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What is the longest river in Spain

What is the longest river in Spain

Image: Slideshare

One of the controversies that we can find when we focus on the study of the rivers of our country may be the answer to today's question. In this lesson from a teacher we ask ourselves, what is the longest river in SpainAt first it may seem like an easy question, but as we will see below, not everything is what it seems. Two are the most longitudinal rivers in our country, one is the Ebro river, which flows into the Mediterranean Seawhile the other is the Tagus river which flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

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  1. The longest river in Spain is the Ebro
  2. The river basin
  3. The water regime
  4. Retention elements
  5. The use of its waters

The longest river in Spain is the Ebro.

If we only count national territory, the answer is clear: the Ebro river is the longest river in Spain with 930 km, having a hydrographic basin of about 86,100 km. In addition, this river crosses seven Spanish communities, these being: Cantabria, Castilla y León, La Rioja, Basque Country, Navarra, Aragon and Catalonia.

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But on the other hand we could understand the longest river, as the longest in the Iberian Peninsula, this being therefore the Tagus river, which has 1,038 km, of which 815 km are traveled in Spanish territory and 145 km in Portugal, with 47 km remaining between the border of both.

In this other lesson from a TEACHER we will discover the main rivers of Spain with their tributaries.

The hydrographic basin.

The Ebro river is, in turn, the largest river in Spain. This river also has the characteristic of enthroning the second position in a ranking of the rivers that flow the most water into the Mediterranean Sea, the first being the Nile River. As we have mentioned previously, it has a hydrographic basin of about 86,100 km that is distributed by Spain, Andorra and France.

Continuing with the question of which is the longest river in Spain, we must continue talking about its hydrographic basin, which has a triangular shape that It is delimited by the Cantabrian mountain range and the Pyrenees to the north, west and south by the Iberian system and to the east by the mountain ranges coastal-Catalan.

These retention elements are those that produce its shape, since these mountain ranges or systems originate from a series of folds outside the peninsula, which gave two large basins, the Ebro and the Guadalquivir.

Which is the longest river in Spain - The hydrographic basin


The water regime.

The Ebro is the largest river in Spain but this does not mean that it carries the same amount of water throughout the year, on the contrary, we are faced with a rather irregular river, which produces a great number of problems, if floods are not foreseen.

This fact has been quite destructive over time, as there have been enough floods that have destroyed many material elements and even caused some deaths. When we will find more floods it will be in the cold season, which is from October to March which sometimes lasts until May, being largely due to the snows of the Pyrenees.

On the other hand, its tributaries from the left bank also help floods, the river being the most important. Zadorra, Ega, Arga Y Aragon, seeing above all the floods by Castejon.

The retention elements.

Due to these floods, the State has been building a series of swamps What Ribarroja, Mequinenza, Ebro, Sobrón Y Flix, which act as a shield before these. But like everything in life they are not effective at all and when above all we find a large amount of snow from the Pyrenees that begins to descend through tributaries such as the Sengre, Noguera Y CincaThey can produce floods and floods that are very damaging to fields and urban elements near their flow.

In this other lesson we will discover the different parts of the river and their characteristics.

The use of its waters.

Continuing with our theme, what is the longest river in Spain, we must know that due to this there will be many populations that will be supplied from the waters of the Ebro, for this reason we will find channels such as the Imperial, Lodosa or Tauste, which are used to the irrigation of crops, using about 6,310 cubic hectometres at the end of the year, in addition to its water being used for private uses, with figures of 524 cubic hectometres at the end of the year.

In the same way we will find other uses such as the industry, in which most of them are hydroelectric plants, taking advantage of the strength and channel of its waters.

Here you can know the major rivers of Europe.

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