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6 arm exercises: tone flabby arms at home

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There is no woman who has not ever complained about that movement that she gives in the arm when we wave goodbye and makes our arms look flabby. The truth is that unless you are a fitness lover, this happens to all women and is not a reason to feel less beautiful, because nothing could be further from the truth.

However, our body is made to move and, if we want to stay in good shape, we should not neglect our arms, especially if we have flabby arms and they cause us discomfort. For this we recommend these 6 arm exercises you can do at home, with an exercise routine that will help you keep them healthy, strong and beautiful.

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6 exercises to lose weight and tone flabby arms

With this exercise routine to lose weight and tone arms that we have made for you, your arms will start to look firmer, more shapely and toned. And most importantly, you will put them in motion so that not only your arms but your whole body remains healthy and healthy.

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The exercises for arms that we recommend here are to work mainly the triceps and biceps, since these muscles are the ones that will help you the most. tone arms and eliminate sagging What do you notice when you move them?

1. Let's start with a slight stretch

Before starting any exercise routine it is important that you do exercises for arms that are warm-up or stretching, thus you will avoid injuries and the appearance of painful shoelaces.

The exercise for arms you should do to warm up It's very simple. Stand with your legs spread at the hips and with your back straight. When you are in the proper position, raise one of the arms slightly flexing the elbow above the head and stretch with the help of the other arm. Count to 8 and then switch arms and repeat this action until you complete 3 sets per arm.

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2. Dumbbell Triceps Extension

To do this exercise for arms you need a dumbbell (or weight) of sufficient weight to work the muscles without fatigue. If you don't have a dumbbell, you can use a water bottle or a food can that has the right weight and you can easily grip with both hands.

This arm exercise is done as follows: stand in a squat position, with your legs spread at the hips, your back straight, and your knees slightly bent.

Then, bring your arms behind your head while holding the dumbbell, then stretch your arms arms completely and return to the flexed position without your hands exceeding an angle of 90º in the elbows. Do 10 repetitions of this exercise for each set, doing a total of 3 sets. This is one of the exercises to tone flabby arms more effective.

Tip: You can also do this exercise sitting, resting your feet firmly on the floor and with your back straight.

3. Reverse push-ups with the help of a chair

The next arm exercise that you are going to do in your routine is the reverse push-ups, and for this you need a chair, a low table or a bench that you can lean on.

Stand with your back to the chair and rest your hands on it, make sure that your fingers are looking forward like you and not towards the back of the chair. Now lower your hips by bending your legs until they are at a 90º angle: this is the starting position. Then lower your hips with an inhale almost to the floor and return with the exhale to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 10 reps each.

4. Lateral shoulder raise

For this exercise also you need 2 dumbbells or two bottles of water easy to grip and the same weight.

This exercise for arms should be done standing, with the legs slightly open and the knees slightly bent. Take a dumbbell in each hand and from this starting position raise your arms laterally, keeping them almost straight during the course up to shoulder height. Then go down slowly.

Do 3 sets of 10 reps each. This exercise it will help you both tone and slim flabby arms.

5. Forehead push-ups leaning on a bench

With this exercise for arms you will work the triceps very well and tone flabby arms. You just need a bench you can lean on or a high step. You will do 3 sets of 10 repetitions each of this exercise.

Rest your hands on the bench or step shoulder width apart. Stretch your body and make sure your legs are completely straight as a starting position. Now, start to lower your back towards the bench, bending your arms and not letting your elbows open to the sides, but back, and keeping your legs straight. Then return to the starting position with the inhale.

If you still can't control your legs, you can start by supporting your knees and, when you have more experience with the exercise, return to raise them.

6. Plank or iron

To finish your arm exercise routine, we are going to include the plank. This way you will not only finish slim and tone your arms, but you will complement the toning work with the shoulders, abdomen, buttocks and legs.

Stretch your body face down on the floor. Now support the balls of your feet and raise your body without raising your hips too much, leaving your hands and forearms supported. If you look in a mirror, your body should look completely straight, like an iron. Hold your body elevated for 8-10 seconds and then rest. Do 3 repetitions of this exercise.

As you gain more resistance with each of the exercises, increase the number of repetitions or seconds of sustain, and do not forget that constancy is the most important thing. At the end of your routine, do not forget to do the stretching exercise again to avoid injuries and strong stiffness.

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