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Manipulative people: how to recognize them in 7 traits

Manipulative people pose a risk to healthy relationships and constructive, and the couple environment is no exception.

There are a number of characteristic features of these people. We show them below.

Manipulative people: How to recognize them in 7 traits

If you want to know if you have a manipulator nearby, read carefully this series of characteristics that we comment on.

1. Weakness detectors

One of the great skills of manipulative people is their ease of detecting the weak points of others. They give the sensation of having a kind of sixth sense that they have specially trained to know what makes the people with whom they interact more vulnerable.

The intention is to be able to have resources with which to weaken people if you need it at some point for your plans. When he detects them, they become part of his artillery, and he will use them against you when it suits them.

2. Controllers

Manipulative people they have such a need to have it all under control that they are continually kept in a state of alert to what is related to what concerns them.

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Starting from the idea that there is a great background insecurity in them (although they put enough effort to hide it and pretend to be people really solid), their way of dealing with it is to try to control everything that has some kind of connection with the situation they are trying handle.

In their mind they have a clear idea of ​​how things should be and also the expected behavior of the people with whom they have a relationship. And to make sure nothing gets out of their wayThey are continually monitoring that this is the case.

3. Unstoppable towards their goal

If we ask ourselves what is the objective that manipulative people seek, it will vary depending on the situation, the moment or the context. But what could be considered as the ultimate goal that they pursue would be to achieve the goals that are set at each moment where they will obtain a benefit: their own.

The problem is that to reach your goal, there are no considerations when it comes to stepping on, hurting or fooling anyone. For manipulative people, anything goes if they can get away with it and they don't stop until they get it.

4. Insatiable

Manipulators feel more powerful the more they manage to manipulate others and, in doing so, the more they need to continue to do so in order to continue to feel in maximum control. It is as if they are immersed in a vicious cycle of power, control and "bad arts", ambitious more the more they achieve and without a balanced moral limit that serves as a brake on its purposes.

For manipulative people, keeping this process alive is a kind of addiction which becomes a lifestyle that we continually feed back. And it is that an inertia is created that guides everything they do: their decisions, their actions and even their personal relationships.

5. Convincing liars

They are quite a character and never better said, because with each action they perform and with each word they say they are building an alter ego based on what they want to achieve. For manipulative people the truth is something relative, since they defend their vision of things based on how they want to sell it to others.

They transform your account of real situations until turning them into something different although favorable to his plans, but with such treachery that not only can they deceive people outside the situation, but because they are so extremely convincing, they can make even those who witnessed or experienced what happened to doubt the truth.

And it is precisely the latter that leads to the next point.

6. You guilty and he victim

Whoever is unlucky enough to have a manipulator in his life knows the feeling of helplessness caused by being immersed in one of his webs where she will rarely come out well.

Among his skills has the ability to turn things around in such a way that, even those situations in which you yourself have had to suffer the consequences of something that he has caused, it finally seems that the real person responsible for everything it was you.

And while he converts you and convinces you of your guilty role, he places himself on that stage as your victim, while the bewilderment of not knowing what or how has happened to you plunges you into a deep state of consternation and helplessness, which you finally put an end to by assuming it and thus leaving everything happens.

He gets away with it and incidentally undermines your morale a little more, with which you will be more docile and manageable next time.

7. Make you doubt yourself

This is one of the greatest dangers of manipulative people, and it is that based on managing the circumstances that surround you and of which you are a part, they come to sow you the doubt of what is true and what not, between what you have really done and what according to him has happened.

If the feeling of incoherence between your way of acting and what that person says has happened is something that dealt with relatively frequently, surely you are a victim of the evil arts of a manipulator who acts on behalf own self.

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