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The 80 best phrases and reflections of Lady Gaga

Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, better known as Lady Gaga, is one of the most popular singers that exists today. Her unique and flamboyant style defines her as a great artist in both singing and acting. Her powerful voice and undoubtedly her personality have brought her to fame. How does a music and movie star see the world? Stay with us to find out.

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Famous phrases of Lady Gaga

This beautiful woman, in addition to being a singer and actress, is a designer, producer, composer and philanthropist. We present these motivational and inspiring phrases that Lady Gaga has said throughout her life.

1. If you have no shadow, you are not in the light.

We all have flaws and virtues.

2. Money can escape, but talent is forever.

It is more important to have skills than to be a millionaire and not know anything.

3. I had a boyfriend who told me that she would never succeed, she would never be nominated for a Grammy, she would never have a hit song, and that she hoped it would fail. I said “someday when we're not together, you won't be able to order a cup of coffee in a bar without hearing or seeing me.
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Having a person by your side who trusts in our abilities is priceless.

4. Confidence is like a mirror, you can fix it if it is broken, but you can still see the crack in the reflection.

When trust is lost, it is very difficult to regain it.

5. How can you bear when people talk to you like you are not flesh and blood?

There are words that do more damage than any weapon.

6. Everybody always tells me that they like what they hear, but they don't like what they see.

The sounds we hear are more beautiful than what we see.

7. We need fantasy to survive because reality is very difficult.

Getting away from reality is very convenient.

8. Some people are simply born stars.

It refers to the talent that many artists have.

9. Being different is simple, but being unique is something different.

Each person is original, we should not be copies of anyone.

10. You will never find what you are looking for in love if you don't love yourself.

He who does not love himself cannot love others.

11. I want women and men to feel empowered by a deeper and more psychotic part of themselves.

The part they always desperately try to hide. I want it so that they become something they want: You have to have illusions, desires and dreams.

12. I've always been famous, just nobody knew it yet.

Lady Gaga always fought to be who she is today.

13. People are always going to talk, so let's give them something to talk about.

No matter what you do, they will always talk about you.

14. Don't be insecure if your heart is pure.

Self-confidence is the key to everything.

15. I'd rather die young and be a legend than die an old lady, married with children.

It is important to put above what we like to do.

16. You have to stop crying and you have to go kick some butt.

Sitting around doing nothing will not lead to success.

17. Fame is when everyone knows your name, but Fame is when no one knows who you are, but everyone wants to know who you are.

Anonymity is nice, but being recognized is even more so.

18. Either you have passion, or you don't. Or, If it's so important to you that you stop and buy an apartment, and have babies, and marry a famous actor, or not do any of that, and keep making music and art and die alone.

Life always tests us, so you have to have clear objectives.

19. I used to walk down the street like I was a star. I want people to go around excited about how great they can be and then fight so hard every day that the lie becomes true: When we have a passion for something, we must fight for it.

Every day you have to work for what you want and believe it.

20. Never be afraid to dream.

Do not abandon your dreams for anything or anyone.

21. Sometimes in life you don't always feel like you are a winner, but that doesn't mean you are not a winner.

In moments of weakness, we must remember what we want and move on.

22. Never be afraid to dream.

Don't let fear take over you.

23. It's hard to know who to trust in your personal life. When you cry in your room at night, you don't always know who to call.

Having a true friend to turn to is like having a great treasure.

24. As artists, we are eternally heartbroken.

It refers to the price you pay to be famous.

25. I don't know who I am anymore.

Many times we find ourselves in very difficult situations and we can't find the way out.

26. You define your beauty yourself, society does not define your beauty. Your spirit and your faith define your beauty.

Nothing and no one can specify what beauty is.

27. Some women choose to follow men and others choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore.

Choosing between a relationship and a career is not easy.

28. You have to be unique and different and shine in your own way.

We must not be a photocopy of anyone.

29. Love is like a brick. You can build a house or you can sink a dead body.

Love can have several edges.

30. Don't let people turn off your glow because they are blinded. Tell them to put on some sunglasses.

Shine with your own light and don't let it go out.

31. Well that's your opinion right? And I am not willing to waste my time to change it.

Don't waste time making someone else change.

32. I want the deepest, darkest, sickest part of you that you are afraid to share with anyone because I love you so much.

Whoever loves you accepts you as you are.

33. Every time they said "no", I became stronger.

Adversities make you stronger. Just believe in yourself.

34. Don't go looking for love, let love find you. That is when it will happen.

Don't force love, it will find you.

35. Fight hard for what you believe in, you will be surprised, you are stronger than you think.

You are a unique and special being.

36. They can't scare me if I scare them first.

Face all difficulties without fear.

37. Celebrate all the things you don't like about yourself; love yourself.

Love yourself with your flaws and your virtues.

38. I want to free them, I want to free them from their fears and make them feel that they can create their own spaces in the world.

Each person has their place in life.

39. Don't ever let a soul in the world tell you that you can't be exactly who you are.

Be yourself no matter what other people think of you.

40. Ignore all the hate and criticism. Live for what you have created and die protecting it.

Never let the hatred and backbiting of others dampen your dreams.

41. You laugh at me because I am different. I laugh at you because you are all the same.

They can point you out because you are different. Laugh at those people who actually want to be like you.

42. It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from, or how much money you have in your pocket. You have your own destiny and your own life before you.

You own your decisions.

43. My mom told me that when I was young, we were all born superstars!

There is nothing like the support of a mother.

44. I believe that tolerance, acceptance and love is something that feeds all communities.

In society, respect, love of neighbor and acceptance of all must prevail.

45. Wear or wear makeup, I am the same person on the inside.

How we are on the inside is worth more than the external appearance.

46. I am a person without fear.

Fears should not take over our lives.

47. I'm not perfect, I just think blemishes are beautiful.

We must love ourselves as we are.

48. Sexuality is half poison, half liberation.

Lady Gaga refers to what sex is for her.

49. My passion is still more important than anything else.

Don't let your enthusiasm fade.

50. If you ask me what I want to do, I don't want to be a celebrity, I want to make a difference.

Make our skills become an example.

51. Even if the whole world turns its back on you, you always have yourself.

Even if others don't support you, you have the most important person in your life: yourself.

52. Sometimes in life you don't always feel like a winner, but that doesn't mean you're not a winner.

There are times when you can be depressed, but don't let it control you.

53. If my destiny is to lose my head to fame that is my destiny.

Each one fights for his destiny.

54. It is always bad to hate, but it is never bad to love.

Hate is a negative feeling, but love is not.

55. I feel that if you are a really good human being, you can try to find something beautiful in each person, no matter what.

The human being is full of good things.

56. I am a feminist I wholeheartedly reject the way we are taught to perceive women.

Women are capable people in any field.

57. I love Dolce & Gabbana. I love Versace. I love crazy, eccentric things.

Fashion is part of humanity.

58. My New Years Resolution.

Never be afraid of getting kicked in the teeth. Let blood and bruises define your legacy. Fighting for what we want is a priority.

59. People who are obsessed with hating you are flattered. Their entire lives revolve around you.

Whoever hates you wants to look a bit like you.

60. You have to fail and then improve. Then you have to fail again, and then get even better.

Fall down and get up. That is what leads to success.

61. If someone tells you that you cannot achieve your dreams, or discourages you, turn into a claw and tell them that you are a little monster and that you can do whatever you want.

Fight with all your might to achieve your goals.

62. You have to be careful how much you reveal to people who admire you so much.

Do not trust your ideas, thoughts or projects to anyone.

63. And now, I'm just trying to change the world, one sequin at a time.

One step at a time takes you far.

64. I do yoga, I do Bikram and I run, and I eat very healthy.

Having a healthy lifestyle brings many benefits.

65. My goal is to revolutionize pop music.

This is Lady Gaga's goal.

66. I am an artist, and I have the ability and free will to choose how the world will envision me.

We have to work to achieve our purposes.

67. It's not that I don't like pants, I just choose not to wear them some days.

Do things differently. It is what differentiates us.

68. Defend those who cannot defend themselves; it is your responsibility.

Helping those most in need is everyone's responsibility.

69. Peace. It does not mean being in a place where there are no problems, noise or hard work. It means being in the middle of those things and still being calm in your heart.

No matter what circumstance we are living, the important thing is that we maintain tranquility.

70. I really want to inject gay culture into the mainstream. It is not an underground tool for me. It's my whole life.

Lady Gaga is committed to inclusion.

71. Depression doesn't take away your talents, it only makes them harder to find.

If we are living very hard times, we must fight harder.

72. Rejoice and love yourself today.

The present is here and now.

73. A recording contract doesn't make you an artist. You become an artist:

Each one has in his hands the possibility of emerging for himself.

74. My fashion is part of who I am, and even though I wasn't born with these clothes on, I was born that way.

Lady Gaga has her own unique style.

75. Some of us wear the mask prouder than others.

We should be proud of who we are.

76. A glamorous life is very different from a luxurious life. I don't need luxury. For years I was practically bankrupt, but I was still very vain and glamorous. And I still am.

Having an attitude in life has nothing to do with money.

77. I work a lot, but when God opens that door for you, when life opens you, I should say: I think it is important to give, to return love.

Helping the homeless is something we must do before we die.

78. Lady Gaga is my name. If you know me and you call me Stefani, you really don't know me at all.

It refers to the fact that Lady Gaga is and will always be known by that name.

79. I'd rather be poor and happy than rich and alone.

Money does not buy happiness.

80. I don't care what people think of me, I care what they think of themselves.

What we think of ourselves is what has the most value.

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