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Sara Carbonero wears two new Mango designs on the networks

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One more time Sara Carbonero has opted for several 'low-cost' designs from Spanish firms. Last week, the journalist traveled to Madrid to attend to her multiple professional commitments, although she also had time to go to the hairdresser and get a new haircut. But it has been on her return to Porto, Portugal, where Sara has shown one of the most applauded 'looks' of her these days on the networks.

In her Instagram account, Carbonero published a photograph where she appears with one of the most viewed clothes this winter, the double-faced leather jacket. And is that Sara is a faithful follower of current trends, despite promoting her 'Slow Life' lifestyle on the networks and wearing many of her clothes that she sells on her website.

New photo on Instagram showing styling

But in the wardrobe of Iker Casillas's wife there is a large space for the latest proposals from Spanish firms such as Zara or Mango. Lately each of her coats were from the new collection and also from the sales of Inditex's flagship firm, but this time, Carbonero has opted for

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two Mango garments that are already causing a sensation.

The two Mango garments that have made Sara fall in love

It seems that the journalist has recently visited some establishment of the Spanish ‘low-cost’ firm or through the website and has bought two garments from the latest collection. Specifically, the one that promises to run out first is the one it costs only 12.99 euros. It is a white short sleeve T-shirt with 'Common sense' message print.

Mango 'common sense' t-shirt, for 12.99 euros
Mango 'common sense' t-shirt, for 12.99 euros Fountain:Image by: Mango.

Of course, to cope with the low temperatures, Sara has also worn as the main garment a double-sided leather jacket with the shearling lining and lapels. It is a warm jacket that has become one of the winter essentials, along with the plaid coat or the padded jacket. The one with Mango that Carbonero has dressed it costs 79.99 euros.

Mango double-sided biker jacket, for 79.99 euros
Mango double-sided biker jacket, for 79.99 euros Fountain:Image by: Mango.

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