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Table of weights and sizes of babies

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Babies grow very fast, that's a doable fact that everyone can notice, as well as it is also possible to notice when there is a stoppage or a decline in this regular growth.

One of the ways to know the health of your baby is her body development, each boy and girl has their own curve of regular growth and if these standards are far above or below, there is a serious problem that you must address when before.

"But that's normal, each baby grows with her." While it is true that some babies gain size and weight earlier than others their age, looking As babies older than their chronological age, there is no significant visual difference for long. Sooner or later all babies find their balance based on their age unless something is holding them back.

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How can I find out the correct size and weight for my baby? Keep reading this article and we will guide you in everything you need to know it.

What is the weight and height chart for babies?

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This table refers to a statistic designed by the World Health Organization, which takes into account children of diverse ethnicities, social conditions, geographic data, genetics and antecedents, to determine the average physical health of babies worldwide. In other words, with this table, pediatricians have a reliable reference to assess the quality of healthy growth of babies who are being breastfed.

This table takes into account babies from 0 months to 8 years of age and is calculated on a percentile ranging from 3 to 97, indicating the length and weight of the baby. Which shows the percentage of world size and weight in which it is located, which must maintain a balance with each other. That is, each weight corresponds to a size.

Thus, according to this table, pediatricians can appreciate the real state of your baby and give you a series of personalized advice that you should follow to increase or control her weight.

Averages and percentiles

The percentiles used in this table represent the appropriate weight that each height should have on average. The average of the general population is 50, which means that if your child is in this line he has a regular weight and height, common to most babies her age. However, if it falls below the 10th percentile, it indicates that your baby may be underweight based on his average height, while if she is above 90, then you can start talking about overweight.

This with respect to weight now, height (which is also measured in those percentiles) indicates that if your child is in the 50th percentile she has a height regular, while if she is below 10, her size is a little below average and if she is above 90 she is one of the few tall babies in the world.

Chord averages for each stage

Once the percentile point shown in the WHO table has been clarified, the parents' debate opens. What are the ideal averages for each baby? According to experts from the World Health Organization, they specify that children in regular conditions it should grow approximately 3-5 centimeters per trimester and gradually gain weight between 750 and 900 grams per month, the first trimester, 500 and 600 grams between 3 and 6 months of age, 350 and 400 grams until the 9th month and finally between 250 and 300 grams until she reaches one year of age.

As we mentioned earlier, each baby has a different growth rate and may seem to have left behind or too far ahead of her peers, until a short time later regularizes. However, if you see that after the trimester your baby does not start to gain weight or looks bigger than she should, then go to your pediatrician to see if there are any health problems.

Factors that affect the growth of babies

The position that your baby can have within the table in terms of height and weight can be due to many factors, both external and intrinsic that occurred at the time of gestation. So keep an eye out for the following causes.

1. Gestation time

The time that the baby lasts developing in the womb is essential for its proper development. In this way, by spending more time inside the mother, she will be able to reach an adequate weight and height, and even greater than the regular one. Whereas, if the baby is born premature (months before the due date) she will have a smaller height and weight than other babies.

2. Family background

Another element of great impact on the height and weight of babies is the baby's family history. For example, if one of the parents is tall or a bit thick, the baby is likely to inherit these characteristics as well. As in the opposite case, if one of the parents, or the direct relatives of her have a fine texture.

3. Maternal diet

Feeding women during pregnancy is not only important to maintain good health, but also which is also vital for the development of the fetus, since it also feeds and nourishes itself from what the mother.

In this sense, if you have had an intake inclined towards heavy and caloric meals, there is a real possibility that your baby will become overweight in the future. Whereas, if you had a poor balanced and nutritious diet, your baby will grow vitamins to have a good immune system and proper development of her organs.

4. Maternal emotional state

There are those who do not give importance to this issue but, emotions and feelings during pregnancy are of great incidence for the proper development of the fetus. Of course, do not confuse the fact that if you feel sad or down it will affect your baby. Rather, we refer to the degree of importance of the mother to take care of herself and the fetus during pregnancy.

If a mother has mixed feelings and is not interested in providing adequate care for both of them, there may be future complications for her baby.

5. Substance use

Threading the previous factors, the consumption of drugs, excessive medications, alcohol and even junk food during pregnancy can cause serious problems both in the development of the fetus and in its future health, such as in the respiratory, stomach, heart or cognitive.

Especially if the mother has no interest in avoiding such uses or ignoring the damage they cause.

6. Complications of pregnancy

It is possible to have a normal and healthy embryonic development, but at the time of giving birth there may be complications that affect the future health of the baby. As is the case with perinatal hypoxia or fetal distress, which are causes of cognitive delays, problems to immunological level and even influence the weight and adequate height of the babies that they acquire in the months to come.

7. Sociodemographic situations

Parents' living conditions can also affect the baby's proper height and weight, both at birth and in the near future. For what reason? Some families do not have the resources to have a complete and balanced diet for them. Therefore, the lack of nutrients from both maternal nutrition and subsequent care is likely to affect the immune system of children.

Table of weights and heights of babies

Below you can see the size and weight according to the babies according to their ages, from birth to 8 years of age.

1. Children's table

One of the perceptible differences is the size and build of the boys and girls, the former being larger, although not by much difference.

Table baby boys

2. Table for girls

Although babies are not completely distinguished with respect to their body mass between boys and girls. If there is a small perceptible difference that must be taken into account.

Table babies women

Now that you know this table of weights and sizes of babies closely, keep a close eye on the evolution of your little one and go to the doctor if you have any questions or observe something that worries you.
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