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The 70 most important Spanish Proverbs (and their meaning)

Many of these proverbs you may have already heard, but you may not know what they mean. In this list of the 70 most important Spanish proverbs You will also find a reflection on what they want to teach us.

Grandmothers or parents often use them frequently. It is not for less, in a few words they say a lot and leave us life lessons that must be taken into account. So we better pay attention and understand their meaning and apply them, if we want, in our day to day.

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70 Spanish Proverbs and their meaning

Proverbs have long been used to convey teachings. Therein lies the importance of these little phrases, which have been passed down from generation to generation and which we should not allow to be lost.

Even though they have been around for a long time, they are still valid in their teaching and also a way of understanding the world as it existed and as it is today.

That is why you have to pay attention to these 70 Spanish proverbs and understand their meaning.

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1. Cold chocolate, throw it in the river.

This Spanish proverb refers to the fact that if something is no longer suitable, it is best not to take it.

2. I'm hot, people laugh.

If I feel good about what I have and what I am, it doesn't matter that people laugh or say things about me.

3. In the month of San Juan, bread is baked in the sun.

A proverb to warn about high summer temperatures.

4. A gift horse, do not look at his tooth.

When we receive a gift we do not look at the monetary value.

5. When in Rome, do as the Romans.

It means that wherever we are, we adapt to their customs.

6. Not by much getting up early it dawns earlier.

Although we rush things come when they have to.

7. Who gets up early, God helps.

It refers to those who put the effort into doing things, God will "help" them to get done.

8. To bread, bread and to wine, wine.

Each thing must be called by its name.

9. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

It is better to be certain of something even if it seems little than to have high hopes but uncertainty.

10. When you are a parent, you will eat eggs.

Young people or children are told as a warning that when they are adults, they will understand what is being said to them.

11. Like father Like Son.

Talk about genetic inheritance or attitudes between parents and children.

12. Shrimp that falls asleep, it carries current.

You have to be alert to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

13. The one that is born for flowerpot, of the corridor does not happen.

When you talk about someone who, no matter how hard he tries, seems to get nowhere.

14. A tree that is born crooked, its trunk never straightens.

It is said that someone who acts bad will never change the way they do things.

15. Speaking of the king of Rome, he peeks out the door.

They use it when she is talking or asking for someone and just then she arrives.

Woman at bay window

16. The one that is born for flowerpot, of the corridor does not happen.

Each one is intended for a specific function.

17. Whoever gets close to a good tree, a good shade shelters him.

Whoever has the skill to find a stable situation will have the fortune of a good future.

18. To the good understanding, few words are enough.

It means that you don't have to give many explanations.

19. Deaf ears to blind hearts.

This proverb says that we should not pay attention to malicious words.

20. Although the monkey dresses in silk, the monkey stays.

Negative people or people with bad intentions, may try to see themselves differently but they do not succeed.

21 The habit does not make the monk.

It is not enough to dress or do things to appear to be something that you are not.

22. Out of sight, out of mind.

If we do not hear about or witness unpleasant situations, then we are not dismayed by them.

23. The one who went to Seville, lost his chair.

If you went away, you could have lost yours. Seville, by the way, is the capital of Andalusia, a region in southern Spain.

24. The world is a handkerchief.

They use it to refer to the fact that the world is small and you can meet a lot of people in common with other people.

25. All roads lead to Rome.

It's like saying that there are many ways to get where you want to go.

26. Throw the house out the window.

This phrase is used when someone performs a very sumptuous event or event.

27. There are not roses without spines.

A proverb that beauty implies a not so pleasant part.

28. Curiosity killed the cat.

You don't have to be too nosy or you could get hurt.

29. Shoemaker, to your shoes.

Let each person dedicate themselves to their own life and to her chores.

30. The eyes are the mirror of the soul.

This phrase refers to the fact that the look tells us much more about people than we can imagine.

31. Jack of all trades, master of none.

There is no point in doing many things at the same time, it is preferable to focus on only one.

32. It's better to prevent than to cure.

It is best to be cautious than to regret not having it.

33. It rains him wet.

When a person seems to be haunted by bad luck.

34. By the mouth dies the fish.

We must be careful what we say.

35. Whoever sows winds, reaps storms.

What you do today will have consequences tomorrow.

36. A river uprooted, gain of fishermen.

When things get out of hand, there will always be someone to take advantage of it.

37. Better alone than in bad company.

You shouldn't prefer bad company just because you don't feel lonely.

38. Raise crows and they will gouge out your eyes.

It also refers to the fact that the actions we take today will benefit or harm us tomorrow.

39. Birds of a feather flock together.

It is used to refer to that people who have certain similarities seek to stay together.

40. When you see your neighbor's beard shaving, put yours to soak.

It's a warning that if others seem to be taking precautions or actions, it may be time to do the same or investigate the reasons.

41. If the river makes a noise its because water is running.

Sometimes you have to pay attention to rumors.

42. Barking dog does not bite.

This phrase is used to say that there are people who usually speak but do not act accordingly.

43. From said to fact, there is a long way to go.

It is one thing to say that something is going to be done and another to do it, many things can happen on that journey.

44. From plate to mouth, the soup falls.

Do not take anything for granted because even if it seems that everything is said, things can change.

45. It is not the richest who has the most, but the one who needs the least.

A reflection about the fact that what is important is not accumulation but rather learning to live with what you have.

46. Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today.

This famous proverb is a great lesson not to postpone what we can do.

47. Dogs cannot be tied with sausage.

It is used to say that someone is very innocent and trusts whom they should not trust.

48. Each saint gets his day.

Everything comes in due time.

49. To bad weather, good face.

You have to be optimistic in the most difficult moments.

50. The one who goes to bed with children wakes up wet.

The companies we have define our current situation.

51. He who kills the cow sins as much as he who grabs its leg.

Everyone involved in a bad action is responsible for it.

52. No one is a prophet in his own land.

A Spanish proverb that refers to the fact that people tend to have little credibility within their close social circle.

53. In the absence of bread, good are cakes.

When we need something, we must be content with what we do have.

54. Like a glove.

This phrase is used to say that something has been perfect.

55. Whoever takes a lot of space, the less he tightens up.

It refers to the fact that you have to focus on only one thing to have better results.


56. The one who serves two masters, with one is bad.

This proverb is said to indicate that it is a bad idea to serve or collaborate on two objectives at the same time because one of them will not result positively.

57. Much ado About Nothing.

It's a metaphor for what it means to talk a lot and not take action.

58. Each coin has two sides.

All situations or problems have as many versions as involved.

59. A grain does not make a barn, but it helps his companion.

While small actions don't change the world, they do help make it better.

60. He who laughs last laughs best.

You have to learn to be patient to better enjoy things and situations.

61. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

When something is missing, whoever has it becomes the most requested.

62. A full belly, a happy heart.

When we have our basic needs complete, we feel happier.

63. Water that you should not drink, let it run.

If we are not going to use something, we must leave it for other situations or people.

64. He who does not listen to advice does not grow old.

You have to learn to listen to others and their experiences in order to get rid of some problems.

65. Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are.

The people we surround ourselves with greatly influence who we are.

66. God squeezes but does not strangle.

In the face of adversity, you have to know that there is always a solution and positive things.

67. Spoiled, ill-mannered son.

You do not have to give everything to people as it results in a bad attitude.

68. Books and years make a wise man.

This proverb teaches us that the teachings plus the experience are what give us the intelligence to live.

69. The devil is better for old than for devil.

It is used to say that the opinion and advice of adult people must be considered as their experience gives them greater knowledge.

70. How well learned, forever known.

If we have learned something properly, we will never forget it.

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