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70 questions to get to know your mother better

Have you ever wanted to know about your mom but don't know what to ask? Well, take these questions as a guide for it.

Meeting our parents is fun and interesting on equal levels, as they have so many anecdotes and teachings from their youth that sometimes we manage to forget that they were ever people our age, who went through difficult obstacles, embarrassing experiences, and joyful adventures that helped shape them to be the great adults they are today in day.

Surely you have thought of more than one occasion that you would like to find a way to get to know your mother a little more, but how to do it? At what time? Will it be good to do it? Many people have those doubts in her mind, because they think they will annoy her mother, but why not ask her those questions that she always wanted her to answer?

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Therefore, in this article we show you some incredible questions that you can ask your mother to get to know her better, will you miss it?

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Incredible questions for you to get to know your mom better

These questions are asked in order for you to get to know your mother a little better., learn from her experiences and have a good time.

1. Are you proud of what you have accomplished?

This question will let you know if your mother is happy with her life and how she has achieved it.

2. If you were my age, would you like to be my friend?

In this you can have a more real and less intimidating approach about what your mother does. think of you.

3. When you were my age, what was your life like?

A fun question that will let you know how different the world was in her time and what
she did for fun.

4. What did you dream of being when you were young?

Here you can find out what were the aspirations that your mother dreamed of achieving. as a young child. She may surprise you with her witty or different responses to what you do. you imagined.

5. Who was your first best friend?

With this you will transport your mother to her youth and to the good times she had. in her. You will also know if she still has the same friendships.

6. Any crazy things you did in college?

It may seem strange to you, but remember that your mom was young and intrepid at one time and she is. It is the perfect opportunity to learn about her adventures.

7. Was there ever a time when you didn't like me?

This is a straightforward question you can ask to understand your flaws from your mom's point of view.

8. Is there something important that you regret?

Some bad decisions can weigh us down forever, like missed opportunities. Maybe your mom has been through something like that.

9. Is there a moment or event that radically changed the way you see the world?

This will let you know your mother's perception of the world and how she came to it.

10. Do you regret not asking your parents something?

With this you will know the importance of talking more often with your parents.

11. Did you like your jobs and your current job?

A great way to appreciate the hard work your mom does in the other areas of her life.

12. How do you stay in love with dad?

Love has a magic touch, but it is also a job that needs to be taken care of on a daily basis and here you will learn how your mother does it.

13. Are you more active right now or have you declined over time?

For some women, motherhood can stop their lifestyle, while for others it becomes an inspiration to grow.

14. What was your funniest date?

But not everything has to be so serious, you can have a good time with funny anecdotes about the loves of her youth.

15. Are you still thinking of an ex?

And speaking of youth loves, you can know how your mother has overcome hers or miss something from them.

16. How do you maintain a true friendship?

With this question you will be able to know what your mother values ​​the most in a relationship with friends.

17. What was the main thing for you in raising your children?

Whereas, with this question you will be able to know what was essential for her once she became a mother.

18. What is the worst obstacle you have to overcome?

Your mother has also had to overcome difficulties throughout her life and here you can find out how she was able to face them.

19. What do you think women today should know or work?

The role of women has also changed a lot over the years and no one better than your mother to tell you what it takes for anyone to improve.

20. How have you managed to recover from a failure?

It can be any type of failure, but big or small it is an experience that marks us all.

21. What is your best memory of your relationship with dad?

Every relationship, despite the routine or the conflicts, has special moments that we always want to repeat as much as possible.

22. What is the best memory of your childhood?

This will give you an approximation of how she enjoyed and lived her childhood.

23. What is your best memory as a teenager?

While in this question you will know what was what I enjoy the most in its most sensitive and important stage.

24. How did you face the university?

Another moment full of growth, where your mother stopped being a restless young woman to become the adult woman that she is now. Does it intrigue you to know what she was like?

25. Have you ever done something really impulsive?

Your mom may be the opposite, but she may surprise you with the wild side of her that she once possessed.

26. Were you rebellious as a child?

You can ask her something else, like if she was spoiled, restless, or dreamy. anyone who gives you an idea of ​​that stage of her life.

27. Why do you practice your hobbies?

Each person finds their way to be distracted but have you ever wondered why those specific hobbies? Will they have any important meaning?

28. What were your main problems or insecurities?

Even your mom, a superhero for you, had to face characteristic insecurities than anyone.

29. Would you like to do something different with your life?

This is not about something tricky or to make you feel guilty. But a way to appreciate her creativity and her dreams or goals that are not yet fulfilled.

30. What do you do to be happy?

More important than making others happy is having the ability to make ourselves happy.

31. Is my dad the love of your life?

Or his current partner. Everyone dreams of spending the future with the love of their life.

32. What day was he the happiest of your life?

This will let you know what your mom appreciates to get a smile out of her.

33. How was your first sexual experience?

For women, sexual experiences can make a difference. Including for your mom.

34. Have you ever cared what other people think of you?

With this you can see how self-confident your mother is of herself.

35. What's the worst argument you've ever had with my father?

No relationship is perfect, but the conflicts that arise from it are only tests to further strengthen the bond.

36. How would you imagine your life would have been?

Putting a perspective of whether he had taken that opportunity or had traveled a different path.

37. Do you have a dream that you have not fulfilled?

With this, you will know how to appreciate fighting for what you want to accomplish and it will give your mother an extra motivation to want to try to do her own.

38. Do you have a bad memory or experience that still weighs on you?

With this you will be able to appreciate how your mother has been able to put the past aside or she will realize that she needs to work on it.

39. What's the best trip you've ever taken?

Knowing about your mom's adventures will give you a great push to enjoy your own trips and who knows? until you have one with her.

40. What was fashion like before?

With this fun question they will spend a very entertaining time recalling the old styles and comparing them with the current ones.

41. How was your worst breakup?

When answering this question your mother will show you the most sentimental side of her, many times being authority figures they do not show us this, but it is important to know it.

42. Do you keep something special from your youth?

It may seem enjoyable, you will know what are the things that your mother values ​​with respect to her youth.

43. Is there something you would like to get rid of?

Through this question we will be able to know the feelings of change that our mothers have and perhaps support them in this.

44. Does having children prevent you from achieving your goals?

Knowing her opinion will allow us to understand her wishes a little more and support them in case she has not yet achieved them.

45. Have you had any pregnancy loss?

A question that may seem a bit intense, but with this you will be able to know the level of trust that your mother has with you, when sharing something so delicate and traumatic. But that will leave you a great lesson.

46. How many partners did you have before dad?

Surely by answering this, he will accompany us with some advice on how to choose our partner based on his own experience.

47. What is the most time you got in trouble?

Here you can learn a little more about the less serious side of the woman who gave you life, something very necessary to improve your relationship

48. Do you have a favorite son?

We have all felt that we are not the favorite child, and finding out who she is and why will finally take away that bad taste in our mouths.

49. How was your first year of motherhood?

With this you will discover that the woman in front of you was not always so strong and she was learning little by little.

50. Have you changed your conception of being a woman?

Here you will be able to understand how your mother sees the role of women. The best thing is that it can give you a very broad perception, in the different aspects of your life.

51. Do you still think my dad is attractive?

Here you can see how for each person, the attraction to her partner is different. Where before the most outstanding thing was the physical or the beauty, with time every minute detail is beautiful.

52. How long did it take you to lose the weight you gained when you were pregnant?

For many people, the weight gained during pregnancy becomes a big problem, but for some, it is just the evidence of a beautiful process and they are in no rush to lose it.

53. Were you scared when you found out about your pregnancy?

Fear is a natural reaction to finding out about a pregnancy as many emotions come to the fore, along with worries, anticipatory thoughts, expectations and joys that mix and can cause tiredness. But that at the same time is nice.

54. What was it like to stay home taking care of me at that time?

Parenting is perhaps the most difficult job a person can have, especially when there are not many tools on hand or people who can assist and help.

55. Do you think it is easier or more difficult to be a mother today than in your time?

With the advancement of technology, we have been offered different tools that make our daily life easier. But does it include parenting?

56. What was the time I hurt you the most when I was younger?

Children cannot measure their strength or the impact of their actions. So it is common, although painful when they inadvertently attack their parents.

57. Is there something your parents did when you were little that you swore never to do?

There are upbringings that are not perfect and although they have not been bad either, there will always be a point that your parents never wanted to recreate with you, from their own teaching.

58. How were your past relationships?

Love experiences carry an important point in our lives that leave us with valuable lessons and personal growth.

59. How do you keep your decisions?

As young people, we always have a hard time feeling safe with our decisions. But as adults, especially as parents, these become something of the day to day.

60. Have you always wanted to have a family?

For many women, having a family is a goal to fulfill in the future. But having one can also be an unexpected surprise.

61. Did you ever hesitate about getting married?

It is very common that there are doubts about getting married. Let's imagine that it is the same when it comes to having a baby or accepting an important job. It is a decision that completely changes our life.

62. Have you done any cosmetic retouching?

Today, cosmetic touch-ups are very common and easy to acquire. Which help to maintain a youthful and fresh appearance. Does your mother have that appearance?

63. Have you thought about your death?

It may seem like a tough question, but as an adult it is a tangible reality. So it is not bad to be as prepared as possible to accept that fact.

64. If you could change something about yourself right now, what would it be?

With this question you can see the level of self-confidence that your mother has. As well as the conformity she has with her current life.

65. What was the most valuable gift you have received?

Not all people have the same perception about the ‘perfect gift’ as they are accompanied by a beautiful memory or feeling and here you will see what your mother’s is.

66. Is there something you've always wanted to tell me and never have?

Parents always have something they want to say to their children but hold it back out of fear or because they feel it is unnecessary. But it never hurts to listen to them.

67. Would you like to do something just the two of us?

Why not now have a fun adventure with the woman who gave you life?

68. What would you like to say to your version of the past?

We all want to say something to our 'me' from the past if we have the opportunity. It is an excellent exercise to reinforce knowing that we have done everything right.

69. How do you think success should be?

As with some concepts, not all people view success in the same way. For some it represents achieving power, fame, money or happiness.

70. How would you like us to remember you?

A beautiful question so you can figure out how your mom would like to be seen by everyone.

Don't be shy or wary of asking your mom any questions you want. After all, how else do you pretend to know her? just be nice and listen carefully.

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