Education, study and knowledge

40 great questions for elementary school kids

When parents are fully involved in learning, children respond better. One way to get involved is to motivate and help with homework or topics currently being studied at school.

There is no need to fear even in doing it in game form. The game becomes a form of significant learning, so it can be transformed into a fun dynamic alongside these great questions for elementary school children.

  • We recommend: "60 Trivia Questions (and Their Answers)"

Questions for elementary school children (to stimulate their learning)

The primary stage is very important as a foundation for the rest of your school life. The knowledge they acquire at this stage could be decisive for school success at the following levels.

A continuous review of what is taught in school can be very useful, in addition to helping to spend time with the family and that the child perceives a genuine interest in learning from it. So we have compiled 40 great questions for elementary school children.

1. What is the name of the six continents of planet Earth?

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Europe, Oceania, Africa, America, Asia and Antarctica.

2. How many hours does a day have and how many minutes does an hour have?

A simple question for the little ones. 24 hours a day and 60 minutes an hour.

4. What are the seasons of the year?

They are four. Spring, summer, autumn, and winter. With older children, they may be asked to explain the phenomena that occur in each season.

5. What are the planets of the solar system?

Although this question has varied in recent years, basically the main 8 remain: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Pluto, although previously considered the ninth planet in the solar system, lost that recognition by a series of scientific arguments.

6. What are the animals that are born from the mother's womb called?

They are called mammals. You can also ask him to give some examples: humans, cats, apes... we are all mammals.

7. What are the animals that hatch from the egg called?

They are oviparous. For older children, you can list some examples.

8. How do fish breathe?

Fish breathe through gills.


9. What is the three-sided polygon called?

It is about the triangle.

10. Mention a representative of classical music.

Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi or Strauss are the best known.

11. How many oceans are there?

They are five. Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Antarctic and Arctic.

12. What are the two longest rivers on the planet?

Amazon and Nile. There is no scientific consensus on which of the two is longer.

13. What are the parts of the structure of a sentence?

Subject, verb and predicate. In their simplest form, more complex sentences can add adverbs and adjectives.

14. How do you write: "to see" or "to have"?

Both are correct according to what you want to express. "Haber" is the infinitive form of a verb. For example: "There should be a way to get that job."

For its part, "to see" refers to observing. For example: "They made me watch that scene from the horror movie."

15. In which continent do you live?

Each child will have to identify in which continent the country where he lives is located.

16. In a story... What is the name of the person who is telling the story?

It refers to the narrator.

17. What are the four seasons of the year?

Spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

Four Seasons

18. What are the five senses of the human body?

Touch, taste, sight, hearing and smell.

19. What is the result of 8x4?

The answer is 32.

20. With what letter is the word "container" written: with "B" or with "V"?

A little spell check. The obvious answer is with "V". Other words may be requested to complement. Remember that it is not possible to find a "B" right after an "N".

21. Mention three other languages ​​that exist in the world besides the one you speak.

In addition to Spanish, what other languages ​​he recognizes in the world.

22. What is the flat representation of the Earth called?

It is about the planisphere.

23. What is a century?

It is 100 years. You can also ask how much is a decade, five years and a millennium.

24. How do you write 1985 in Roman numerals?


25. Who was Cleopatra?

The most general answer is that she is the last pharaoh that Egypt had.

26. What do you call a word that represents and imitates a sound, for example that made by an animal?

It is about onomatopoeia.

27. Mention systems of the human body.

They are various: circulatory, respiratory, digestive, nervous, lymphatic, reproductive, endocrine, lymphatic and bone.

28. What are the states of matter?

Solid, liquid, gas and plasma.

29. What is an adjective?

It is the word that accompanies the noun to modify it.

30. What is a synonym and what is an antonym?

The synonym is a word that means the same as another, but they are different words. The antonym refers to a word that means the opposite of another.

31. What kinds of words exist according to their stressed syllable?

Bass, sharp and esdrújulas.

32. How much are the angles of a triangle and a square?

From the triangle, 180 °. From the square, 360 °.

34. What is the highest mountain in the world?

It is Mount Everest, 8,848 meters above sea level.


35. Name three important characters in the history of your country.

Each child, according to his country, must list the most important or representative characters. (Or the ones you remember).

36. Mention the names of three bones in the human body.

To find out if the child recognizes some of the most important bones. For example, the skull, the spine, the coccyx, the femur, the tibia ...

37. A starving animal... What does he eat?

A funny and misleading question. He doesn't feed on anything, because he's already dead.

38. What is my father's son's brother to me?

A confusing question but with a very simple answer: my brother.

39. What are the parts of plants?

Plants are very complex entities, but a basic way of defining their parts are: stem, root, leaf and flower or fruit.

40. What is the phenomenon in which many animals go to sleep in winter called?

It's about hibernation.

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