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Pinaverium bromide: what is it and what is it for?

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Gastrointestinal diseases are more common than you can imagine. Analyze it for a moment, how many people around you have told you that they have constant stomach aches? Constipation problems? Or swelling of the abdomen? They have surely been numerous and repetitive.

This is due to the alteration in the intestinal flora and the digestive tract, caused by the presence of bacteria, parasitic viruses, food intake heavy on the body and difficult to digest or bad eating habits, such as imbalance in meal times or not having a diet balanced.

One of the drugs that is being recognized the most among the international population is pinaverium bromide. But what really is this drug? Does it benefit us completely or can it be one more problem?

In this article we will tell you everything you need to know about this stomach medicine.

What is pinaverium bromide?

In essence, it is a spasmolytic element that acts on disorders, discomfort and difficulties presented in the gastrointestinal system. So it is recommended to relieve symptomatic abdominal pain, symptoms of constipation, alterations common digestive and intestinal problems, such as colitis, which is in fact the most ideal medicine to treat this disease.

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Thanks to its spasmolytic agents, the muscles of the digestive and intestinal system can regain their normal function, reduce the inconvenience caused and recover our daily lifestyle without any problem.

How does it work against gastrointestinal pain?

The action of this drug has a direct effect against spasms or jerky movements of the muscles of the stomach and intestines, having a relaxing effect on them and anti-inflammatories. This is because its active ingredients inhibit the flow of calcium that reaches the gastrointestinal muscles.

For what purpose? The main one is to relieve pain caused by spasms, helps to restore the natural movement of the intestines and reduce the discomfort of colitis, both in the stomach and in the colon. Which is the disease causing these disorders.

What is colitis?

As we have just mentioned, colitis is the main responsible for gastrointestinal problems, directly related to the digestion and expulsion of food. Spasmodic colitis is a medical condition where the organs of the intestine, rectum, and colon become inflamed. causing problems like constipation and the diarrhea.

Other symptoms that can arise from colitis are: abdominal bloating, stomach cramps, fevers, excess gas, dehydration, anemia, weight loss, general tiredness and the appearance of ulcers.

It appears due to various factors such as constant stress, hereditary history, components biological disorders, hormonal disorders or an unhealthy intake of food coupled with a lifestyle sedentary.

Medication use

Treatment should always be indicated by a gastroenterologist specialist after performing the tests. and corresponding analyzes that determine the diagnosis and its severity.

1. Drug presentation

They are in the form of tablets to be ingested orally, in the following most common presentations: Briomon, Verupinol, Dicetel, Eldicet, Zerpyco, Blocafer or just as Pinaverium Bromide. Each tablet contains between 50 mg (recommended regular daily dose) and 100 mg. Although there are some pills that bring up to 300 mg (maximum recommended daily dose).

The daily dose varies depending on the severity of the diagnosis detected and the treatment indicated in a medical consultation.

2. Indications

The intake of the drug is recommended with a glass of water and accompanied with meals to avoid injury to the stomach or intestines, due to its strong assets. Likewise, the amount of pills (which can be one for each meal, in two meals or one daily) will depend on the personalized treatment indicated by the specialist.

3. Consumption

What must be taken into account in advance and awareness about the intake of pinaverium bromide is that it can irritate the esophagus and even the gastrointestinal organs themselves. So you have to be careful about consuming the indicated daily dose and tell your doctor if you already have a history of problems in the esophagus or irritations.

Side effects

However, despite the recognized and guaranteed effectiveness of pinaverium bromide against colitis or other gastrointestinal complaints. It must be taken into account that this can cause some side effects for our bodies. We present you some of those adverse effects.

  • Serious and intolerable allergic reactions.

  • Skin allergies

  • Difficulty in breathing.

  • Tightness and pain in the chest.

  • Continuous vomiting

  • Greater appearance of the symptoms that it should counteract (diarrhea, constipation, colic and abdominal inflammation, stomach discomfort).

  • Excessive sweating

  • Feeling of stomach fullness.

  • Dry mouth

  • Drowsiness

  • Dizziness

It is important to note that these adverse effects occur around 1% of the population. That is, there are very few people who can suffer from these. Each organism is different and therefore people can react differently to the medicine.

They usually appear due to an overdose or not following the indicated treatment correctly, such as ingest it with improper drinks, do it without the accompaniment of a meal or do it at times raving.


Apart from the side effects that we have mentioned, There are some contraindications that it is important to take into account when taking this medicine..

1. Problems in the esophagus

Consumption of pinaverium bromide can cause serious irritation, inflammation and counterproductive discomfort for the esophagus, as well as the throat. Therefore, it is recommended not to swallow the tablets without water, on the contrary, to do so with abundant water to prevent throat damage and while eating to reduce throat damage esophagus.

2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Most drugs for diseases and disorders are contraindicated during the pregnancy and breastfeeding due to the prevention of damage from the regular development of the fetus or causing future alterations in its health. As well as avoiding gastrointestinal disorders while feeding on the mother's breast.

If gastric discomfort or colitis occurs during these periods, it is important to consult your doctor to create the best possible treatment.

3. Lactose intolerance

Some medications may come with ingredients derived from lactose for better consumption and digestion in the stomach, by giving a more adaptive consistency for the body. However, if you suffer from lactose intolerance, you should indicate it to your specialist so that they can indicate a pill that does not contain lactose. That way you won't run the risk of aggravating your gastrointestinal health.

4. Pediatric and juvenile use

Medications of this caliber in child and adolescent intake must always be kept under strict observation by the doctor and parents regarding possible adverse effects. Since there are insufficient studies on the safety or contraindication of pinaverium bromide in children and adolescents.

5. Consumption of other medications

It is always important that you tell your specialist if you consume any other medication or are under another treatment since the combination of pinaverium bromide with other medicines can alter the body and aggravate the Health. The same happens if instead of consuming pharmaceutical drugs, you consume natural recipes.

6. Combination with anticholinergics

With these drugs in particular, one must be very careful, since one of the actions of anticholinergics is precisely to relax the gastrointestinal system, since it acts against spasms. Therefore, the combination of these two drugs can result in an overdose, a greater effect on the intestinal system and the alteration of digestive function.

7. Other diseases

If you suffer from any other significant illness such as hypertension, heart problems, ulcers, respiratory complications, kidney or liver diseases. You should consult your doctor about the dose that you should take daily that does not affect your current state of health.

What are the contraindications?

They make a global reference to the avoidance of the consumption of medicines if one suffers from any significant disease that can be aggravated or trigger other serious symptoms to the rest of the body or if you are in a state in which taking the medicine can cause serious harm to your health. As is the case with pregnancies.

Extra recommendations

If you suffer from this disease, you should take into account some extra tips when going to a medical consultation or when you are during treatment.

1. Maximum opening

Remember that you must have an open and honest communication about your current state of health, any complications that you have suffered before with any medication, although only you have a suspicion or your ignorance of it, so that the doctor can take the necessary actions and perform the relevant tests and indicate the most appropriate treatment chord.

Do not be afraid to ask anything in consultation that generates doubts, it is better that you fill in all the gaps and feel confident about your treatment than to make a mistake due to ignorance.

2. Take precautions seriously

Some people tend to neglect the indications of medications and that is why then present complaints of the infectivity of the treatment or health complications that may arise derive. Follow the treatment to the letter, do not skip any steps and take your time reading the indications of the drug.

3. Change your lifestyle

As already mentioned in this article, one of the causes of the appearance of colitis or other stomach and intestinal disorders is due to having bad healthy habits. Either by maintaining a hectic life full of constant stress, worries and anxieties, being sedentary, maintaining undue consumption of unbalanced food.

So it is necessary that you commit and make a total change to your lifestyle, look for healthy options to eat, do 30 minutes of daily exercise, go for a walk or do yoga and have a moment to rest and release everything stress.

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