subsistence. (Charles Darwin)

Population growth is not in line with the means of subsistence.

89. You were once monkeys, and now the man is cuter than any ape. (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)

There are people who have not evolved over time.

90. You have to expect great things from yourself before you achieve them. (Michael Jordan)

Self-confidence is a great tool for progress in life.

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