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The 15 best Russian Legends (and their meaning)

You may know Russia for being the country with the largest extension of land in the world, becoming part of two continents (Europe and Asia) or also for its past as the capital region of the Soviet Union, which has made this country one of the scenarios with the greatest changes and historical moments through the weather. However, it is also a land full of beautiful architecture and various legends that are a proud part of its culture.

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Therefore, we bring this article where we will show you the best Russian legends that exist and that have crossed its borders... Do you know any?

Great Russian legends and their meaning

These legends are the most traditional of Russia, some with beautiful messages, others more reflective and some that will scare you a bit, so you have many topics to learn more about this culture.

1. Matrioshkas Dolls

This is the most popular legend of Russia and refers to wooden vessels in the shape of women

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, which have bright colors and traditional clothes, which you can open and reveal a smaller doll and another, and another until it gets smaller and smaller.

The legend has the protagonism of a talented and humble carpenter named Sergei, who needed wood to work and every morning he went out to look for wood in the cold forest. However, one morning when he was going for wood he discovered that the forest was covered in thick layers of snow and although he could use it to warm himself, it was not ideal for work.

Resigned to return home, the carpenter set out on his way but before moving forward he noticed a piece of wood that was beautiful and perfect to work with. After several days of planning and work, his efforts resulted in a beautiful doll, which he decided to call 'Matryoshka'. But what he did not expect is that that doll began to speak with him with a kind and warm tone, so every day the carpenter would take a moment to say hello and talk with his new friend.

But over time the carpenter noticed that his friend was increasingly sadder and sadder, when he asked her what he had, she confessed that he wanted to have a child, but the problem was that the carpenter had no more wood, although there was a solution, to make it from from her and although it would be a painful process, the Matryoshka decided that the carpenter would give her offspring from her wood.

So she made a smaller replica of her called Trioska, but with the passage of time she also developed a maternal need, so she repeated the same process, now she would have a smaller doll named Oska and once again history repeated itself, but this time there was only wood for just one tiny doll more. So she decided to make a male doll, called Ka, who could not have children and thus break the cycle.

Then he put Ka inside Oska and in turn inside Trioska, who remained inside Matrioska, who in a short time disappeared from the carpenter's life.


2. The Snow Lady

This is a legend originating in the coldest lands of Russia, from the times of the Slavic tribes who previously lived in them. So that It is a very common legend in the strongest times of winter. It tells the story of Sgroya, a beautiful young devochka, who possesses exotic traits for her people: jet hair, brown skin and emerald eyes, whose beauty invites you to follow her without question nothing.

She is said to be an avenging spirit, with a deep hatred towards men and every time she appears she is to punish of her those who have been unfaithful or cruel to her women, because she herself had suffered these hardships in her life earthly. When she appears, her beautiful figure and charming personality attracts travelers, offering help to them.

She thus manages to deceive them, in order to make them fall in love and then disappear leaving a void in them, to seduce them and lead them to certain death or imminent madness.

3. Sundown

This is a story that shows us the bitter side of love and that, sometimes, we must let go of that loved one for a greater good. It tells of a family that lived in a town very close to the Ural Mountains, whose beauty was incomparable, the family she had a son named Grischa, proud of her land and unwilling to leave it behind until he met a woman named Natalyja.

They both fell deeply in love and spent the afternoons making plans for her future, but Grischa felt a constant fear that something bad would happen, her This feeling came true one afternoon when she went to visit Natalyja, when she warned her that her relationship had to end because she had to leave far.

But Grischa did not want to give up her love, so he searched for her for a long time, when he found her, he did not know express herself appropriately and instead reproached him for abandoning her, so she responded with disdain and turned it back leave. Regretful, he decided that she would not look for him anymore, however after the years went by, he saw her again and found her so beautiful and happy that her love grew with an inordinate passion, but instead of looking for her, he left for the Black Sea and sank in this.

It is said that the passion that she inhabited in her heart painted the sunset sky red, a perpetual fire that no cold could ever extinguish.

4. The ghost of Zhuzha

One of the best known legends in Moscow and that leaves us a very strong message about love and of the consequences of our actions that can lead us to death. He talks like this about a girl named Zhuzha who was in love with a wealthy boy from the city and with whom it was speculated that she was going to marry.

One day, walking through the streets of Kuznetsky Most, Zhuzha heard the boy who delivered the newspaper announce that her lover had died for her own hand, desperate and confused, she jumped out of the carriage to look for information, but due to a carelessness she was run over, dying in the act.

The strange thing is that days later the boy from the newspaper appeared dead, strangled with a stocking that Zhuzha was wearing that day that She heard the news of her lover, in the same way, those people who published the alleged death of the boy appeared dead millionaire. Since then, it is said that the ghost of that girl circulates through the streets of Kuznetsky Most and whoever sees her will have the loss of her most beloved male being.

5. Baba yaga

Another of the best known legends in Russia, this time about a tale of terror and mysteries of this land. It tells the story of a female creature, with the appearance of an emaciated old woman considered a witch who He dwelt in the forest, with a disfigured nose and steel teeth that he used to devour meat and bones. It was said that his favorite food was insects and children.

However, it is said that she is not a bad creature if you do not attack her, on the contrary, if you bring her blue roses she will thank you since the rose tea will make her rejuvenate. It is also said that on his legs is the representation of the two worlds through which transits: that of the living and that of the dead, so you can see a normal leg and a bony. So it is believed that this witch actually has in her power the balance between life and death.

6. The giants of the Urals

This is a legend about a series of rock formations found in the Komi Republic (area located between Asia and Europe) which are known as Man-Pupu-Nyor or The Little Mountain of the Gods. But if it is about ancient architecture, what is the legend behind it?

Well, the legend centers on the Mansi tribe, who were said to have the strength of a bear and the agility of crows. But the most significant thing is that it is said that they used to have the help of some ancestral spirits, so they enjoyed a fruitful life.

One day, the daughter of the leader of the Mansi attracts one of the giants that lived on the mountain, named Torey, who enchanted with the beauty of the leader's daughter goes to him to ask for her hand, although this request is rejected. Offended, the giant warns him to reconsider his response because otherwise he would go to besiege the town until he agrees.

The people gathered to resist, but the leader's son together with his hunting party decided to confront. the giant, to which the leader asked the gods to grant him protection and bring his child. Thus, a thick and dark fog surrounded the town, but Torey did not yield and attacked the leader, but the more time passed, this fog turned into a great storm, so they stopped the attack until this will finish.

The next day, with the storm dissipated, the giants realized that not only had the Mnasi escaped, but the leader's son was waiting for them with an army and brandishing blessed weapons. In the brilliance of swords and shields, the giants froze and shrouded in stone, though Pygruchum, the leader's son, also succumbed to this fate. So now we can find the stones that tell this story.

7. The gray carriage of Kuznetsky Most

Yes, the street that was the protagonist of the tragic fate of ZhuzhaShe has another legend that is well known in Moscow, she is attributed this mystical and paranormal character because this is the oldest street in all of Moscow. This legend has been present since the days when shops that incited sin are located on this street, from clubs to gentlemen to casinos that were running day and night and through which ordinary people, aristocrats and characters passed influential of her.

Since then, a gray carriage appears at night, the driver of which appears in front of the people in the streets to offer their help to take them anywhere they need, but those who never got on they were returning. Although, that life of pleasure and sin no longer exists in these streets after the Bolshevik revolution, it is said that the carriage is still haunting and even now it is an elegant car of the same color and with the same intentions.

8. The Patriarch's Ponds

This legend gained popularity thanks to the writings of Mikhail Bulgakov, in his work 'The teacher and Margarita', where he makes reference that it was in that place where Satan disguised himself as Voland and made a particular visit to the Soviet Union. But since a long time ago, this place had been known to be a place full of mysteries, because it was said that in this place the helpless souls that were sacrificed by the pagans.

It was known as 'the enchanted swamp' in the Middle Ages, until the residence of the patriarch, with the arrival of the Christians and the swamp was transformed into a pond. Today it is a beautiful park to walk around, but passersby say they experience paranormal events. due to all the events that took place on this site, making it a tourist attraction for lovers of the mystery.

9. The legend of the city of Kitezh

This legend tells about the invasion that the city suffered by the invasion of the Mongols. It is said that Prince Vladimir had actually built two cities: Maly Kitezh and Bolshoi Kitezh, but after the invasion of the first city, the prisoners by force confessed how to get to the second city and thus the Mongols could have full control of these mythical cities.

Upon arrival they considered an extremely easy invasion since there was no defense, no walls, but the Citizens in their desperation prayed with all their might to avoid the attack and a very strange event occurred then. A great wave washed away the Mongol army, saving the citizens and making it almost invisible to the eyes of the others, taking her into Lake Svetloyar and only allowing those worthy of heart to be able to find it.

10. The Rusalkas

A legend that has a tragic background and that represents one of the oldest Russian traditions of all. Talk about these female creatures that are represented as demons or mermaids that inhabit the lakes, for what they sing with a melodious and seductive voice to attract men and lead them to the water to drown them. These creatures are said to develop from the souls of women who have died terribly and violently before marriage.

This legend also applies to children who have died and who have not been baptized, especially those who have been born out of wedlock or who have been abandoned by their mothers.

11. Prince Ivan and Koschei the Immortal

This legend centers on a prince named Ivan Tsarevich, which makes a promise to his parents that he will find good men to marry off his 3 sisters, before they die, succeeding, he leaves his sisters in the hands of men known as: the Eagle, the Falcon and the Raven. But, with the passage of time and being aware of his own loneliness, the prince decides to go on a trip to visit his sisters and brothers-in-law.

Along the way, he meets the annihilated remains of an army that have fallen under the hands of the powerful warrior Marya Morevna, falling himself but under the spell of love. Where they ended up getting married, some time later a new war breaks out, where Marya decides to participate in it, leaving her husband in home with a single warning: ‘do not open the closet for any reason’ because she had a great secret that no one should know.

However, curiosity got the better of it and the prince opens the closet to discover a bound man named Koschei, who asked for water and to give Ivan it, he breaks his chains and disappears, with the intention of kidnapping Marya. After learning of this, the prince comes to his rescue, but not before leaving a series of objects to his sisters.

He found the castle of Koschei but could not rescue his wife from him because he was discovered, however Koschei forgives him and lets him go, because of his kind action towards him. Again the prince tries again and one last time, where he perishes at the hands of the sorcerer and throws him into the sea. Upon learning of this, the prince's sisters and brothers-in-law observed how the silver of the given objects turned dark and that helped to bring the prince back to life.

Which, goes to Baba Yaga to request help and thus defeat Koschei, she granted him a faster horse than the sorcerer's. After emerging victorious from the witch's deception, because he wanted to kill him, he manages to defeat Koschei and rescue his wife to live in tranquility and happiness.

12. The legend of the ghost bride

Many legends are usually adapted on the big screen and this is one of those cases, it is the Tim Burton film ‘The Corpse of the Bride’, which is inspired by an ancient Russian legend about women who died in their nuptial times, so they were buried with their wedding dresses.

The legend tells of the journey of a man, accompanied by his friend, who was on his way to the town where he would marry his future wife, at a stop in the forest they find a branch that closely resembles a human finger, with humor and nerves playing in the future groom, dramatizes with his friend about the nuptial vows and places the ring on her branch. Which to her surprise moves next to the earth, where a corpse of a woman dressed as a bride emerges from it.

Upon witnessing this, the corpse bride demands her rights as a wife, but her friends flee in terror from the place until the town of the protagonist's future girlfriend, where they go to the rabbis to assess whether the marriage. At the same time, the corpse bride reaches her now ‘her husband’ and claims him again, but she also goes to church, the living bride of the her protagonist and before the impact of what happened, she disarms in bitter tears in the face of the possible loss of her future husband and her future children.

The rabbis indicate that the marriage is valid, but they also affirm that the dead cannot claim the living and now it is the corpse bride who melts into tears and laments over the impossibility of forming the family that she had always longed for. At this, the living bride is moved and promises that she would live her dream, having many children and a happy family that would be both of them.

In this way, the corpse of the bride calms down and leaves in peace, so the couple can get married and have the happy family that she had promised, while she continued to tell her story.

Corpse Bride

13. The legend of Sadko

This is a legend that goes back to the time before the creation of Kiev and it is considered as a Russian epic, which tells the story of a young guslar, coming from Novgorod and who made his living as a musician since he was quite popular, however, over time other musicians gave way and thus the people little by little forgot the young man, who discouraged, goes to play on the shores of the lake Ilmen.

Moved by the way he played, he appeared in front of him, the god who ruled the waters of that lake, offering him his help to emerge again and solve his situation. So he told him that when he went to town and he was hired he should comment that there were fish with gold fins in the lake and betting on it against people that he would not believe him.

Shortly after he was surprised to see how merchants who did not believe him arrived with thousands of gold finned fish and thus he became a successful merchant. But he still wanted to play his music and as soon as he returned to the ship to leave, he began to play, causing the waters to churn. threatening to capsize the ship, believing that the god wanted part of the loot, the young man threw some chests, but that did not calm the sea.

The crew assured that what they needed was a human sacrifice, while deciding that do, the choice seemed to sentence the young man as sacrifice, so he accepted his fate and threw himself into the sea. He met again with the god of the lake and he asked him to play for him, he did and delighted with the melody began to dance. It was when the young man noticed that the force of his dance was what stirred the tide, knowing the danger, he decided to break his strings as an excuse for not being able to play anymore.

He asked the god to return him to earth and seeing that he could not convince him otherwise, he agrees.

14. The Lost Library of Ivan the Terrible

This is one of the most mysterious and ancient legends of Russia, originating from the Constantinople era of the 15th centuryIt was a time when knowledge was appreciated as an important tool for humanity and as a gift for the mind. It is said that it was a huge and vast library that contained all the most valuable knowledge of the ancient era.

This library began as a gift to the first Tsar, along with the niece of Emperor Sophia Palaeolog, as a way to save her to her and the books they possessed of the conquest of the empire at the hands of the Muslims, who destroyed the books and turned churches into mosques. so he was able to own the most wonderful and priceless collection in the world. Despite being an extremely dark and tyrannical character in Russian history, he was a man who was hungry for knowledge and loved to master thousands of arts.

It is said that over time, Ivan succumbed to paranoia and worried about being overthrown or betrayed by his own family, so he took action. drastic efforts to save his library, which moved it to a part under the Kremlin, in a series of underground labyrinths so that no one be found. Thus, when Ivan the Terrible finally passed away, he took with him the location of this mythical place and to date there is no indication of where it is located or if it even existed.

15. Buyan Island

Despite being found in various traditions and legends around the world, it is well known in Russian culture., so we will talk more about this legend. It is said that it is a beautiful island that gives shelter not only to travelers, but also to the sun and the winds so that they can regain their strength, but perhaps it The most incredible of this island is that it has a sea with healing properties granted thanks to the Alaturi stone and the maiden who sews the wounds, Zarya.

It is also said that it is the place where the immortal Koschei keeps his soul, which is in a needle inside an egg kept in a plate, in the stomach of a rabbit, hidden in a trunk, buried between the roots of a tree. The story says that whoever manages to get hold of the needle can have control over the sorcerer, but if he is destroyed, then Koschei will die.

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