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What does it mean to dream that your teeth fall out?

Dreaming of teeth falling out is a common experience for most from the people. There are many recurring dreams and in which many of us also agree. For example, dreaming that we fly, that we fall, that we walk naked or that our teeth fall out.

But... Do all these dreams have any meaning? Clinical psychology affirms that yes, while various cultures throughout history have found in the interpretation of dreams a path to wisdom.

Dream Interpretation: What does it mean if your teeth fall out?

Dreaming that our teeth fall out generates a lot of anguish. Even more so if we see ourselves with fewer teeth. That image is always very shocking, for this reason it is not a very pleasant dream.

However, to interpret what it means to dream of teeth falling out, one must understand that there are several possible contexts that influence the meaning behind the dream. In addition, several personal aspects that influence the construction of a dream must be considered.

And, in any case, none of the interpretations you will read below is intended to always be correct or applicable to all cases. They are simple approaches from different disciplines, such as psychoanalysis, which have tried to give an explanation to this kind of recurring dream.

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1. Dreaming that your lower teeth fall out

Dreaming that your lower teeth fall out it has a specific meaning. Dreaming that a tooth falls out is related to a feeling of insecurity in front of others. But when the tooth that falls out is from the bottom, the meaning is a bit more complex. According to the interpretation of dreams, dreaming that a lower tooth falls out is a bad omen.

People say that bad times or complicated situations come, but that these will not affect the person who dreams, they will only witness them and it may be better not to intervene. To fully understand the situation, it is convenient to analyze what sensation we experience during tooth loss, since it depends on how much bad situations will affect us.

2. Dreaming that the upper teeth fall out

When the top teeth fall out, the meaning is different. It also has two connotations. On the one hand, it has to do with the stress of living with people, especially at the beginning. Perhaps you have started a new job or school and you don't feel confident about relating. This meaning is given especially if when the tooth falls out you feel a lot of anguish.

On the other hand, if the front tooth falls out and there is no distress or pain, then it means that there is a need to enjoy close people. It is also likely that a person we love may be about to suffer a dramatic event. Be that as it may, it is better to remain calm and be forewarned.

3. Teeth with cavities

If in your dream you see your teeth with cavities, you should be alert. If you only see them dirty, then it means that something wrong that you did could come to light that causes you distress, especially if the decayed teeth are the front ones. If it is about the molars, it means that you keep a secret and are afraid that someone will ask you about it.

But if your teeth fall out and when you see them you realize that they are dirty, stained or with cavities, then it means that you could have problems at work. You must be careful Well, a layoff or a rumor in the workplace may be looming that will get you into trouble. If you have a business, you should be aware of deals or associations that do not benefit you.

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4. When several teeth fall out

If in your dream several teeth or complete dentures fall out, means a major loss. Sometimes the meaning of a dream where teeth fall out is deeper than we think. If you see a lot of teeth, even more than we have, or you look in the mirror and you don't have teeth, you should prepare for a loss.

Whether you lose something important, like money, papers, a job, a friend or a loved one. Also you probably already had that loss and a dream where all the teeth fall out is an expression of the anguish or stress that you are feeling, that perhaps you have not allowed to flow.

Losing teeth in dreams

5. That breaks a tooth

When we dream that teeth break is a warning about what is to come. If in the dream the teeth do not fall out but if they break and there is also pain, then it is very likely that the dream is indicating about a situation that has us worried and tense, because we believe that we will not be able to face it.

If the tooth breaks and we do not have pain or too much anguish, it means that we must believe in ourselves, because we have the tools to overcome it. If there is too much pain during sleep, it is indicating that there are things that we must face and not wait for them to solve themselves.

6. Dark teeth

If when we look at ourselves in the dream our teeth are dark, we should listen to our body. Sometimes we can see how the teeth fall out, either one or all, but they also look dark, gray, or too yellow. In this case, the dark teeth are warning us about taking better care of our health.

Dreaming of dark teeth means that we are going through a moment of too tired or that we are not attentive to our body or to some disease. If, in addition, the teeth fall out in the dream, then we must urgently attend to any ailment that we have to avoid a greater problem.

7. Teeth that move

Dreaming that teeth move and then fall out warns us about the future. It is very common to dream that the teeth are loose and about to fall, and on many occasions they end up falling out even without noticing distress, although to other people this dream does not stop causing anxiety.

To dream that the teeth move means that we feel in a moment of uncertainty. It is a harbinger of abrupt changes that will force us to move from our current situation. If they also end up falling, it warns us about an inescapable destiny that we have to face.

8. If a dentist removes a tooth

Dreaming that it is a dentist who removes a tooth, has a very specific meaning. According to the interpretation of dreams, when it is a dentist who removes a tooth from us, then there is an omen about the break with a friend or close relative. If in the dream we feel anguish, then it is someone very close.

Caution must be exercised when interpreting the person from whom we are distancing ourselves. It may be that the dentist is someone we know, but it does not mean that it will be from that specific person that we will stay away from. Of course, we must analyze the entire situation to understand what level of stress or conflict this break will bring to our lives.

Bibliographic references

  • Rozen, N., & Soffer-Dudek, N. (2018). Dreams of Teeth Falling Out: An Empirical Investigation of Physiological and Psychological Correlates. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 1812. doi: 10.3389 / fpsyg.2018.01812.
  • Schredl, M., & Hofmann, F. (2003). Continuity between waking activities and dream activities. Consciousness And Cognition, 12 (2), 298-308. doi: 10.1016 / s1053-8100 (02) 00072-7.

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