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50 phrases for birthday greetings

Currently it is very forgetting a birthday. Social networks are responsible for remembering when are the birthdays of the people around us. In this way, sending a message to convey our good wishes is something that everyone values.

However, ideas sometimes run out. A simple “Happy birthday, I wish you the best” can seem unpersonal and creative, and sometimes we want to say something else. For this reason, it is always useful to be inspired by birthday wishes phrases.

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50 phrases for birthday greetings

Congratulating a birthday is something simple but meaningful. Sending a message by WhatsApp through any social network is a gesture that is appreciated. It makes the recipient feel good, it means that someone has taken the time to say something nice to you.

That is why it is important to find and send a phrase that can express affection and good wishes when congratulating a birthday. Below are a great selection of birthday wishes phrases. Choosing the one that best expresses what you want to say is very useful, even being modifiable.

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1. Don't feel older or finished. This new birthday is a new opportunity to fulfill dreams and achieve goals by fighting for what you want to achieve. Happy birthday, I wish you the best on this day.

Some people like to celebrate their birthday, but it is not so pleasant to have a birthday. A message that helps change your perspective over the years is a great idea.

2. With all my love and sincerity I wish you a happy birthday. I'm sorry I can't be around to give you a hug and celebrate together, but I always have you in my thoughts and I didn't want to miss the occasion.

Sometimes physical distance prevents us from celebrating it with those we love, but a message that lets that person know that we think of them will surely come in handy.

3. I feel very lucky to be able to celebrate another year with you. Every year we spend together I love you even more. Happy birthday, enjoy your day and your life very much.

An excellent phrase to express to a special person how happy we are to have her in our life.

4. I hope that we can share special moments for many years to come. Spend this day of your birthday with great happiness and thanking everything you have and what is to come.

A congratulation to remember that it is also a good time to thank you for everything you have, that sometimes you forget.

5. Every year that we fulfill is a cycle that closes and another that opens. We must take advantage of this new beginning to fight for our objectives. I hope you have a happy birthday surrounded by love and harmony.

A congratulation that also invites reflection on what it means to celebrate a new year.

6. I hope you celebrate your birthday big today and that the festivities continue until next year! Lots of happiness, lots of fun, and best wishes to you.

A very festive greeting that invites you to continue celebrating life and having a good time. One of the phrases for birthday greetings with more vitality.

7. Happy birthday to the love of my life. You are the / the best boy / a in town and the / the best that could come to my life. I am very happy to be able to celebrate with you today and I hope we have many more birthdays ahead together and loving each other.

Sending a message of congratulations and love at the same time is a perfect gift for a birthday.

8. We have already spent a thousand and one party together. We have laughed, wept, suffered, enjoyed. Together through thick and thin. We have cried until we laugh and we have laughed until we cry. For more moments like this together! And today on your birthday, we are going to have a great time.

A phrase to congratulate a person with whom you have spent a lot of time with memorable moments.

9. Today, more than congratulating you, I want to thank life for one more year of your existence and for allowing me to be by my side. Your existence is my happiness and I just want to see you smile today and always.

A beautiful message, ideal for parents or children on their birthday.

10. Turning a year is not getting older, it is being closer to wisdom. You do not have to fear the passage of time, you have to fear it will remain stagnant and not continue to evolve. Happy birthday and may this be a year of learning.

A thoughtful message about what it means to have a birthday and full of good intentions.

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11. It seems that having a birthday suits you very well. You look radiant, happy and with a full smile. My wish is that this remains so for many more years and that on this day you celebrate one more year of life in a big way.

A message for a good friendship and to lift your spirits through your qualities.

12. I am very sorry that the distance does not allow me to give you a hug, toast with you and blow out the candles together. However, I am glad to be able to express my joy to you at seeing you fulfill your goals, this year means one more achievement in your life. Congratulations!

Some people are far away working or studying, and this is a message that expresses our affection.

13. I hope that today on your birthday you receive many gifts and do not forget that you are a gift to many people. I wish your smile never fades and that you share it with those who love you. Happy Birthday!

A congratulation to let someone know how special they are. One of the most remarkable birthday greetings phrases.

14. I want to congratulate the person who shines in the face of adversity and who brightens my days. I am grateful that we are together one more year and that we can continue to reaffirm our love hand in hand with each other. Congratulations!

A message of love and congratulations for our partner is a great detail that you will appreciate.

15. Today life gives you a new dawn and a new opportunity, you have to take advantage of it! Turning years means opening a new path that may be full of obstacles but sure of triumphs and learning.

For a birthday, sometimes a motivating and inspiring phrase comes in handy.

16. What matters is not how many years you accumulate in life, but how much life has accumulated in those years.

This phrase by Abraham Lincoln is very timely to wish someone true happiness.

17. Today on your birthday remember that wines and cheeses improve with the years. So you're starting your prime! Happy Birthday.

It is always good to remember that age should not make us sad, but sometimes it makes us better.

18. Birthdays come and go. But unforgettable people remain in the heart forever. Happy Birthday.

Besides wishing a happy birthday, it is good to let people know how special someone is to us.

19. Congratulations! I am glad that you are such a mature, sophisticated and profound person that gifts seem superficial to you. So there is no gift, but a big hug and best wishes. Have a good time!

A good way to justify or joke that you haven't bought a gift. You are sure to make him smile.

20. When we were children we wanted to be great, and today that we are great we no longer want to grow up. Better to live today to the fullest! Happy birthday, enjoy today, tomorrow we will see.

A message for a friendship that reminds us that what is important is what we live today.

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21. Today on your birthday I want to tell you that I am very proud to see you grow up and of all that you have learned. You came to this world to teach me many things. Happy Birthday my love!

A tender congratulation for a son or a daughter that expresses the pride of a mother or father.

22. When I met you, I didn't think that we would spend so many birthdays together. I hope our friendship lasts for many more years to continue celebrating the passing of time together. Happy Birthday!

Congratulations for a close and very special friendship.

23. On my calendar I marked this day as a holiday. Because celebrating your life is the biggest party for me! I hope you are happy and have a very good birthday.

A phrase to brighten the day of whoever is a birthday boy / girl. You are sure to like it.

24. Spending your birthday working should be a satisfaction and an honor. Thank you that your work helps us all. Happy day!

A congratulatory phrase for someone who does some charity work.

25. One more year, one year less,... the important thing is that we enjoy it. Happy Birthday!

A congratulation full of joy that is ideal to express gratitude towards the relationship.

26. I'm celebrating your birthday! You should too.

A phrase and congratulations with a lot of humor and very nice. One of the most surprising birthday greetings phrases.

27. I hope that this new stage of your life brings new challenges and learnings, as well as a lot of love and happiness. Happy birthday, enjoy the first of the rest of your days.

This greeting is ideal for an iconic birthday, such as coming of age or a new decade.

28. Remember that material gifts are not the most important thing. So I better bought something for myself and I will not give you a gift this year, I better start saving for the next one. Happy Birthday!

A phrase to provoke a smile on that special day. Without a doubt a fun congratulation.

29. I just want to remind you that you will never be so young again and you have never been as old as today. Congratulations! To enjoy what comes.

This message is fun and at the same time has an interesting reflection. There are phrases for very original birthday greetings.

30. In addition to congratulations, today I want to thank you because you strive every day to be the best version of yourself and extend your virtues to those around you. Thank you for sharing your successes and joys and for allowing me to also know your vulnerable side. I hope that today is a special day and that you celebrate a lot and as you deserve it.

In addition to congratulating a person, it can be a good time to let them know how special they are to us.

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31. Today you should wear something special to celebrate your birthday. Not sure what to wear? Be happy! A hug and best wishes.

A simple and fun phrase to remember that you always have to be happy.

32. I have a great idea for your birthday! A trip around the world Would you mind taking care of my cat while I travel?

A message to get a smile through humor. Nothing should ever be taken for granted.

33. Today I want to congratulate you and wish you all the luck in the world. On the other hand, I do not ask for more because everything was given to me when you came into my life. I love you and I want to make today a special day like the rest of our life together.

A phrase to congratulate your loved one, without a doubt one of the most tender on the list.

34. The day you were born I knew nothing was going to be the same as before. I didn't want to share my time and my parents' love with anyone else. But time showed me that luck came into my life with you, that love multiplies and that a brother / sister is a friend for life. Happy Birthday!

To congratulate a brother / sister with much affection. One of the most heartfelt phrases for birthday wishes.

35. Forty is the ripe old age of youth. Fifty is the youth of middle age. Happy arrival to this new stage of your life!

This phrase is ideal to congratulate someone who has reached these figures.

36. You're my best friend. You are my best partner. That is why your joys are also mine. I love you! And I wish you the best birthday.

An excellent congratulations for a couple that expresses gratitude and best wishes.

37. In addition to congratulating you on your birthday, I want to thank you knowing that I can always count on you. You have been like a second mother to me. Happy birthday aunt.

Many aunts are an important part of our life. Such a message will surely be a great gift.

38. A today well spent with you makes each yesterday a happy memory and each morning a new hope. Happy Birthday friend!

We must celebrate and thank the friendship and that every day we can live new experiences.

39. Life is summarized in moments and experiences lived. I want to think that today many of the ones we have lived come to your mind because they are always present in mine. Have a great time on your birthday!

A great birthday gift is to let the person know how special they are to us.

40. I wish that this day is for you the beginning of another year full of happiness. Have a good time!

A birthday is always a new beginning. It is good to remind someone special with a nice message like this.

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41. On this special day, in addition to congratulating you, I want to thank you for everything I have learned this time sharing my day-to-day work. I hope you have a great day and that we continue to move forward together.

Congratulations to a co-worker will always be well received.

42. Despite the distance you are always on my mind and in my best wishes. Even in the distance, it is a joy to see that happiness is on your side and that you are still the person full of life that you have always been. Happy Birthday.

Due to different circumstances, we sometimes find ourselves physically estranged from some people. however it is important to let them know that we always have them in our mind.

43. Birthdays are very good for your health. Statistics show that those who are older, live longer. You are part of the statistic friend!

A funny phrase for a scientist friend or one who likes statistical data.

44. A kiss, a hug, a gift and an "I love you" is what I have to give to a person as special as you. Happy Birthday.

For a family member or a close friend you have to give a sincere congratulation.

45. May this day be full of joys and happiness. That and more is what you deserve for being such a special person. A hug and best wishes for this day!

We all like to receive good wishes like these on our birthday. One of the most beautiful birthday greetings phrases.

46. The day you were born my life was illuminated. Thank you for giving meaning to my existence, for the beautiful moments that I have spent with you, for letting me love you so much. You are my light, my inspiration and my joy. You are the best child you can have and for me it is a gift to see you grow up. Happy day son!

A congratulations full of emotion for a son or a daughter. It is exciting for a parent to say these words.

47. You gave me life, you have taken care of me, you have taken care of my body and my emotions. You have loved me more than anyone in the world. You have guided me and taught me tenderness and unconditional love. I feel very lucky to be your child and very proud that you are my father / mother.

Even if nothing is enough, a few words of love for parents will always make them very happy.

48. One year older and one year sexier! Remember that you are like good wines, the older you get, the better you get.

A risque congratulation with the aim of making someone blush.

49. I can't believe you're having a birthday again! It seems like it was only a year ago that it was the last time. Time passes quickly, you have to take advantage of it!

A funny phrase to wish a good birthday, ideal for people who like humor.

50. A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day trip around the sun. Enjoy the trip!

This is a short but very nice greeting with a different perspective that invites you to enjoy life.

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Bibliographic references

  • Argetsinger, K. (1992). Birthday Rituals: Friends and Patrons in Roman Poetry and Cult. Classical Antiquity, 11 (2), 175–193.

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