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Top 10 Firming Body Creams

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One of the things that many women always worry about is having beautiful skin, healthy and strong, that can be able to resist the passage of time and the aggressions of the outside. So they can wear them at any time without having any problem. After all, the skin is the natural shield of all people and it is our duty to take proper care of it.

One of the biggest and almost inevitable problems is the flaccidity that attacks the body over time and as a consequence of various events. Such as pregnancy, weight gain or loss, which hurts the skin, altering its flexibility as it stretches and then shrinks. Leaving in its wake also scars or wrinkles on the skin, so sometimes toning exercises is not enough.

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But don't worry, just thinking about it, the beauty and body care market have designed firming creams. Whose assets have the power to return the skin to its normal strength. Below you will see which are the best firming creams on the market for you to use.

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What happens when we use firming creams?

As we have just mentioned, over the years, the toxins that we absorb from the outside, the destabilization in weight or pregnancy, produce alterations in the shape of the skin. This is because the layers of the epidermis lose softness, elasticity, hydration and natural regeneration. Leaving in its wake dry, dull or weak skin, more easily and clearly exposed to wounds, the appearance of stretch marks or wrinkles.

Now how do firming creams do to counteract this effect? Thanks to its active ingredients and nutrients that act directly on the skin layers, reinforcing the dermis film by preventing its daily wear and tear, promoting the production of collagen and elastin, as well as helping to facilitate cell regeneration, while revealing firmer skin and reducing skin marks.

In short, it tries to restore health to skin cells. Remember that health is synonymous with beauty and if you have a healthy body inside you will be able to see the beauty of your skin shine on the outside.

The correct way to apply a firming cream

Is there a specific way to apply a firming cream? It may seem like a simple cream, but you should keep in mind that this type is for a very specific, which is to combat sagging of the body, so you must take into account some points important.

1. Correct age

The creams act directly on problems caused by age, more specifically skin cell degeneration that occurs after 30 years. So if you are younger, we recommend not using them as you will not see any effect on your skin. Even if you have stretch marks, cellulite or flaccidity.

2. Ingredients involved

To obtain a more lasting and optimal effect it is necessary that you take into account the quality of the cream and observe its components. Among the most common are: Retinol, Vitamins A, B, C and D, Hyaluronic Acid and natural oils such as coconut, almond or argan.

3. Most affected parts

There are certain parts of the body that are more prone to loss of elasticity and tension than the rest. As is the case with the inner part of the arms and thighs, the belly, the abdomen and the buttocks. So you should focus on treating these areas

4. Contraindications

Some of the creams that you can find are hypoallergenic. But it is important that you take a moment to read its content as it may have an ingredient which causes allergies. Like some fruit, plant or vitamin.

So if you notice an allergic reaction on your skin, stop using it and go to a dermatologist.

5. How to use

In general, these creams should be used with slightly damp skin and with circular or vertical movements, depending on the area where you apply it. For example, for the legs you should do it from the bottom up, in the abdomen in a circular way and in the arms vertically from the elbow to the armpit.

So that they help blood circulation and can better cover the part you want to treat. So you can use it after your daily bath. Another thing that you should keep in mind is that the number of times you should use this cream. In most cases a moderate amount should be used twice a day.

Best body firming creams on the market

Knowing these tips, it's time for you to see what are the best firming creams you can find.

1. Akento Anti-Cellulite Gel


Considered one of the market leaders for its effectiveness in reducing cellulite on the body while managing to reaffirm it at the same time. This is because it helps improve blood circulation, which affects cell nutrition, prevent fluid accumulation and reduce fat cells. It is composed of caffeine, glycerin, L-Carnitine and red algae extract.

2. Roc Anti-Cellulite


Its action is based on the micro-diffusion of lipolytic assets, it is ideal to be used throughout the body, in especially if you suffer from dry skin, since its main objective is deep hydration of the inner layers of the dermis. But above all, it is in high demand because it is highly recommended as a treatment to eliminate skin conditions such as dermatitis, cellulite and stretch marks.

3. Nivea body lotion Q10

Nivea Body

One of the brands specialized in the care and restoration of body beauty. He brings us his firming cream with coenzyme Q10 plus Vitamin C. Which acts on skins that have little elasticity and dryness, restoring their regeneration and creating a greater tightening effect on the skin that you can observe in a few days after its use.

5. Firming Cream by Skinclinic

Its function is based on the restoration of the functions of elastin, collagen and DMAE, through the joint work of 13 natural active ingredients that have a direct impact on the cosmetics of the skin. You can see how your skin looks smoother and healthier, thanks to cell regeneration and improved blood circulation.

6. Clarins Lift Fermete

Nutrition and regeneration is what you will achieve with this cream that not only contributes to the firmness of the skin, but also to its rejuvenation. So it is ideal for treating sagging caused by weight loss, age or pregnancy. Its main ingredients are shea butter and jojoba oil, which act on the elastic and collagen fibers of the skin.

7. E’lifexir natural beauty fitness

Are you an athlete but still can't make your skin completely smooth? Well, this is the ideal cream for your situation. With ingredients of caffeine and dragon eye extract, it will help you continue to burn body fat and gain the firmness for the skin that you want so much. You can use it twice a day, before exercising and after showering.

8. Forme-Actif Traitement Corps de La Biosthetique

This is a cream used for the intensive treatment of skin with high levels of dryness and serious water retention problems. Helped prevent flaking, wrinkles, skin cracks, irritations, loss of elasticity and collagen. So it is indicated for certain people in specific.

9. Trofolastin - Postpartum, Firming and Restructuring Cream

One of the best creams to deal with the problems of flaccidity, appearance of wrinkles or cracks in the skin and cellulite that arise after pregnancy. This is ideal for preventing skin problems in the future and helping you regain your figure in the postpartum process. Composed of Vitamin E and Collagen, it is recommended to use twice a day so that you get firming results faster.

10. Palmer's Body Lotion

But if you want to prevent the appearance of these skin problems during pregnancy, then we recommend that you use this cream. With ingredients of collagen, elastin, argan oil and shea butter, which help prevent stretch marks and stretched skin. Thanks to its moisturizing and firming actives that will make the skin return to its natural state before pregnancy.

Extra tips

These creams are of high quality and therefore you will be able to observe excellent results during their use, but you must keep in mind that, by themselves, they will not have a greater and lasting effect if you do not make important changes to your style of lifetime.

  • You must maintain a healthy diet, which means putting aside fatty or processed foods that contribute to weight gain and prevent adequate blood circulation.

  • Put aside the drinking habits, such as alcohol and cigarettes as these act in a harmful way against skin cells preventing their regeneration.

  • It is important that you do physical activities that help keep your body fit, smooth and healthy. In this way the effects of the firming creams will be more evident and permanent.

With these tips and the use of the aforementioned firming creams you will see how your body recovers its firmness and rejuvenation.

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