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How to prevent back pain in 12 effective keys

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It can appear in different ways and for different causes, but back pain it is one of the most common health problems among the population. In many cases we can avoid its appearance in a simple way.

There are a whole series of routines and habits that you can follow to prevent back pain or prevent it from getting worse. We explain what they are in this article.

Ways to prevent back pain

It is enough to follow and apply these tips to improve your well-being and avoid the appearance of this ailment.

1. Watch your posture

Take care of your posture at all times. We tend to stoop or to adopt bad postures, with which we overload our back and we can get to modify the shape of our spine. Do not forget that maintaining a posture that is too upright does not help prevent back pain, but rather can promote it.

Avoid bending your shoulders forward or leaning to the sides. Keep your neck and back straight and try to keep your knees well bent when sitting. If we work with a computer, the screen must remain at eye level. We can help ourselves with a footrest or have a cushion for better comfort.

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2. Move from time to time

Maintaining the same posture all the time is also harmful, even if it is a correct posture. Spending a lot of time sitting or stretching doesn't help either. If you want to prevent back pain, try to move from time to time, doing a little stretch or getting up from the chair.

3. Avoid repetitive movements

Forced and repetitive movements can lead to injuries. Avoid activities in which you have to repeat the same movement for a long time, especially if they require some muscular effort. Try to vary the movements or postures or combine these repetitive activities with other different tasks.

4. Do not carry weight

It is not enough to avoid carrying very heavy weights. The same weight of our bag can end up being harmful if we overload it. Try to carry the most essential objects and opt for small bags.

5.... Or do it right

If you have to carry weight, don't bend your back. Squat down by bending your knees and keeping your back as straight as possible. The way we take the weight also influences, so it avoids that when carrying it the weight is focused on the back.

If you carry a backpack with weight, try to keep it centered, at a good height and well supported. Avoid carrying it on one shoulder. If you carry a heavy bag or briefcase, change sides every 10-15 minutes and keep it close to your body.

6. Sleep well

Not only the quality of the mattress helps us prevent back pain. It is said that in total we spend about 23 years of our life sleeping, so maintain good posture while we sleep it is also essential.

It is best to sleep on your back or on your side, always keeping your neck straight. Try sleeping with a pillow under your knees to raise your legs a bit and take pressure off your back. Avoid sleeping on your stomach in any case, but if you do, let it be on a very low pillow.

7. Practice Exercise

Physical activity helps reduce muscle tension. Put into practice exercise routines that strengthen the abdominal and lumbar muscles at least twice per week, to develop a more flexible back and reduce the risk of injury, contractures or spasms muscular. Also perform stretching exercises daily, with gentle movements, to keep the muscles active.

Playing sports also helps fight back pain. Pool sports, such as swimming or water gymnastics, have great benefits for your back. However, if you already suffer some kind of injury, avoid sports that involve overexertion.

8. Take care of your feet

Athough it does not seems, the well-being of our feet is closely related to that of our back. The posture of the feet or the way we walk influence our spine, so we must take care of our shoes. Look for comfortable shoes with good cushioning and a medium height. Avoid stiff shoes and make sure they are flexible. Avoid high heels or shoes that are too flat.

9. Control your diet

Taking care of our diet also helps us prevent back pain. Being overweight places greater pressure on the back muscles and spine, which is why it is a major cause of pain. Maintain a balanced diet and an adequate weight. Eat foods rich in calcium or magnesium to strengthen the bones in your spine.

10. Quit tobacco

Tobacco use gives rise to various health problems, including back pain. One of its effects is reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood and restrict flow blood in the spinal column, which ends up leading to a deterioration of the spinal discs. Another effect of smoking, coughing, can also end up causing back pain.

11. Reduce stress

Stress and tension are also one of the most common causes of back pain.. Practicing relaxation exercises such as yoga will contribute both to reducing stress and improving our body postures. Slow breathing exercises will also help us prevent back pain, relieving stress while working our muscles.

12. Cover your back!

Direct contact of cold air on the back, such as from an air conditioner, causes the muscles to contract and can result in pain or discomfort in the area. Avoid exposing your back to direct air sources, especially in the lower back, or try to keep it well covered. In fact, applying heat is one of the ways to relieve pain, as it stimulates blood flow and relaxes the muscles.

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