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Victor Küppers: the importance of attitude and the light bulb effect

Victor Küppers is a lecturer and author of several books, of Dutch origin but based in Barcelona, ​​who spends her days motivating people to live with enthusiasm. Well, for him, our attitude is the secret of success, both in our personal and professional spheres. As they say, "it's all about attitude."

Victor Küppers is a faithful believer in positive psychology and his life motto is a phrase from the Mother Teresa of Calcutta who says “May no one ever come to you without leaving feeling a little better and more happy". Here we leave you some of the teachings of Victor Kuppers and the phrases that most inspire him.

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For Victor Küppers, attitude multiplies

Not in vain one of Victor Küppers' books is called "The attitude effect", because for him, the attitude that we put to life is the central axis so that we are more motivated, enthusiastic, cheerful and optimistic people. The attitude and personal values, because at the end of the day, what counts is that we are better people from our values humans so that we can bring out our full potential and “Live a meaningful life”, another of Victor Küppers' books.

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The truth is that in this society in which we live, we concentrate on filling ourselves with new knowledge and skills to be more professionally competitive and therefore have more value personal. According to Victor Küppers, all these skills add up and contribute to our value, but in reality, what makes this knowledge are reflected in eThe value we project is attitude and its multiplying action.

Victor Küppers teaches us that, contrary to what we sometimes think, professional achievements, our language skills and the thousands of studies carried out are not what make us great. What makes us great is our way of being, this is the key that makes the difference between the mediocre and the great, the attitude we put to life situations.

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When not everything is rosy, you can live with enthusiasm

Faced with this argument by Victor Küppers, we could all think that it is very easy to maintain a good attitude and enthusiasm when Everything goes well, but what happens in those situations where everything goes wrong and it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain the good attitude?

The truth is that life as a rule should always be lived with enthusiasm and joy, this should be our natural state, When the disappointment, apathy, discouragement, or frustration that arise in difficult times (which all of us have), rather than resigning ourselves to they, Victor Küppers advises us to make use of positive psychology as a much better option, thinking and focusing on how to lift our spirits when the negative is overwhelming us.

When Victor Küppers assures us that it is normal for us to live joyfully and with hope, it is because we came to this world to be happy and attitude is the way to achieve it. We can always see each situation from various angles, and it is our job to see them from a positive attitude, because it is the only thing we can work on and that depends entirely on us. In the words of Victor Küppers "there is nothing like going through life joyful, keeping your spirits in shitty times".

We have dramas and circumstances to resolve, according to Victor Küppers

For Victor Küppers there are really very few losses that we can experience in this life that truly justify the loss of our joy. Hence, we want to live our own dramas is something else. However, when we lose our joy there is a factor that Victor Küppers considers that we must always remember and that is be grateful, because that changes our perspective.

When problems come we focus only on the negative or on what could not be and we wanted it to be, we let ourselves be carried away by that feeling and we lose joy. But if we look at things with gratitude, the negative becomes a bit out of context because we change our focus, our visual change.

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Victor Küppers teaches us the importance of living with enthusiasm.
Victor Küppers teaches us the importance of living with enthusiasm. Fountain:Via

The light bulb effect by Victor Küppers

Victor Küppers makes use of the metaphor of the light bulb effect to explain to us how attitude makes a difference in the personal value that we project to others. Thus, Víctor Küppers says that people are like light bulbs, because we all transmit sensations and at the same time perceive the sensations of others; however, each bulb is different, and while all bulbs transmit light, not all transmit light in the same way or at the same intensity.

As well as the light bulbs, we all transmit sensations in different intensity and in a different way. Just as some are dazzled by the power of their light, others barely shine and others are even burned out. That light is our personal value, and the difference in the intensity with which we transmit that personal value is in our attitude.

To explain this, Victor Küppers leaves us a very simple formula that we must always remember: “V = (C + H) x A "where" V "equals value," C "equals knowledge," H "equals skills and" A "equals attitude.

Victor Küppers' 10 Favorite Phrases

These are some of the phrases that Victor Küppers always quotes and he takes into account to reflect both on his personal life, and to suggest them to those of us who follow him.

1. May no one ever come to you without leaving feeling a little better and happier.

The phrase of Mother Teresa of Calcutta that for Victor Küppers is a fundamental pillar for life.

2. The most important thing in life is that the most important thing is the most important thing.

This phrase by Stephen Covey cannot be absent from his lectures.

3. You only live once, but once is enough if done right.

And this Mae West quote that clearly represents very well the philosophy of Victor Küppers to always live with joy.

4. There are many types of knowledge, but there is one more important than the others; the knowledge of how to live, and this knowledge is almost always underestimated.

This phrase about personal values ​​that Victor Küppers also uses is by Leo Tolstoy

5. It is better to shut up and look silly than to open your mouth and confirm it.

One of Victor Küppers' phrases, his own.

6. How is your professional life? Full or flat?

Like this phrase that you can hear in his motivational lectures.

7. The only life that has meaning is a life with meaning.

And this phrase from Victor Küppers book "Live a meaningful life."

8. Don't get up in the morning expecting it to be a good day, get up knowing that it is up to you to make it a good day.

This phrase to remember that the attitude depends entirely on us.

9. Being brave is not not having fears, but facing them.

Mark Twain's phrase widely used by the speaker as well.

10. It is not what happens to you, it is what you do with what happens to you.

And finally, this phrase by the writer Aldous Huxley, preferred by Victor Küppers so that we work daily on our attitude and on living with joy.

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